Oct 18, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog 
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Education and Human Services (EHS)

School of Education and Human Services (SEHS)

Office of the Dean of the School of Education and Human Services
444 David M. French Hall
(810) 766-6878
Fax: (810) 766-6891


Interim Dean: Dr. Robert Barnett
Assistant to the Dean: Melissa M. Richardson
Accountant Intermediate: Leah Hart
Receptionist: Roslyn Ivey
Public Relations Representative Associate: Kayla Cornell
STAR Program Coordinator: Richard Russell

The School of Education and Human Services prepares students for careers in education and the human services by offering degrees that blend a broad liberal education with preparation for professional roles. The School offers a variety of baccalaureate degrees, master’s degrees and certification programs. Currently the School is comprised of a Department of Education and the Department of Social Work. The Department of Education provides basic teacher education preparation and master’s degree programs. The Department of Social Work provides baccalaureate level preparation for social work practice.

Mission Statement

The primary mission of the School of Education & Human Services is to prepare and to collaborate with teachers, administrators, social workers, and other professionals to serve the diverse educational and human service needs of Mid- Michigan, particularly the Greater Flint Metropolitan Region.

Academic Regulations and Procedures

All regulations of the University of Michigan-Flint apply to students in the School of Education and Human Services. The student should note these regulations printed in earlier sections of this Catalog. Specific rules and regulations adopted by the faculty of the School of Education and Human Services are presented in the following sections.


Because of the varied nature of the programs offered through the School of Education and Human Services, admission procedures, as well as many other policies are established by the individual departments. For information on these requirements and procedures, consult the departmental sections of this Catalog.

Course Load

A normal undergraduate program consists of approximately 15 credits in Fall and Winter semesters and 6 credits in Spring and Summer terms. Students may elect a maximum of 18 credits in Fall and Winter and 9 credits in Spring and Summer.  In exceptional cases, the Committee on Academic Standards may permit students of superior scholarship to elect more than the maximum number of credits. A student who is employed should limit the course load accordingly. Students working full time should expect to take less than a full time course load.

Advising System

The advising system is based on the premise that students are responsible for maintaining and recording their own progress. However, working closely with a departmental advisor assists students to effectively plan their courses of study.

Grading System

The following grading system is used in the undergraduate School of Education and Human Services: A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D, poor; E, failure; P, pass; F, fail; I, incomplete; N, no credit; W, officially withdrawn (without penalty). The following scale is used in calculating grade point averages:

  Letter Grade Honor Points
    A+ 4.0
    A 4.0
    A- 3.7
    B+ 3.3
    B 3.0
    B- 2.7
    C+ 2.3
    C 2.0
    C- 1.7
    D+ 1.3
    D 1.0
    D- .7
    E .0

Grade point averages are computed by dividing total honor points (course credits multiplied by course grade points) by total credits. The computation is limited to points and credits earned at the University of Michigan-Flint.

The report of I (Incomplete) may be made by the instructor if the student is passing but unable to complete the coursework within the specified time. An I may be made up while a student is not enrolled and must be made up by the end of the fifth week of the next semester in which a student is enrolled or one calendar year from when the I was given, whichever is first. If for sufficient reason the student cannot remove the incomplete by one of the above deadlines, the Dean of SEHS may grant an extension of the time upon request from the student and the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to ask the instructor for an extension of time and file the required form with the Registrar prior to the deadline. Failure to make up the grade within the time allotted results in the I being automatically changed to a grade of E, F or N as applicable.

The grade N, which signifies neither credit nor grade point value, is used in some courses. For these courses the lowest grade for which credit is earned is one of the following: C, C-, D, D-. The use of this grading system in a course is indicated in course listings and in the course schedule and is announced at the beginning of these courses. Students should be aware that although N grades do not affect the grade point average, the accumulation of an excessive number of Ns is considered insufficient progress toward a degree. Therefore, N grades in excess of a total of nine credits at the University of Michigan-Flint are recorded as E, and are calculated into the grade point average.

The grade Y indicates “Work in Progress” and is therefore used only for courses designated to extend beyond a single semester. After completion of the work, the Y grade will be removed and replaced by an appropriate grade, or it may also be replaced by an (I) Incomplete.

A grade once reported (with the exception of I or Y) may be changed only to correct a demonstrable clerical error and then only with the approval of the Dean.  It is the policy of the University of Michigan-Flint that grades may be changed up to one calendar year after the end of the semester in which the grade was originally submitted.

Recognition of Superior Scholarship

Graduating seniors with cumulative grade point averages of at least 3.5 but less than 3.75 are recommended for the degree “with honors” and those with cumulative grade point averages of at least 3.75 are recommended for the degree “with highest honors.” In computing averages, only courses taken at the University of Michigan-Flint are included, and only complete terms or semesters are counted.

See “Undergraduate Honors” in the “Academic Policies of the University” section of this Catalog for information regarding campus- and system-wide honors recognition.

Distinguished scholarship is also recognized by awards offered by the faculty of the University of Michigan-Flint and by other organizations.

Credit Without Grade (Pass/Fail)

The provision for credit without grade (pass/fail) is intended to encourage students to attempt courses outside their major fields of interest. Subject to the following regulations, a student may elect a limited number of courses without concern for the cumulative grade point average.

The following conditions must be met unless a course is offered only on a Pass/Fail basis:

  1. The student has accumulated 55 or more credits.
  2. The student has a GPA of 2.0 or better.
  3. Only one course may be elected pass/fail per semester.
  4. The election does not put the student over the four class pass/fail election limit.
  5. The course is outside the student’s concentration and outside any elected minor.
  6. The course may not be used to fulfill general education requirements (except for a foreign language).

If a student intends to elect a course for credit without a grade, this must be indicated on the course election request form. The decision should be made in consultation with an academic advisor. This option may not be elected after the end of the first two weeks of the semester, nor changed to credit with grade after the announced deadline for dropping classes.

Students choosing the credit without grade option are expected to complete all assigned work and examinations of the course. If in the judgment of the instructor a grade of C or better is earned, the work is reported as “Pass,” and the credits for the course are received. If the grade earned is less than C, the report is “Fail,” and the course appears on the transcript without grade designation and without credits.

Courses elected for credit without grade are not included in the calculation of the grade point average.

Credit by Examination

A maximum of three courses may be passed by examination, and only courses offered by the University of Michigan-Flint can be used. Certain courses are excluded, as determined by the departments.

Students who feel that they have the necessary background to pass a course by examination should request an interview with the chair of the appropriate department to assess competence. The department then sets up an examination committee. Having received written approval from the department chair and the committee, the student registers at the Office of the Registrar and thereafter takes the examination. The appropriate letter grade is entered on the student’s record as if the course had been taken conventionally.

Credit without grade cannot be earned by this means, and ordinarily a student may attempt credit by examination in a given course only once. Entering freshmen should see also the section on the Advanced Placement Program.

Academic Standing

A student in the School of Education and Human Services is expected to maintain a grade point average consistent with the requirements prescribed by the department or program in which the student is enrolled.

The academic records of all students whose grade point averages fall below a 2.0 are reviewed at the end of each semester by the Committee on Academic Standards. According to individual circumstances, students with deficient academic records may be placed on warning or required to withdraw. Students on warning must make substantial improvement during the following semester in order to continue in the program or department. While students may maintain university enrollment with a 2.0 grade point average, higher grade point averages are required for admission to, and completion of, programs offered in the School. Students should consult the specific grade point requirements of their programs noted in the departmental sections of the Catalog.

Appeal to the Committee on Academic Standards

Students who believe that they are unreasonably affected by a policy of the School of Education and Human Services may appeal to the Committee on Academic Standards. Petition forms are used to request exceptions in individual cases; information can be obtained from academic advisors or from the office of the Dean, School of Education and Human Services. 

Changes in Academic Rules and Degree Requirements

A. Changes made in general degree requirements, including general education requirements and specific major and minor requirements go into effect the Fall semester following approval and apply to all students admitted to the University that term or thereafter.

B. Continuously enrolled students (those who are enrolled for classes at least one semester of each 12-month period)  are entitled to fulfill the requirements in effect the first semester in which they were admitted to the University. Students who reenroll are required to fulfill the requirements of the Catalog in effect on the date of reenrollment.  Students may elect to fulfill requirements in any subsequent Catalog. 

C. Exceptions to these guidelines may be granted in some circumstances, when approved by the governing faculty of the unit affected. If such an exception is approved, it is the responsibility of the department or program requesting the exception to publicize the approved changes by circulating the information to academic advisors and to students affected by the changes.


Student Grievance Procedures

The general procedure for resolving student grievances in matters of dispute between student(s) and instructor(s) regarding classroom instruction, arbitrary and/or inconsistent application of classroom policies and procedures, including assignment of grades, or allegations of discrimination shall be as follows. For a discussion of discrimination, see the section of discrimination under Student Rights Policy in this Catalog.

  1. Discussion with Instructor or Appropriate Staff Person. The student will initiate discussion of the issue with the faculty or staff member directly responsible for the decision.  
  2. Discussion with Department Chair or Program Director. If the concern is not resolved in discussion with the instructor or appropriate staff person, the student may discuss the issue with the appropriate Department Chair or Program Director. This discussion is to be initiated within 30 days of the start of the next regular academic semester (excluding Spring or Summer terms).The Chair or Director shall attempt to resolve the matter.  
  3. Written Appeal to Department Chair or Program Director. If not resolved in discussion with the Department Chair or Program Director, the student may, within 14 school days following the meeting described above, submit a written complaint to the Chair or Director. Upon receipt of a written complaint, the Chair will form an ad hoc committee comprised of three SEHS faculty members of the Academic Standards Committee. One member of the committee will be identified by the student, one member will be identified by the faculty member/staff person and one member will be appointed by the Chair.
    Responses to the issue will be invited from the student and faculty member/staff member.

The decision of the ad hoc committee will be issued in writing to the student within 30 days of the chair’s receipt of the written complaint. If the committee requires an extension, a letter will be sent to the student.