Feb 07, 2025  
2007-2009 Catalog 
2007-2009 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Resources for the University Community

Click on any of the following links for information:

Academic Resources



Frances Willson Thompson Library
(810) 762-3400

Director: Bob Houbeck (762-3410)

Head of Circulation: Vera Anderson (762-3401)

Head of Public Services: Vacant

Head of Technical Services: David Hart (762-3158)

The Thompson Library, opened in the fall of 1994, owes its existence to the generosity of area citizens, most notably Frances Willson Thompson. The library is a spacious and comfortable facility for study and research. Its collection includes approximately 217,000 books and 35,000 bound magazines and journals. The library also contains over a half-million microforms ranging from the Times of London to documents on education. The library subscribes to some 1,100 hardcopy periodicals, and provides electronic access to approximately 13,000 more.

Mirlyn, the Thompson Library’s online catalog, lists library holdings and also allows users to search the catalogs of the Ann Arbor campus library system, as well as those of Michigan State University and other Big Ten libraries.

A wide range of research aids, including indexes, abstracts, and directories, is at the student’s disposal, as are photocopiers, microform reader-printers, and Internet workstations. Online databases available through the library enable students to do effective searching of journal literature in almost all disciplines. The media collection includes music CDs, audio tapes, and other media, including CD-ROMs, DVDs, and videotapes. Playback equipment is available in the library, students may also borrow for out-of-library use most of the items in the media collection.

The Thompson Library has a regular program of research instruction to aid students in using its resources. Instruction is available to classes at all levels. The Information Technology Services department maintains a computer lab on the second floor of the library open to all UM-Flint students.

UM-Flint students, faculty, and staff may borrow from the Ann Arbor and UM-Dearborn campus libraries. The library’s participation in a national bibliographic system allows it to borrow materials from around the country for its patrons.

Students may borrow most books for three weeks (eight weeks for graduate students, one semester for faculty and staff), and may renew them once. Reference librarians are available to help both experienced scholars and newcomers with academic research, including use of the library’s Web pages, which furnish links to a wide range of effective research sites. T

The library contains the Henry H. Crapo Room, a recreation of an office similar to one used by the former Michigan governor (1865-1869). Governor Crapo was the great-grandfather of Frances Willson Thompson.

Genesee Historical Collections

The Genesee Historical Collections Center (GHCC), a division of the Thompson Library, contains both published and unpublished material on the history of Flint and Genesee County, Michigan, as well as the archives of the University of Michigan-Flint. Among the significant manuscript collections in the GHCC are those of Flint realtor Gerald Healy, African-American activist Edgar Holt, records of the Flint Woolen Mills, Flint Junior League, and Rotary Club. The papers of U.S. Sen. Donald Riegle and U.S. Rep. Dale Kildee are amongst its political collections. The GHCC holds a microfilm copy of the papers of former Michigan Governor Henry H. Crapo, Flint lumbermen and railroad executive, as well as papers of members of his family. Finding aids are available at the archives and online.

For further information on library collections, services, or policies, please inquire at the Reference Desk, or call 762-3408–b or visit the library’s Website: http://lib.umflint.edu.

Academic Advising and Career Center


Academic Advising Services

285 University Pavilion
(810) 762-3085
FAX (810) 762-3043
E-mail: advisors@list.flint.umich.edu
Instant Messaging: umfadvising@ either yahoo/ or msn/ or aol.com

Director: Aimi Moss

Academic Advisors: Jeffery Dobbs, Margaret Golembiewski, Kelly Miller, Jo Ann Shabazz

Office Manager: Wendy Carpenter

Support Staff: Barbara Griffin

The Academic Advising and Career Center (AACC) was established to support students in a nurturing and collaborative environment that places an emphasis on the total development of students as a means of assisting them in accomplishing academic, personal, and professional goals. The AACC is comprised of a diverse staff committed to student’s transition to the University of Michigan – Flint, their success, and participation in the university experience both academically and socially. Academic advising is a continuous process with an accumulation of personal contacts between advisor and student that have purpose and direction.

Promoting student retention is central to the mission of the AACC. Programs designed to promote and sustain the retention of students include the Academic Advantage Plan, Early Assessment Program and College Student Inventory.

Students are encouraged to seek assistance from the AACC concerning general education requirements, program requirements, petitioning procedures, dropping and adding classes, changing majors, changing advisors, questions regarding University processes, and any general information requests.

The AACC is responsible for coordinating academic advising for all newly admitted students. The following groups of students are specifically assigned to the AACC:

  • New freshmen (except Honors Scholar students and School of Management students)
  • Certain majors awaiting admission into their programs i.e. Education, Nursing, Engineering and Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Applied Science majors
  • Challenge Program students
  • Undeclared majors
  • Non-Candidate for Degree students (NCFD)
  • Dual enrollees (students concurrently enrolled in high school and the University of Michigan-Flint)
  • Guest students

The Academic Advising and Career Center assists students in selecting courses to meet their general education requirements and certain program requirements and makes referrals to appropriate support services. The AACC also maintains students’ advising files until they are ready to be transferred to the academic department of their major field of study. Faculty members in the newly assigned departments assist students through the remainder of their degree programs. Certain exceptions to this general policy exist.

The academic advising process is a collaborative effort between the student and the academic advisors. All students are expected to read their Catalog, course schedule, and all other pertinent college materials and be prepared to participate in the advising process.

Walk-ins are welcome. However, to assure the best service, students should call and arrange for an appointment with an academic advisor. Daytime and evening appointments are available.

Placement testing for English, mathematics and chemistry are administered in the AACC.

Career Services

The AACC provides leadership and service to students and alumni in the areas of career development, experiential education and professional employment strategies. The AACC staff assists constituents in identifying career goals and/or in making successful career transitions.

The role of the AACC is to assist students with a continuum of services from freshmen to senior status that range from the selection or confirmation of a major, through experiential learning with co-op and internship opportunities (see “Experiential Education” for further information), to assistance with the job search or graduate school application process.

Services include:

  • Individual career exploration and planning
    • career assessment tests
    • career resource library
    • workshops for career planning
  • Job search advising
    • workshops for career planning and job searching
    • resume and cover letter critiquing
    • UM-Flint Resume Connection, electronic resume referral service
    • mock interviews
    • recruiting trends information
  • Experiential education via co-op/internship opportunities
  • Employment connections
    • spring career fair
    • on-campus recruiting
    • meetings with accounting and business firms
  • Graduate and professional school connections
    • timelines, testing information application assistance
    • college recruiting
    • graduate school fair

Office of the Ombuds

237 University Pavilion
(810) 762-3434

Ombuds: Rob Montry, M.A., LPC

Executive Secretary: Judith Dinsmore

The Office of the Ombuds is a safe environment where student questions, concerns, and complaints about the functioning of the University may be discussed in a confidential manner. It offers informal dispute resolution services, provides resources and referrals, and helps students consider available options. The office operates independently as a supplement to existing administrative and formal dispute resolution processes. It has no formal decision-making authority. The office is neutral and not an advocate for either side in a dispute. Rather, the University Ombuds is an impartial advocate for fair and consistent treatment. The Office of the Ombuds reports administratively to the Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Enrollment Management, and adheres to the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice where confidentiality, independence, neutrality, and informality are core principles.

The Office of the Ombuds will diligently field student questions and complaints, promote development of critical thinking and problem solving skills to help students act on their own behalf to resolve conflicts, help students evaluate options for addressing concerns, make appropriate referrals, advise students about informal and formal resolution possibilities, and engage in shuttle diplomacy between parties when needed. The Office of the Ombuds does not serve as a student advocate, replace traditional complaint and grievance procedures, participate in formal grievance processes, make administrative decisions for other offices, assign sanctions, act as an “office of notice” for those wishing to file a formal complaint, or relieve the student from acting on their own behalf.

Students unsure of how to proceed with a problem at the University of Michigan-Flint, entangled in red tape, caught in an irresolvable dispute, or in need of appropriate information and answers may contact the Office of the Ombuds. Those seeking assistance are requested to complete a Confidential Information Sheet and an Authorization Form. These documents allow the office to understand the situation and provide permission to make needed inquiries and collect relevant information. Both forms are available in Room 237 of the University Pavilion during business hours from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. The Office of the Ombuds may also be contacted at (810) 762-3434.

Women’s Educational Center

359 University Center
(810) 237-6648
Website: http://www.umflint.edu/wec

Director: Dr. Michelle O. Rosynsky

Project Coordinator: Vicky Dawson

The Women’s Educational Center (WEC) is a department at the
University of Michigan-Flint that works to:

  • provide services and programs that empower women students, faculty and staff to pursue their educational and career goals, engage in personal and professional development; and, promote an understanding of women’s lives;
  • monitor and raise awareness about the status of women on campus and broader women’s issues as they relate to education, employment and policies;
  • advocate for equality by challenging imbalances of power based on gender and other social factors, such as race, class, sexual orientation, and age, inside and beyond the University, particularly as it relates to education and employment; and,
  • encourage and support women’s participation in the life of the University, as well as regional, national and global communities.

The WEC is open to all students, faculty and staff on campus, as well as to member of the surrounding community.

Advocacy and Referral

The Women’s Educational Center (WEC) maintains updated information about services available at the University and in the community, including referrals for domestic violence and sexual assault support, personal counseling, financial assistance, childcare, legal services, etc. The staff advocates on behalf of students, faculty, and staff, and works to raise awareness about women’s issues on campus and in the community.

Critical Difference Grant

A one-time grant of up to 300 dollars is available to men and women who have returned to school after having at least a 24 month interruption in their college education and find themselves in an emergency situation that jeopardizes their ability to stay in school.

Programming and Special Events

  • Lectures, panel presentations, and discussions about topics/issues that relate to women and their lives.
  • Personal/professional development and educational workshops–topics may include eating disorders, nutrition and wellness; resume writing and career planning, developing leadership skills, time management, self-defense, personal statement writing, work/life issues, etc.
  • Violence against women awareness-raising programs–under a grant from the US Department of Justice, the Women’s Educational Center is implementing an awareness-raising campaign about violence against women. The project includes a series of programs for students, faculty and staff that highlight issues relating to domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, as well as the resources that are available for survivors.
  • Women’s History Month programming–the WEC also offers programs in March to celebrate and highlight the lives of women. Programs may include an art exhibition, Vagina Monologues production, panel presentations and lectures. We also co-sponsor Women’s Night Out in March with the Recreation Center and University Outreach. This is a resource fair that attracts to campus a fair amount of women in Flint.

Scholarship Information

The Women’s Educational Center offers workshops co-sponsored by the Office of Finncial Aid that inform students of various academic scholarships and how to prepare a winning application. The application process for Ann Arbor’s Center for Education of Women scholarship for women returning to school is also highlighted. The WEC also maintains a collection of updated scholarship opportunities/applications for undergraduate and graduate students.

Support for Students, Faculty, and Staff with Children

Programs that support individuals on campus who have children and provide opportunities for parents to bring their children to campus include Spring Family Fun Night, Movie Nights, Take Your Child to Work Day, as well as the Adopt and Student Family program that is co-sponsored by the Staff Council.

Support for Non-traditional Students and Women Returning to School

The WEC offers support, advisement, and resource information through individual interaction and group workshops. Information includes strategies for being successful at UM-Flint.


The WEC houses a collection of books dedicated to women’s issues in the areas of education, health, parenting, public policy, law, psychology, literature, and feminism.

International Student Center


515 Stevens St.
Flint, Michigan 48502
(810) 767-6449
FAX: (810) 767-6477

Director: Peter Hendricks

Student Activities Coordinator: Patriece N. Campbell

The International Student Center provides a range of support services and guidance for new and current international students from the time of admission through graduation. Individual attention is given to each international student with I-20 preparation, SEVIS monitoring and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services information. Arrival assistance, help securing housing, assistance with adjustment issues and community resource information and referrals are provided. The International Student Center conducts workshops on a variety of topics, coordinates and arranges fieldtrips and social activities and directs students to campus-based academic and student support services.

International students are required to present their I-20s at the ISC upon arriving for their first semester. The ISC verifies international students’ visa status as non-immigrants throughout their studies at the University. International students also go to the ISC to consult about and request applications for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional Practical Training (OPT), and for re-entry purposes have their I-20s signed before leaving the country.

Marian E. Wright Writing Center

559 David M. French Hall
(810) 766-6602
FAX (810) 237-6666
Website: http://www.flint.umich.edu/writingcenter

Director: Dr. Jacob S. Blumner

Coordinator: Scott Russell

Materials and individualized instruction in writing are provided for all students. Tutoring is by appointment and a drop-in basis. Students can get help with writing assignments for any course throughout the university or work on specific writing problems.

Instruction for one, two or three academic credits is offered in ENG 109: College Writing Workshop. Credit is earned by attending class and working with tutors in the Center. Computers are available for use by students working on their writing.

The Center is fully staffed with trained tutors and is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; and Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Educational Opportunity Initiatives (EOI)

280, 290, 292 & 217 Harding Mott University Center
(810) 762-3365 (Main Offices & College Level Programs), 810- 766-6622 (Pre-College Programs), & 810-762-3169 (Diversity Education Services)
FAX (810) 762-3190 (Main Office); 810-237-6539 (Diversity Education Services)
Website: www.flint.umich.edu/eoi

Executive Director: Tendaji W. Ganges

Administrative Assistant Senior: Patricia S. Overton

The mission of the Office of Educational Opportunity Initiatives is to foster changes in institutional services and climate and enhance the ability of the University of Michigan-Flint to identify, recruit, serve and graduate students of diverse backgrounds with a particular emphasis on students from underrepresented groups such as non-traditional, educationally and economically disadvantaged, and those from urban and other areas where the college access and success rates are significantly below the national average. Ultimately, such efforts should contribute to the overall adaptability and success of UM-Flint and enhance the climate of the UM-Flint community such that it is markedly more responsive, adaptive, and effective in meeting the needs of all of its constituent community.

College Level Programs and Services


Transition and Support Services (TSS)

Program Manager: Clara W. Blakely

Transition and Support Services provides a web of services, programs, and information designed to assist students in their transition to the university and continues the provision of these services through graduation. Its services are provided to students upon request or referral with the primary foci being students from under-represented groups such as non-traditional, educationally and economically disadvantaged, and those from urban and other areas where the college access and success rates are significantly below the national average, and others identified as being at high risk of not persisting through to graduation. TSS develops and implements programming that contributes to student success, enhances the rate of persistence and thereby enables more students to attain their baccalaureate degree. TSS also utilizes a comprehensive referral network to connect students to campus and external programs and services.

Programs and services offered through TSS address the academic, personal, and social needs of students. Programs and services offered by TSS include Peer Assisted Learning (PAL), Peer Growth Teams (PGT), academic guidance, monitoring and follow-up. The Bridges to Success, Challenge Program and the Transitions Programs are all part of TSS.

Transitions Program

Program Manager: James Anthony Jones

Funded through the Office of King/Chavez/Parks Initiatives in the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, with added support from UM-Flint in partnership with Mott Community College, the Transitions Program is designed to facilitate and increase the diversity and numbers of academically and economically disadvantaged students who transfer from Mott Community College to UM-Flint to pursue a baccalaureate degree.

The Transitions Program identifies and recruits a select group of students at Mott Community College and cultivates within them the desire to pursue higher education to the attainment of a baccalaureate degree. The Transitions Program provides a series of intervention and outreach services that encourages persistence at MCC, directs students through the transfer process and continues with follow-up services to support academic achievement and graduation from the University of Michigan- Flint. Program participants receive comprehensive academic and developmental advising, transfer credit evaluation, financial aid and scholarship workshops, transfer student orientation, and a variety of individualized personal services designed to address the unique concerns of each transfer student. The Transitions Program utilizes a holistic approach to working with the transfer student to promote their academic, personal and social integration into the university. Once admitted to UM-Flint, the Transitions students are merged directly into the Bridges to Success Program for continued support and follow up.

Bridges to Success Program (BTS)

Program Manager: Tonya C. Bailey

Funded through the Office of King/Chavez/Parks Initiatives in the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, with added support by the University of Michigan-Flint through EOI, the Bridges to Success Program delivers a comprehensive series of interventions and services designed to promote student success academically, personally, and socially. BTS is designed to introduce and engage students, (particularly academically and economically disadvantaged students and others identified as being at high risk of not persisting through to graduation) in strategies and processes that are central to success in college, while also assisting students in resolving issues that can inhibit success. The program is designed to introduce and actively engage students (primarily first and second year students) in strategies and techniques that are essential to student success in college.

The Bridges to Success Program features a unique concept entitled the Posse component. While the Posse concept has previously been used exclusively for residential schools, the Bridges to Success Program has adapted the concept to accommodate our commuter student body. Students are identified, recruited and selected to form teams called “Posses.” Students are grouped into teams according to academic majors as one means to promote strong networking opportunities for Posse members as they pursue their educational goals. The Posse philosophy promotes academic achievement and leadership; it further empowers students to succeed and become active agents of change.

Introduced as a lower cost alternative to the Bridges to Success Summer Bridge Program, the Workshops on Wednesday (WOW) initiative also has been more successful in attracting participants who prefer to make the commitment to attend two workshops on consecutive Wednesdays as opposed to the full four-week requirement of the Bridge program as it was originally designed. It is directed to incoming first-year college students and rising high school seniors as an introduction and initial/brief immersion in a simulated college classroom. The workshops are led by UMFlint professors in key academic areas with an emphasis on English, mathematics and the sciences.

The Challenge Program

Program Manager: Tonya C. Bailey

Students who have demonstrated academic achievement and success yet do not meet one or more of the traditional freshman admissions criteria, are offered contractual admission to the University of Michigan-Flint through the Office of Admissions. Participation in the EOI Challenge Program is intended as a means of providing students with a good high school to college transition experience and a foundation for success at the University. Introduced to a variety of support services through the program, students have the opportunity to improve their academic skills as well as develop useful tools that will enhance their collegiate experience. The goal of the program is to offer students the best support and intervention services that will enable them to succeed academically, personally and socially. Students are encouraged to develop a Personalized Education Plan (PEP), and to participate in program services such as Peer Assisted Learning (PAL), Peer Growth Teams (PGT), and general academic guidance and monitoring. Challenge Program services are concentrated in the first and second semester of enrollment, but some services are extended beyond the contractual year.

Pre-College Programs and Services

Wade H. McCree, Jr. Incentive Scholarship Program (ISP)

Program Manager: Tawana L. Day

The Wade H. McCree, Jr. Incentive Scholarship Program (ISP) is funded through the Office of King/Chavez/Parks Initiatives in the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth. High achieving, first generation college students are recruited from Flint, Beecher, and Westwood Heights Community Schools where low numbers of students ultimately attend and succeed in college and earn baccalaureate degrees. The students are identified and selected as second semester 8th graders and are then formally inducted into the program as 9th graders. The objective is to enhance their preparation for college (through workshops and seminars such as study skills, note taking, career planning and ACT/SAT test preparation) and to encourage their enrollment at UM-Flint. Full scholarships to UM-Flint are awarded to ISP students who successfully complete all program requirements and are regularly admitted to the University.

Countdown to College Program (CCP)

Program Manager: Tawana L. Day

Funded by the University of Michigan-Flint through EOI, the Countdown to College Program (CCP) was initiated in 2006-07 to enhance the institutional outreach to middle school and early high school students with a particular emphasis on students from under-represented groups such as those from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds and those from urban and other areas where the college access and success rates are significantly below the national average. The goal is to increase the number of students who will attend and be successful in post secondary education. This is achieved through day-long campus visits, programs, and workshops that are designed to inform, encourage and prepare students for the challenges of higher education. Throughout the academic school year entire classes of students (groups ranging up to 75 students) from Flint, Beecher, Westwood Heights and other area schools are invited to participate in the day-long activities on the UM-Flint campus.

GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness & Readiness for Undergraduate Programs)/Martin Luther King Jr., Caesar Chavez, Rosa Parks College Day Program (GU/CD)

Program Manager: Henry E. Bazemore

The KCP College Day Program was originally created by the Michigan State legislature in 1986 as part of the larger King/Chavez/Parks Initiative to increase the enrollment of minority and other students traditionally underrepresented in post-secondary education. In 2006-07 the state program was merged with the federally funded (U.S. Department of Education) Gaining Early Awareness & Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP). The program was initiated with the recruitment of the entire 7th grade class at Beecher Community Schools and the college readiness services are provided to the class as a cohort. The merged GEAR UP/College Day Program will continue to follow that class as a cohort through its graduation from high school. Throughout the summer and academic year the program provides a comprehensive series of workshops and enrichment activities working with the students and their parents. Upon graduation, a select percentage of the graduating program participants will be eligible for limited scholarships provided by the federal grant fund established for that purpose.

Choosing to Succeed Enrichment Program (CTS)

Program Manager: Henry E. Bazemore

Funded by the University of Michigan-Flint, the Choosing to Succeed Program (CTS) is designed to increase the number and preparation of students with a particular emphasis on students from under-represented groups such as those from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds and those from urban and other areas where the college access and success rates are significantly below the national average. Students are selected from the Flint, Beecher, Westwood Heights and area school districts and provided with academic and support services to enhance their graduation from high school and to challenge them to pursue post-secondary education. The CTS program is divided into two components: middle school grades 6-8, and high school grades 9-12. CTS administers a commuter summer program and a comprehensive series of academic year workshops and enrichment activities. An incentive scholarship component is available for a selected group of high achieving CTS participants who become eligible for a full scholarship to UM-Flint upon successful completion of the program and regular admission to UM-Flint.

Diversity Education Services; Special Projects

Diversity Trainer: Crystal A. Flynn
Administrative Assistant Intermediate: Barbara L. Bassett

Throughout the year, EOI sponsors a variety of programs, services and activities designed to enhance, educate and celebrate the diverse and multicultural environment of the campus and the Flint area community. Typical events sponsored and supported by EOI, often in collaboration with other offices and departments, include Hispanic Heritage Month, Native American Heritage Month, and African American Heritage Month. In addition, special projects and programs are frequently offered to address campus-wide concerns and social issues pertaining to diversity, cultural competency issues, fairness and equity. Previous programs offered have included anti-racism and interracial communications programs, facilitated diversity education and anti-racism workshops and discussion groups.

Collaborations with external organizations with similar aims and goals have included FACTER (Flint Area Citizens To End Racism), Leadership Development in Interethnic Relations (LDIR), The Opportunity Network, Volunteers for Affirmative Action, Genesee Valley Indian Association, the Hispanic/Latino Collaborative, the Spanish Speaking Information Center, the Flint Library Anti-Racism Speaker Series, the Color Line Project, the Urban Bush Women Project, the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond’s Undoing Racism workshops, Story Circles, Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health-Phase II (REACH 2010) and Community Cultural Planning Task Force to name several initiatives.

Information Technology Services Academic Computing Laboratories


207 William R. Murchie Science Building
Main Office: (810) 762-3123
ITS HelpDesk: (810) 766-6804
Fax: (810) 766-6805

Director of ITS: Scott Arnst

Administrative Assistant: Tracy Smith

The Information Technology Services department (ITS), at the University of Michigan - Flint, is the primary provider of information technology services for the entire campus community. The department develops and maintains all centralized campus computing systems, including data, software, hardware, and infrastructure. ITS strives to be a user-oriented provider of high quality computing services. In doing this, ITS provides state-ofthe art technology and technical support that will ensure all users easy access to programs and data.

ITS encourages the use of computers to support instruction and research for students, faculty, and staff. ITS supports and maintains three staffed, open computer labs available for student, faculty, and staff use located in the William R. Murchie Science Building, the David M. French Hall Building, and the William S. White Building, and one un-staffed open computer lab located on the second floor of the Frances Willson Thompson Library. Campus users can also take advantage of computer stations, known as M-formation kiosks, located around campus, as well as use their personal laptop or tablet to connect to the campus wireless network. In addition, ITS maintains six instructional computer labs, located in the William R. Murchie Science Building, David M. French Hall Building, and the William S. White Building that are used for hands-on instruction. These instructional labs are equipped with modern data projection equipment and other instructional aids. ITS, through its Mediated Classroom Services unit, has equipped over fifty general classrooms with presentation-delivery systems, also known as Smart Carts, which include a projector, a document camera (for overheads), a computer that is connected to the campus wireless network, and a DVD/VCR combination unit.

Campus computing facilities (both open and instructional) are equipped with a variety of computers from the Windows, Macintosh, and Linux platforms. All computers connect to networked servers that interact with each other through a LAN (Local Area Network) which includes a wireless network called UM-Flint Unplugged. ITS strives to provide a modern network infrastructure that ensures high reliability, greater efficiency, and faster transmission of data across the campus. A variety of application software, including electronic mail, internet browsers, word processors, database and spreadsheet programs, statistical packages, and many others are also provided to all students, faculty, and staff via the LAN. Upgrades to hardware and software in the student computing facilities are supplemented by student funds collected through a technology fee, paid each semester with tuition.

In addition to the campus resources that ITS provides via the LAN, all registered students, faculty and staff residing in South- East Michigan can also connect to off-campus distributed resources from home via the MichNet Computer Network. This electronic communications system exists to interconnect computers from many educational and governmental facilities (hosts) throughout the world. The MichNet connection provides access through the Internet to other computing systems, which offer services not available on the local host system.

ITS provides user support and consultation for a wide variety of technical questions and problems through the ITS Helpdesk, ITS staff, and technical documentation that is available on the web and in the open computer labs. If additional assistance is needed from the staff of ITS, please contact the department for more information.

Experiential Education

The University of Michigan-Flint offers a number of opportunities for students to be placed in work settings outside the university and to relate these experiences to their courses of study. Such opportunities are available through the Public Agency Internship Program and the Academic Advising and Career Center, described below. Units within the University, such as WFUM-TV/Channel 28, also offer such opportunities.

In addition to these, specific concentrations may offer or require off-campus experiential education. In particular, these include Clinical/Community Psychology, Social Work, and Teacher Certificate programs. See individual concentration programs for further information.

Research internships, offered through the Project for Urban and Regional Affairs (see that section of the Catalog), and research assistantships in various academic departments are other aspects of experiential education and are open to selected upper division and graduate students.

Academic Internship in Public and Community Affairs

310 David M. French Hall
(810) 762-3470

Coordinator: Tony Morolla (Political Science)

The Public Agency and Community Organization Internship Program is sponsored by the Department of Political Science and the Public Administration program. The internship is designed to serve the interests of students in political science, public administration, economics, education, history, sociology, and resource and community science. Participation is open to upperdivision and graduate students. Political science and public administration majors are generally required to do three credit hours of the internship.

Field assignments provide valuable experiences in public agencies and community organizations. Such experience is helpful in preparing for work in government, community agencies, legal settings, educational institutions, women’s and labor organizations, and the media. Internships provide opportunity to investigate the relationship between a variety of academic concepts (for example, organization theory, understanding of social movements) and actual practice.

Placements are available in local communities throughout the region, including Detroit and Lansing. They are also available (in cooperation with other institutions) in Washington, D.C., Canada, Africa, and Europe. Interested students should schedule interviews with the coordinator at least two months before the beginning of a semester for which the internship is desired. Internships are offered every semester under the course labels POL 390 and ECN 395, and for graduate students, PUB 590. Enrollment may be for three to six credit hours, and grading is on a pass/fail basis.

Cooperative Education and Internship Program

Academic Advising and Career Center (AACC)
285 University Pavilion
(810) 762-3250

The AACC’s Cooperative Education and Internship Program isfor students who wish to gain work experience that complimentstheir academic studies. Students are employed on eithera parttimeor full-time basis in supervised, paid and unpaid workexperiences in business, industry, social or government agencies.The program offers:

  • Pertinent job experience to blend with classroom theory
  • Awareness of employment and career opportunities
  • Networking with professionals in the field
  • Increased marketability and the development of interpersonal skills
  • Maturity and confidence gained from increased responsibilities
  • Opportunity to earn academic credit as determined by academic units.

There are several differences between cooperative education and internships that are important to note: Co-ops are always paid, while internships can be paid or unpaid; co-ops last for a minimum of two semesters, while internships typically last one semester; students offered a co-op or internship position have the option to enroll in BUS 290 and 392. Students must have fiftyfive (55) credit hours to be eligible for the program, have a minimum grade point average of 2.5, and register for UM-Flint Resume Connection, a resume database used to store and refer student resumes to potential employers. Any exceptions must be approved in writing by the Director of the Academic Advising and Career Center.

Students who have participated in co-op and internship experiences find them to be valuable and rewarding. Students are exposed to the realities of the workplace and learn to manage time and work demands for both classroom studies and employment. Co-op and internship experience ranks among the top three qualities recruiters look for when hiring for full-time positions. Students from all academic disciplines are encouraged to apply. The program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Student Services and Enrollment Management

237 University Pavilion
(810) 762-3434

Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Enrollment Management: Dr. Mary Jo Sekelsky

Assistant Vice Chancellor: Dr. Johnny Young

Executive Secretary to the Vice Chancellor: Judith Dinsmore

Senior Systems Analyst: Jayshri Gandhi

Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor: Rob Montry

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Enrollment Management provides leadership and coordinates activities within division areas to assist students in their academic and nonacademic lives at the University. These areas and activities support the academic mission of the University. Student Services and Enrollment Management includes the Academic Advising and Career Center, Housing and Residential Life, Office of Financial Aid, Office of the Registrar, Student Development Center, Office of Student Life, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Center.

As outlined in the Mission Statement, “Student Services and Enrollment Management will promote the University of Michigan-Flint; support students, staff, and members of the community; and strive to provide exceptional service by:

  • Exhibiting accuracy, efficiency, and patience in our work.
  • Maintaining integrity, professionalism, and respect.
  • Valuing differences, diversity, open communication, and creativity.”

Student Development Center

264 Harding Mott University Center
(810) 762-3456
FAX: (810) 762-3498
TDD: (810) 766-6727
Website: http://www.umflint.edu/studentdevelopment/

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Enrollment Management: Dr. Johnny W. Young

Office Manager: Virginia July

Secretary: Nita Hawkins

An array of services are provided through the Student Development Center. These include coordinating personal counseling services, services for students with disabilities, health services, and tutorial services.

Academic Enrichment Center/Tutorial Services

Coordinator: Michael B. Kassel, Ph.D.

The Academic Enrichment Center (AEC) provides free tutorial services covering a wide variety of academic disciplines for all UM-Flint students. Tutors are available on an individual and walk-in basis. Walk-in tutors hold regular hours during which students are free to obtain tutorial assistance. Individual tutors for students requiring intensive one-on-one support are also available provided that a qualified tutor can be identified.

The AEC also provides Supplemental Instruction (SI) for specific courses during Fall and Winter semesters. Supplemental Instruction is an academic support program, developed at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, in which trained SI Leaders attend specific courses and hold weekly study sessions to help students master both course content and study skills. SI courses are identified in the Fall and Winter course schedules.

To help students maximize their academic potential, the AEC also offers a variety of special academic enrichment forums and workshops throughout the year. The Coordinator is also available to work individually with students who wish to improve their note-taking and study skills techniques.

For more information, contact the AEC Coordinator.


Campus Counselor: Jessie Lopez, Ph.D.

Free, confidential, but limited counseling services are available to all currently enrolled students. This is done in an open, supportive setting for personal, social, academic, vocational and other problems. Confidentiality is strictly maintained. Referrals to outside agencies and programs are made when advisable.

Psychological testing is also offered to currently enrolled students. Diagnostic services include:

Learning Disability Assessment; Depression Screening;
Substance Abuse Screening; and ADHD Assessment

Accessibility Services

Interim Coordinator: Zachary Tomlinson, B.A.

Accessibility Services provides students with disabilities the necessary tools for empowerment, self-advocacy and independence in the university environment by:

  • Offering individualized accommodations
  • Assisting in negotiating disability-related barriers
  • Striving to improve access to university programs, activities and facilities
  • Promoting increased awareness of disability issues on campus

To insure that the necessary supports are provided to new students, a pre-registration meeting is recommended. This oncampus visit gives the Accessibility Coordinator and the incoming student time to develop an individualized service plan to meet the student’s needs. This visit is normally scheduled for the semester prior to enrollment.

Veterans’ Services

For information about services available to veterans and their dependents, inquire at the Office of the Registrar, 266 University Pavilion.

Child Care

Early Childhood Development Center

1313 William S. White Building
(810) 424-5214
FAX (810) 237-6690
Website: http://www.umflint.edu/ecdc

Director: Della Becker-Cornell

Head Teachers: Amanda Baker, Kristyn Fritzsching, Mary Lynn Gottler, Wendee Hooker, Tara Hyatt, Najla Moore

Assistant Teachers: Kim Curry, Susan Ford, Rhonda Sevick

Nutrition and Environmental Stewart: Tammi Couture

Administrative Assistant: Vickie Redmond-Powell

The faculty and staff of the Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) is committed to providing a high quality program for young children and their families. The program is designed to promote the development of the total individual by helping each child to develop skills in the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive areas. This is accomplished by providing a balanced program that includes both teacher-directed and child initiated activities, quiet as well as active experiences, and the recognition that learning occurs in both formal and informal settings, especially through play.

Young children are integrally connected to their homes and families, and it is understood that families are and should be the principle influence in their children’s lives. The ECDC seeks to be appropriately responsive to families. Parents, teachers, and staff work together toward the goal of nurturing children in an environment where all are respected for their individual differences and provided with the building blocks for a lifelong love of learning.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Early Childhood Development Center is to:

  1. Promote the development of social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, physical and creative skills in an environment sensitive to each child’s strength and needs.
  2. Provide opportunities to educate University of Michigan- Flint students in skills relevant to their professions.
  3. Offer high quality child care to our constituents: students, faculty, staff and community.
  4. Contribute to the ongoing development and education of early childhood professionals, families, and caregivers in the Flint area through research, collaboration, and teaching.

Student Life


Office of Student Life
375 Harding Mott University Center
(810) 762-3431
FAX (810) 762-3023
Website: http://www.umflint.edu/studentlife/

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Services and Enrollment Management: Dr. Johnny W. Young

Assistant Director Student Life: Becky Armour, B.A., M.A.

Student Activities Coordinator: Jessie L. Hurse II, B.S.

The faculty and staff of the University of Michigan-Flint seek to assist students achieve their educational goals and to provide opportunities for social and intellectual growth. Many services are offered and a wide variety of cultural events, guest speakers, art and other exhibits, entertainment and activities are sponsored on campus each year to enhance the quality of campus life.  Students are encouraged to take advantage of free membership at the Recreation Center and to utilize facilities of the Harding Mott University Center (UCEN) for leisure use.  Student clubs further enhance student life by uniting students with common interests to share club goals and social events.

Ellen Bommarito Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Center

Program Manager: Gregory Storms, B.A.

365 Harding Mott University Center
(810) 766-6606

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Center provides services and programming to assist all members of the UM-Flint community in developing awareness of lesbian/gay/bisexual and transgender concerns. The Center offers a variety of resources including current periodicals, books, films, and general information. It also provides specialized services, such as trained facilitators for classes and groups, upon request.

Student Housing

Students desiring assistance in finding suitable housing should visit the Office of Student Life website. The Office of Student Life maintains an online database with housing opportunities at http://www.umflint.edu/housing/.

Clubs and Organizations

Student Activities Coordinator: Jessie L. Hurse II, B.S.

A variety of student organizations exist on campus, including the Student Government Council, special interest clubs, student publications, performance groups, intramural/club sports, and honor societies. The Office of Student Life assists students in identifying organizations that suit their interests. Organizations have mailboxes in the student loft. More information is available at the club website http://www.umflint.edu/studentlife/clubs_organizations.htm. The following is a sample listing of the clubs and organizations active on campus:

Anthropological Sciences Club. Seeks to create an increased interest in anthropology related fields as well as offering career related services to all anthropology majors.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Seeks to promote a better understanding of applications of modern computing machinery through seminars and social events. ACM participates in the fielding of the University’s Programming Team, which competes on regional and national levels. The club also organizes the annual “Future in Computing” seminar. Weekly meetings.

Biological Sciences Club. Encourages information sharing and fellowship for students interested in the field of biology.

Boxing Club. Come join us in learning the sweet science of the boxing! UM-Flint Boxing Club is a great place for beginners and experienced fighters to sharpen their skills and knowledge of the sport.

Business Club. Provides activities for students pursuing a career in the field of business including the areas of: accounting, finance, general business, marketing, organizational behavior/human resources; and operations management. Activities include speakers, field trips, and social activities.

Campus Activities Board (CAB). Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a student run organization that plan and produce a variety of educational, social, cultural, and recreational activities for the university. We are dedicated to making campus life more interesting and fun for students, faculty, staff and the surrounding Flint community. CAB provides many experiences for its members. Specific skills ranging from contract negotiations to accounting are acquired through CAB, along with planning and executing every event. In addition, experience in leadership, group dynamics, and time & stress management are developed through involvement.

Campus Politics. Mission is to help the campus and Flint community better understand the fearful and sometimes dreaded political process and government in general.

Chamber Singers. The UM-Flint Chamber Singers are a select group of talented singers who love music. The club’s mission is to create beauty with choral music and share that beauty with others.

Chemistry Club. Organizes field trips to labs, sponsors lectures and seminars on topics in the field of chemistry provides for faculty/student interaction and organizes social events so that students with similar interests can interact.

Chess Club. Provides a safe, fun place for anyone to learn and play chess.

College Democrats. Promotes the Democratic Party, its philosophies, and its candidates by encouraging the participation of UM-Flint students in the Democratic Party.

College Libertarians. Promotes the belief that people are leaders of their own lives, free to pursue life, liberty and prosperity, insofar as they do not intrude on or restrict the ability of others to do the same.

College Republicans. Seeks to present a positive image of the Republican Party and to provide information to the university community about the philosophy and actions of the party, both locally and nationally.

Criminal Justice Club. Seeks to provide a forum for criminal justice students to network, provide workshops, seminars, and guest speakers on topics that are relevant to criminal justice students on campus.

Economics Club. Sparks interest and involvement in past, present and future economic issues. Speakers and symposia are sponsored during the year for both social and educational purposes.

Education Student Organization. Encourages information sharing and fellowship for students interested in the education field.

Environmental Sciences Club. Strives to heighten student consciousness on issues of environmental significance, remote resource conservation, and protection efforts and to facilitate student activism and outreach concerning pressing issues affecting our ecosystem.

Exposure. Provides UM-Flint students with resources needed to develop film and create photographic prints as well as promoting photographic knowledge.

Fanimania (Japanese Animation). Provides a forum to all who are interested in the presentation of Japanese animation for purposes of recreation and learning.

Organisation d’etudiants francophone (The French Club). Group of students who appreciate francophone culture, cuisine of the French speaking world, and conversing in the French language. Hillel Student Organization. Seeks to provide programming on topics of cultural, religious, political, historical, and social Jewish interest.

Historical Society (History Club). Seeks to encourage an interest in history, to help other students who are having difficulty in the field, and sponsor history-oriented projects.

Honors Student Council. Provides an organization to unite, assist, govern, and represent students affiliated with the University’s Honors Scholar Program.

Indian Student Association. Promotes Indian culture by providing an outlet for students to gain awareness and participate in Indian cultural events.

Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Provides students the opportunity to share and witness the Holy Bible so that those interested can accept and experience a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

International Student Organization. Seeks to promote the diverse cultures represented on the UM-Flint campus, and establish unity among the international and non-international community.

Latino Student Organization. Enhances identity and preserves the heritage and culture of people of Latin American descent. Promotes self-esteem, self-respect and a positive image.

Michigan Poetry Society. Seeks to bring together an array of poetry inclined writers interested in sharing their art with the UMFlint community.

Mixed Martial Arts Club. An outlet of providing a healthy lifestyle through physical activity while learning useful self defense tactics.

Muslim Student Association. Promotes Islamic awareness amongst Muslims and non-Muslims. The organization welcomes members of all faiths and participates in Community and University events.

Organization for University Tolerance (OUT). Dedicated to providing fun events to the student body which feature lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender themes and performers.

Pre-Dental Club. Aids students pursuing careers in the dental field by providing practice DAT exams, trips to dental schools, and hosting guest speakers for guidance.

Pre-Law Club. Provides information and support to students pursuing careers in law. Provides resources on related topics through lectures, faculty interaction and forums for discussion.

Pre-Med Club. Aids students pursuing careers in medicine by providing members with information concerning the best possible ways of getting into medical school, and the most advantageous curriculum to follow, and presenting opportunities for exposure to medical settings.

Pre-Physical Therapy Club. Sponsors field trips, lectures, seminars, and provides mentorship through student and facultystudent interaction for those interested in the field of physical therapy.

Pre-Vet Wildlife Club. Will educate and inform the camus community about the needs of animals, both wild and domestic. Radiation Therapy Student Organization. Contributes to radiation therapy education by encouraging student involvement in community affairs and activities that strive to improve health care.

Shariki Group. Will explore issues in Africana Studies and examine conditions that affect African-Americans and other disadvantaged groups.

Social Work Club. Organized to bring together students, faculty, and members of the community whose common interests are social work and social welfare.

Society for Human Resources Management. Purpose of this organization is to acquaint students who are considering a future in business, with the field of human resources management and/or labor relations.

Steppers Club. Teaches students how to ballroom dance and step with the best of them. All dance levels are welcomed to attend, no matter if you’re a rookie at ballroom style dancing or a professional.

Students for Black Achievement (SBA).Works toward improving the educational, social, economic, political, and cultural conditions of Black students enrolled at the University of Michigan-Flint and the black community. These goals are reached through newsletters, meetings, speakers, exhibits, and community service.

Student Communication Association. Organizes activities, trips, lectures, and social activities for students interested in the field of communications. Provides its members with opportunities to investigate how people, businesses and organizations share information, beliefs, and values both in person and through the media.

Students Defending Christian Principles. Vehicle for Christian students to defend their worldview on equal footing in a secular university setting.

Student Nurses Association. Provides programs that are of interest to students in the field of nursing, and promotes unity amongst UM-Flint nursing students.

Student Organization for Molecular Biology. An outlet for students who are interested in approaching science from fun and interesting angles, while gaining important volunteer experience, are mor than welcome.

Students Organizing Fun Activities Sober (SOFAS). An outlet to promote activities that provides alternatives to social drinking. SOFAS is a haven for college students who want to have a social life on campus without alcohol, and have great, lasting relationships with countless others on campus like themselves who just want to get a “natural high” out of life.

Students Promoting Literacy (SPL). Seeks to raise awareness and continue efforts emphasizing literacy among American youth. SPL holds book clubs and participate in community service to achieve goals.

Student Union of Mathmatics (Mathematics Club). Provides students who have mathematical interests an opportunity to socialize and explore professional possibilities.

Table Top Gaming Society. Provides a friendly and supportive environment for students interested in various types of table top gaming.

Ultimate Club. Committed to the promotion of Ultimate Frisbee. Like football? Like frisbee? Then you’ll love Ultimate frisbee!

University Debate Association. Aimed at promoting a broad and diverse understanding of the pressing social, cultural, and political issues of our time through calm and organized discussion among students.

Voices for Women on Campus. Committed to promoting social equality, justice, and women’s issues. Principal goal is to give a voice to not only women, but to all students providing support, resources, and empowerment to students and the community.

Wind Symphony. Seeks to promote awareness of the performing arts and professional musicianship within the UM-Flint campus.

Wolverine Battalion. A student organization for ROTC cadets and students interested in the military.

Zeichners Animating Multi-Media (ZAMM). The UM-Flint Animation Club promotes and produces short animated films.

Honor Societies


Honor society memberships are based on scholastic achievement. For further information on honor societies, contact the appropriate department office.

Beta Alpha Psi, School of Management.

Eta Sigma Gamma, School of Education and Human Services.

Golden Key International Honour Society.

Phi Alpha, Social Work Department.

Phi Alpha Theta, History Department.

Phi Sigma lota, Foreign Language Department.

Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science Department.

Psi Chi, Psychology Department.

Sigma Tau Delta, English Department.

Sports Clubs

For information about sports clubs and intramural activities, see the next Catalog section, which describes the Recreation Building.

Bowling, flag football, golf and softball are activities currently offered by the Department of Recreational Services under the club sport philosophy. Persons or groups who are interested in developing a particular activity within the club sport structure are encouraged to present a proposal to the Recreational Services Office.

Student Publications

Michigan Times. The student newspaper, The Michigan Times, is produced by students for students. It publishes campus, entertainment and local news biweekly and serves as a forum for student opinion. The centerfold of the paper is dedicated to Qua, the campus literary magazine which allows students to exhibit their talents in creative writing, graphics and photography. Location: 381 Harding Mott University Center; (810) 762-3475. e-mail: mtimes@hotmail.com. website: www.themichigantimes.com.

Greek Life

Advisor: Jessie L. Hurse II, B.S.

The Greek system provides many opportunities for friendship, personal growth, and involvement. These opportunities include leadership experience, social functions, and community service projects.

Greek organizations active on campus include Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Alpha Theta Chi Sorority, Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Kappa Delta Xi Fraternity, Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority, Theta Chi Fraternity, Iota Phi Theta Sorority , and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority.

Student Government Council

364 Harding Mott University Center
(810) 762-3078
Website: http://www.umflint.edu/sgc/

Advisors: Dr. Johnny W. Young and Mr. Jessie L. Hurse

The council serves as the official representative of the student community in expressing opinions and interests to the appropriate faculty, administrative, and student agencies. The purpose of the Student Government Council is to listen to and act upon the needs and concerns of the students.

The Student Government Council is responsible for appointing students to all University decision making committees. Anyone with a complaint or suggestion may visit the Student Government Council Office or voice his or her concern during the public opinion period at a Council meeting. The Student Government Council assists student clubs and organizations through the recognition of club constitutions and the allocation of money to the clubs assisting them in operating and holding special events. The Student Government Council sponsors activities such as Cram-A-Rama and the annual Spring Finale dinner/dance.

Student Government Council officers are elected by the students for a one year term in a school-wide election. All vacancies and representative positions are filled by appointment.

Alumni Relations Office

432 N. Saginaw Street
Northbank Center
Suite 1001
(810) 767-2150
FAX (810) 767-2149
E-mail: alumni-relations@umflint.edu
URL: http://www.umflint.edu/alumni/

Graduating from the University of Michigan-Flint is a major accomplishment. One reward is automatic FREE membership in the UM-Flint Alumni Society. The Society’s programs offer you opportunities to come together with other alumni to learn what is happening at the University. The Society sponsors several recreational and educational events that support the needs of alumni along with the University and its students.

The Alumni Relations Office serves as a liaison between University of Michigan alumni groups; maintains a database of alumni; provides excellent benefits to UM-Flint graduates; and publishes Bridges, the alumni magazine.

The University of Michigan-Flint’s graduates are part of the largest alumni body of any public university in the country. In addition to the Alumni Society, graduates of UM-Flint may also join the African American Affiliate, School of Education and Human Services Alumni Affiliate, School of Management Alumni Affiliate, U-M Alumni Association and M-Club of Greater Flint.

Recreational Services

Recreation Center

(810) 762-3441

Director: Theresa Landis

Associate Director: Gary Parr

Assistant Director of Intramural Sports: Chris Clolinger

Assistant Director of Student Development: Ervin Leavy Jr.

Assistant Director of Health Promotion: Sherri Berry

Membership Services & Budget Manager: Becky Pettengill

Business Information Manager: Amy Clolinger

Customer Service Associate: Kay Fritzler

The Recreation Center is open to all currently enrolled students with MCards. Annual, monthly and daily memberships can also be purchased by alumni, community members, and student family members.

The 80,000 square foot facility includes a multi-purpose gym, weight training areas, Cybex weight equipment, cardio theater, indoor track, racquetball courts, men’s and women’s locker rooms (rental locker service available), combative practice area, and a multipurpose activity area. A swimming pool, whirlpool spa and saunas, physically located on the first and lower levels of the University Center, are also part of the Recreation Center operation.

The main focus of the Recreation Center is to provide a safe environment that enables diverse participants to improve their health and well-being. In addition, the Recreational Services Department offers the following activities and programs:

Academic Physical Education Courses. The Recreation Center under the Department of Health Sciences and Administration, offers many one-credit physical education classes each semester.

Employment. The Recreation Center is one of the largest employers on campus of UM-Flint students. Preference is given to students with work-study financial aid in order to ensure that they have ample opportunity to use their awards.

Intramural Sports. The intramural sports program consists of flag football, basketball, racquetball, volleyball, soccer, and a variety of special sports tournaments. This program provides students with the fun of competitive sports and the opportunity to develop qualities of leadership, cooperation, teamwork, and a sense of fair play.

Fitness Programs. A variety of fitness opportunities are available including personal training, fitness testing and exercise program consultation, exercise equipment orientation, yoga classes, water exercise classes, step aerobics, high/low aerobics, kickboxing, etc. All fitness opportunities are provided by professional staff with degrees in related fields and/or instructors certified by nationallyrecognized fitness organizations.

Other Features. To better meet the health promotion and wellnessneeds of students, other opportunities include massage therapy, back care workshops, strength training workshops, youth summer camps, self-defense for women programs, and special events such as Women’s Night Out.

Building Management and Events

(810) 762-3436

Director, Auxiliary Services: Theresa Landis

Associate Director, Auxiliary Services: Tammy Rees

Special Events Administrative Manager: Peggy Graham

Special Events Manager: Anjan Reijnders

Reservationist: Gina Rose

Food Service Supervisor: Kay Boshaw

The Office of Building Management and Events (OBME) offers a wide range of programs, facilities and services for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members. Individuals and groups come together to exchange ideas and information and to interact informally, adding another dimension to the educational experience. OBME reserves space in the Harding Mott University Center, University Pavilion, William S. White Building, and Northbank Center.

The 112,000 square foot Harding Mott University Center includes food service, a games room, lounges, meeting rooms, student organization areas, and a theatre. The University Center also houses a variety of administrative and student support offices. The 76,000 square foot University Pavilion includes the bookstore, food vendors, stage, administrative and executive offices. The William S. White Building houses four conference rooms along with various classrooms and administrative offices. The Northbank Center is composed of both commercial and University space that includes a 400 seat banquet hall.

Department of Public Safety

(810) 762-3335

Director: Chalmers F. Sanders

Administrative Assistant: Gayle Bachman

The Department of Public Safety is responsible for maintaining a safe environment on the properties of the University of Michigan- Flint. The Department’s primary goals are to prevent crime on campus and to protect and assist students, faculty, staff and visitors to the campus with security related problems.

The Department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Department can be contacted at 762-3335 or by dialing 311 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency) on any campus phone. Emergency telephones are located throughout campus and are easily identified by a blue light on top of a pedestal or located inside a red emergency call box.

Title II of Public Legislation 102-26, called the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act,” requires colleges and universities to distribute to all current students and employees and applicants for enrollment or employment, two types of information: (1) descriptions of policies related to campus security; and (2) statistics concerning specific types of crimes. A description of these policies, statistics, crime prevention tips, and general information are published on the Public Safety World Wide Web Site at: http://www.umflint.edu/safety/. This information may also be found in printed version at the Frances Wilson Thompson Library, Human Resource Office, or any of the Public Safety Offices. For additional details on security-related issues, check our web site or contact the Department at (810) 762-3335.

Additional Resources of the University


Office of Research

530 David M. French Hall
(810) 762-3383 or 762-3180
FAX (810) 766-6791
Website: Office of Research:  http://www.umflint.edu/research/

Institutional Review Board:    http://www.umflint.edu/humansubjects/

Director: Dr. John H. Callewaert

Accounts Manager: Peggy Roddy

Research Process Manager: Andre Louis

IRB-Flint Administrative Specialist: Sally Conley

Senior Secretary: Susan Payeur Koehler

Receptionist: Lola Carter

The mission of the Office of Research at the University of Michigan-Flint is to provide integrated research support services for faculty, students and staff.  Our objective is to foster a culture of research and support investigators throughout the entire “lifecycle” of their research initiatives in the following areas:

Research & Other Sponsored Programs Administration: 

  • All pre-award and post-award activities
  • Notification of funding opportunities
  • Application development and submission
  • Project financial management/oversight
  • Tracking space allocation for research initiatives

Research Compliance (Coordinated with the Institutional Review Board):

  • Human subjects
  • Animals
  • DNA
  • Hazardous materials
  • Conflict of interest
  • eResearch
  • PEERRS (Program for Education and Evaluation in Responsible Resarch and Scholarship)

Promoting Student Research Opportunities:

  • Meeting of the Minds
  • Michigan Undergraduate Research Forum
  • Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
  • Funding for student research projects

Project Management & Support:

  • Internal research/assessment projects for UM-Flint units
  • Poster printing for research projects
  • Data analysis support through the Center for Statistical Consultation and Research:
    • SPSS
    • NVivo

Research and creative activities are broadly defined.  They include basic research which expands our knowledge to new frontiers; applied research which responds to regional or community concerns, or develops new or different uses for our present knowledge; and artistic expression which involves the creation of new work in the visual, literary and musical arts.  The Office of Research assists faculty and students by identifying funding sources for research and creative activity projects, building research-related skills through trainings and workshops, disseminating important project-related information to the campus, sponsoring undergraduate student research opportunities and events, and with the Research and Creative Activities Committee, acting as a steward for internal research funds.

The Office of Research works collaborately with other units in the University of Michigan system to ensure that all research and creative activity is conducted in a compliant manner. For example, the Office of Research works with the Center for Statistical Consultation and Research (CSCAR) on the main campus to provide statistical support for faculty and students engaged in methodologies which require use of statistical techniques to reach sound conclusions. In addition, the Office of Research works closely with the Financial Services Office on the UM-Flint campus and the Division of Reseach Development and Administration (DRDA) on the Ann Arbor campus to ensure that all sponsored programs conducted by our faculty are in compliance with Federal and University guidelines and requirements. Finally, the Office of Research provides the administrative support for the Institutional Review Board on the Flint campus (IRB-Flint) to ensure that any research conducted by UM-Flint faculty, staff and/or students is conducted in such a way as to protect the rights of human subjects.

The Office of Research looks forward to serving you in whatever way we can to help you achieve your goals.  We are a dedicated, service-oriented unit of the University. 

University Outreach


1001 Northbank Center
(810) 767-7030 Phone
(810) 767-7183 Fax

Director: Renee C. Zientek

The purpose of University Outreach is to deliver innovative results by turning ideas into positive action through its three centers and two program areas:

Center for Applied Environmental Research

1001 Northbank Center
(810) 767-6491 Phone
(810) 767-7183 Fax

Lead Project Coordinator: Brent Nickola

Lead Administrative Coordinator: Mona Younis

The Center for Applied Environmental Research (CAER) combines technical consultation, education, facilitation and research with creative applications of geographic information systems (GIS). From its inception, the Center has earned a reputation for excellence in the water protection area. The Center has worked with a number of communities and organizations in east-central Michigan to help balance their groundwater and surface water concerns with development and economic growth issues.

Center for Civic Engagement

1001 Northbank Center
(810) 767-6447 Phone
(810) 767-7183 Fax

Program Manager: Sharri Newman

Through the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE), UM-Flint students, faculty and staff have the opportunity of collaborate on projects with community organizations and area K-12 schools through community service programs and partnerships with the schools, teaching concepts to students by engaging them in service projects in the community and providing mutually beneficialprograms that focus on after-school activities, civic leadership, career exploration, professional development for teachers, and community partnerships

Center for Entrepreneurship

207 Northbank Center
(810) 767-7373 Phone
(810) 767-7183 Fax

Program Manager: Joel Rash

The Center for Entrepreneurship (CE) coordinates technical and research assistance to small businesses, entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations; assists with community development projects; offers business and nonprofit education workshops; and has reacted an online directory of businesses and services in the Genesee County area.

Amaizing U/Amaizing Youth programs offer noncredit, lifelong learning opportunities for individuals of all ages including personal enrichment and professional development through land and online classes.

The American Democracy Project is a nation-wide affiliation of universities which are members of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) and are committed to advocating for and assisting faculty in their efforts to integrate pedagogies of civic engagement into their teaching, research and service; to advancing student’s efforts to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to become engaged and informed citizens; and to promoting a campus culture of civic engagement, democracy and experiential learning.

Michigan Public Media

Michigan Television/ WFUM-PBS (TV28, HD 52)
Michigan Radio/WUOM 91.7 FM Ann Arbor/Detroit
WVGR 104.1 FM Grand Rapids
WFUM 91.1 FM Flint

Michigan Public Media
535 West William Street
Suite 110
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Telephone (734) 764-9210
Fax (734) 647-3488

Interim Director: Steve Schram

Michigan Public Media is the broadcasting arm of the University of Michigan that manages and maintains the broadcast licenses of both Michigan Television and Michigan Radio. Michigan Public Media also programs the Michigan Channel and manages Michigan Productions.

  • Acting as stewards of public culture, arts and humanities– entertaining, informing, inspiring and enhancing the communities it serves.
  • Supporting the University’s education, service and research mission.
  • Offering rich internship opportunities and helping enable education for students of all ages, facilitating life-long learning

Michigan Television
4203 William S. White Building
Telephone: (810) 762-3028
Fax: (810) 233-6017
Email: information@wfum.org
Website: http://michigantelevision.com

Station Manager: Jennifer White

Michigan Television (WFUM-TV 28/HD 52), the public television station of the University of Michigan, can be seen on more than 70 cable systems throughout Mid- and Southeast Michigan, including northern Oakland County, metropolitan Detroit and Ann Arbor, and portions of Windsor, Ontario and northern Ohio.

Since 1980 Michigan Television has established a long tradition of dedication and commitment to the communities it serves. This commitment is demonstrated through Michigan Televisions’ quality programming–shows that challenge and fascinate as they entertain viewers.

Michigan Television airs the best shows public broadcasting has to offer:

  • News and information
  • Science
  • Performing arts
  • Outdoors
  • How-to

Michigan Television obtains its programming from a variety of sources including: PBS national, local production, and non-PBS productions that are marketed to stations for local broadcast. Various partnerships are being developed that will allow Michigan Television to take a leadership position in the development and production of content materials in the digital age.

Michigan Television is also committed to serving and improving the quality of life in its communities through various partnerships and initiatives with various educational, cultural, and environmental organizations.

Michigan Radio
535 West William St.
Suite 110
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Telephone: (734) 764-9210
Fax: (734) 647-3488
Website: http://michiganradio.org/

Station Manager: Jon Hoban

Michigan Radio (WUOM 91.7 Ann Arbor/Detroit, WVGR 104.1 Grand Rapids, and WFUM 91.1 Flint) is the most listened to public radio station in the state and broadcasts from “lake to lake” on three separate FM frequencies.

Michigan Radio’s weekday format is news and information featuring national programs like NPR’s Morning Edition and All Things Considered. Michigan Radio’s reporters are located across the state covering the business, political, economic, and cultural stories that directly affect its listeners. These stories are often aired on other public radio stations across the state and are regularly featured on national news shows.

Michigan Radio is also home to The Great Lakes Radio Consortium–a news service covering environmental issues in the Great Lakes region and carried daily by over 140 stations nationwide.
