Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Catalog 
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Listings

Click the following links for more information:

  • HED 595 - Thesis

    Graduate standing, HED 594 , consent of instructor. (3).

    Research, to be done under the supervision of a member of the program faculty. The research prospectus and the final paper must be submitted to both the supervisor and at least one other faculty member for approval. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HED 596 - Health Education Capstone

    Graduate standing, HED 594 , consent of instructor. (3-6).

    Application of health education knowledge, skills, and methods to identification and understanding of a significant health issue, problem, or gap in service in a “real-world” setting. May be reelected to a total of 6 credits. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HED 597 - Capstone/Thesis Continuation

    HED 595  or HED 596 ; consent of instructor. (1).

    Continuation of capstone or thesis preparation. May be reelected for credit. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. [“”]
  • HIS 112 - World History to 1400

    (3) S

    Survey of cultural, social, intellectual, economic and political developments throughout the world through the fourteenth century.  Special attention devoted to the emergence of river valley civilizations and land empires, the development of world religions, and interconnections and contact between Old World societies. Also listed as INT 112. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 113 - World History: 1400 to 1900

    (3) S

    Survey of cultural, social, intellectual, economic and political developments throughout the world from the fourteenth through the nineteenth centuries.  Special attention devoted to global encounters and interactions; colonialism; the intellectual, political and socio-economic revolutions that led to the emergence of the modern world; imperialism. Also listed as INT 113. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 114 - Twentieth Century World History

    (3) S

    Survey of cultural, social, intellectual, economic, and political developments in the twentieth-century world.  Special attention devoted to imperialism, war and violence, decolonization in the developing world, and the process and effects of globalization.  Also listed as INT 114. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 220 - United States to 1898

    (3) S

    Development and growth of American society, economics, culture, governmental structures, and core democratic values to 1898. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 221 - United States since 1898

    (3) S

    Evolution of American social and cultural values and the role of government since 1898, to reflect both the United States’ changing social/cultural mores and its global economic and political responsibilities in the twentieth century and beyond. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 230 - Survey of African History to 1800

    (3) S

    African history from ancient times to the end of the 18th century. Economic, political and social foundations of African civilizations. The diversity of African societies, their contacts with each other and with peoples and cultures outside the continent, the Atlantic slave trade and its consequences on Africa and people of African descent. Also listed as AFA 230. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 235 - Introduction to the History of African Diaspora

    (3) GS, US

    Key issues and events in the history of the African Diaspora.  Using “homeland plus diaspora” model, discussion of common origins and experiences of Africans and people of African descent in various parts of the globe and contributions of Africans to the multi-ethnic and cross-cultural societies in Asia, Europe and the Americas. May be used to satisfy general education or BA distribution requirements, but not both. Also listed as AFA 235. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 283 - Introduction to Islam and the Modern “Middle East”

    (3) H

    The rise of Islam, specificity of Islamic civilization, interaction between the West and Islam, cross-cultural perceptions, and challenges confronting the modern” Middle East” and the Muslim world. Ethnic and religious diversity of the contemporary “Middle East.” Sources for the study of the Islamic world. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 290 - East Asia to 1600

    (3) H

    Development of Chinese, Japanese and Korean civilizations from antiquity to 1600. Development of various cultures with special attention to the influence of Chinese culture on other East Asian civilizations. Politics, economics, foreign relations. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 291 - East Asia Since 1600

    (3) H

    Development of Chinese, Japanese and Korean civilizations from 1600 to present.  Examines differing responses to Western culture, along with the rise of various schools of political thought (democracy, communism, fascism). Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 299 - Introduction to History

    HIS 112 , HIS 113 , HIS 220 , HIS 221 ; at least sophomore standing.  (3)

    Introduction to the discipline of history, including historical methods, research and writing techniques, and different modes of historical writing. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 301 - History Capstone Seminar

    HIS 299 , at least junior standing. Open to non-history concentrators with consent of Department Chair. (3) CAP

    Investigation of historical problems in a particular area of student interest as a small cohort under the direction of a History Department faculty member and as a part of a larger cohort of students in the History concentration; completion of a master project in history and a seminar presentation. Primarily for first semester juniors beginning a concentration in History. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 311 - How Women Saved the City: Gender and the Urban Form

    At least junior standing or consent of instructor.         (3).

    Historical examination of the gendered dimensions of urban America, with a focus on the ways women’s roles have influenced space, the political economy, and experiences in the American cities. Graded ABCDD-N. [“”]
  • HIS 313 - Performing the Past: Presenting History to Audiences and Visitors

    At least sophomore standing. (3).

    Exploration of the practices of living history at heritage sites with a special focus on two distinct types of presentation - first person interpretation and interpretive tours. Students learn about the historical discipline through study of techniques for open-air museums, heritage studies, travel and tourism, theater, civic engagement, and archival research. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 314 - History of the Old South

    HIS 220  or consent of instructor. (3)

    History of the American South from early seventeenth century to the outbreak of the Civil War. Origins and characteristics of slavery and slave culture; divisions in free white Southern society; pro-slavery thought; the growth of southern nationalism. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 315 - American Civil War and Reconstruction

    Junior standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Social, political and economic issues leading to the Civil War; the war itself; and the problems of reconstruction. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 316 - America Comes of Age: 1877-1920

    HIS 220 , HIS 221 ; or consent of instructor. (3)

    Social, cultural, economic and political developments during the era of America’s maturation.  Opens with the formal end of Reconstruction and a national railroad strike and closes with America launched as a power in the world, just as that world plunges into the Great War. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 317 - America Between the Wars, 1919-1939

    Junior standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Economic, social and political upheavals which rocked the United States from 1919 to 1939. The League of Nations controversy, the “Red Scare,” prohibition, the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, the crash and  the “Great Depression,” the impact of the New Deal on the United States, and events leading to American entry into World War II. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 318 - Contemporary America

    At least sophomore standing and a course in US history. (3) H

    Social, economic and political developments since the New Deal with particular emphasis on world and cultural relationships. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 320 - The American Military Experience

    HIS 221  or consent of instructor. (3).

    American military history from the colonial wars through the post-Vietnam era. How technology, politics, society and culture have interacted with the military establishment and strategic policy; influences of war on various aspects of American life. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 321 - History of the United States Constitution, 1789 to Present

    At least sophomore standing; a course in history. (3)

    Historical examination of the Constitution of the United States focusing on the events that affected its writing; the Constitutional Convention; the evolution of interpretations of the Constitution and resulting impact on the American society. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 322 - Early Caribbean History

    HIS 112  or HIS 220 . (3).

    History of the early Caribbean through emancipation in the mid-nineteenth century. Topics include: the Carib and Arawak Indians, European exploration and colonization, the Atlantic slave trade, the golden age of piracy. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 323 - United States Theatre History

    HIS 221  or consent of instructor. (3).

    Examination of performance in the United States as an attempt to forge an “American” identity as part of political, national, cultural, social, esthetic and economic developments. Also listed as THE 303. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 325 - History of the British Isles to 1606

    Sophomore standing, or consent of instructor. (3)

    Exploration of the development of society, culture and the state in the British Isles to 1606. Special attention to the parallels, conflicts and interconnections between the peoples of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 326 - History of the British Isles 1606-1919

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Exploration of the problematic construction of British national identity in relation to ethnicity, class, gender and the state since 1688. Special attention to the parallels, conflicts and interconnections between the peoples of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 329 - Michigan History

    At least junior standing. (3)

    Survey of the political, economic and social development of Michigan from the eighteenth century to the present. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 332 - Development of the American West

    A course in US history, at least junior standing. (3)

    Westward movement from its beginnings in the early seventeenth century; economic, political, social and cultural consequences of internal American expansion. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 333 - Labor in America

    At least sophomore standing, a course in US history; or consent of instructor. (3)

    Exploration of the transformation of work in America from 1600 to the present, emphasizing the struggles of workers to organize in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the changing nature of the work process, and the particular experiences of female, immigrant, and minority workers. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 334 - History of Ethnicity and Race in the United States

    At least junior standing; a course in US history; or consent of instructor. (3) US

    Historical examination of the role of ethnicity and race in the United States with emphasis on changing patterns of immigration, the process of assimilation, the evolution of ethnicity, and differences and similarities in the experiences of ethnic and racial groups. Also listed as AFA 334. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 335 - History of African-Americans to 1877

    A course in American or African history. (3) S

    The African-American experience from African origins to 1877. Pre-16th century African civilizations, the Atlantic slave trade, the middle passage, racial slavery during the colonial and early republic. Survival strategies of the enslaved and free, struggles for freedom, equality, and social justice during the colonial and post revolutionary period. The abolitionist movement; the role of African-Americans in the Civil War and reconstruction. Lectures and documentary videos. Also listed as AFA 335. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 336 - Africa in Modern Times, 1800 to Present

    (3) S

    Coming of European colonialism to Africa in the late nineteenth century and efforts of Africans to recapture their independence. Survey through the present period. Also listed as AFA 336. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 338 - Topics in African-American History

    A course in American or African-American history. (3).

    A different topic taught each year. May be reelected once for credit. Also listed as AFA 338. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 339 - History of Mexico

    At least sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Survey of Mexican history from pre-conquest times to the present. Indian and Spanish origins of Mexican society and culture, colonial institutions, the movement for national independence, liberalism and conservatism in the nineteenth century, origins and continuing impact of the Revolution of 1910. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 343 - Modern Caribbean History

    At least sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Caribbean history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Topics include: history of Caribbean culture and music, migration, tourism, and social, political, and economic challenges of the twentieth century. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 351 - Early Modern Europe, 1350-1800

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3) H

    History of Europe from the end of the Middle Ages to the French Revolution, with special emphasis on cultural, intellectual, and artistic developments. Topics include the Renaissance and Reformation, the age of religious wars, the scientific revolution, and the Enlightenment. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 352 - History of Modern Russia

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Social, cultural, and political history of Russia since 1800. Topics include Russia’s attempts at modernization, the management of its diverse land empire, the Russian revolution, the creation of the first socialist society and culture, Stalinist terror, and the unexpected collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 355 - War and Violence in Europe

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Exploration of the causes of the outbreak of mass violence in the first half of the twentieth century, with a special focus on violence against civilians.  Topics include the world wars, the rise of fascism, Stalinist terror in the Soviet Union, the Armenian genocide and the Holocaust, and the expulsion of the Germans from Eastern Europe. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 357 - Polish Culture through History and Literature

    A course in world history or western civilization or European history, or consent of instructor. (3)

    Poland’s political and cultural development from pre-history to the present. Tenth century origins, development of distinctive political and social institutions, cultural patterns and traditions of minorities, participation in European civilization. Political events and values, perceptions of periods as seen through documents, memoirs, literature, drama, architecture, music. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 360 - The Holocaust

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Exploration of the causes and course of the Nazi murder of European Jews and other outcast groups.  Emphasis on Nazi racial policy, the relationship between the course of World War II and the Holocaust, perpetrators’ motives and victims’ perspectives, collaboration with the Nazis throughout Europe, and the memory and legacy of the Holocaust since the end of World War II. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 361 - Introduction to Public History

    At least sophomore standing. (3).

    Introduction to various components of the form of historical training known as public history, loosely defined as the practice of history outside the academic setting such as in museums, archives, corporations, government agencies, and historic sites.  Focus on archival methods, community based research, and museum presentation. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 362 - Food and World History

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Comparative global perspectives on the role of food in world history, from the origins of human civilization to the present. Special attention paid to unique environmental, historical and cultural contexts of regional cuisines, as well as broader processes of global interaction and food exchange. Seminar. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 363 - Historic Preservation

    At least sophomore standing. (3).

    Introduction to the professional field of history known as historic preservation, with a focus on understanding why and how people seek to preserve, conserve and protect buildings, objects, landscapes and other artifacts of historic significance; rooted in the interdisciplinary field of the digital humanities with particular attention to the role of technology in understanding the built past. Students will become familiar with the ways technology is used to document, evaluate and preserve the built past through web-based inventories of historic structures, GIS documentation and the application of modern technical tools to preserve historic structures. Seminar. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 364 - Early Modern German History, 1500-1800

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Social, cultural, intellectual and political history of the German lands.  Topics include the Reformation and religious conflict, the Thirty Years War, the German Enlightenment, and the difficulty of establishing a German national identity. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 365 - Magic and Witchcraft in Western Civilization

     Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Study of the history of magic, witchcraft and witch hunting in Western societies from ancient times to the present. Foundations and traditions of magic and witchcraft beliefs; historical context, characteristics, techniques and consequences of the witch hunt in early modern Europe and America; and revival and recreation of magic and witchcraft beliefs in modern Western society. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 367 - Modern German History, 1800-2000

    At least sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    The history of Germany from the era of the French Revolutionary Wars to German reunification at the end of the Cold War.  Special attention paid to social, cultural and economic modernization, German nationalism, German policy and attitudes toward minority groups, and the impact of two lost world wars on German identity. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 368 - History of African-American Religion

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3) US

    Exploration of the core values associated with the struggle to create and maintain the African-American religious experience in America, which has borrowed values from a number of cultures and has served to influence the on-going process of defining American culture. Also listed as AFA 358. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 369 - History of Women in America I

    At least sophomore standing. (3)

    Examination of the evolution of women’s experience in the United States from colonization to the Civil War era. Also listed as WGS 369. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 371 - Japan from Antiquity to 1300

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Study of Japanese mythology, culture and the historical development of Shintoism and Buddhism; examination of the impact of these religions on Japanese culture and the origin of bushi (warriors). Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 372 - The French Revolution

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Events, ideologies and personalities of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1815. Topics include: French Absolutism; Louis XVI; Robespierre and the Terror; Napoleonic Wars and Napoleonic Europe. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 373 - 19th Century Europe

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3) H

    History of Europe in the nineteenth century, with special emphasis on cultural, intellectual, and artistic developments.  Topics include European cultural, artistic, and ideological responses to political revolution, industrialization, nationalism, socialism, and imperialism. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 374 - History of the British Empire since 1790

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3) GS

    The expansion and ultimate collapse of the British Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries. Exploration of political, economic, ideological, cultural and technological foundations of imperialism and colonial resistance. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 376 - History of Modern China

    A course in world history or western civilization, or consent of instructor. (3)

    Chinese civilization and culture from the Ch’ing Dynasty of the 17th century to the present. Philosophical foundations (Confucianism-Marxism), art, architecture and literature examined along with the Western impact and political developments of the 20th century. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 377 - Japan from 1300 to 1800

    A course in world history or consent of instructor. (3).

    Development of Japanese civilization from 1300 to 1800. Japanese culture, and political and economic developments. Continental cultural influence, development of a distinctive Japanese culture (religion, art and literature), and the worlds of the aristocrat and samurai. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 378 - Emergence of Japan as a Global Power

    A course in world history or consent of instructor. (3).

    Process of changes and reforms brought about by the Meiji Revolution of 1868. Japan’s role during WWI and WWII. Japan’s post WWII economic and political development and global response. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 380 - History of Modern India and South Asia

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    History of modern India and South Asia, with special attention to ethnic, religious and national identity in the Indian subcontinent. The collapse of the Mughal Empire; the East India Company and British Raj; Indian nationalism and the Muslim League; independence and partition; Nehru, socialism and secularism; interregional conflicts; religious riots; contemporary concerns. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 381 - History of Women in America II

    HIS 220  or HIS 221 . (3).

    Examination of the evolution of women’s experience in the United States from the Civil War era to present. Also listed as WGS 381. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 382 - History of the British Isles since 1919

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    The political, cultural and social history of the British Isles since 1919. Special attention to the parallels, conflicts and interactions of the peoples of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 384 - Gender and Sexuality in Modern European History

    At least sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Exploration of the construction and transformation of gender and sexual norms for women and men in Europe from 1789 to 1989. Special attention paid to the family, women’s rights movements, the intersection of gender, class and race, and the impact of wars and revolutions on the status of women and conceptions of gender and sexuality. Also listed as WGS 384. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 385 - History of the Modern “Middle East” Since 19th Century

    At least junior standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Interaction between European imperialisms and the Ottoman and Qajar dynasties; European imagination of the “Orient” and Muslims; incorporation of the region in the world economy; rise of new social classes and origins of the contemporary state system; clash of competing nationalisms and pan-national movements; transformations of traditional cultural forms, especially literature. The Arab-Israeli conflict, interconnections between Islam and politics, the recent Islamicist revival, the Iranian revolution, and recent domestic challenges confronting “Middle Eastern” states. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 386 - International Relations of the “Middle East”

    At least junior standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Relations from the early 19th century until the present. Europe’s expansion into the Ottoman Empire; incorporation of the “Middle East” into the global economy; clash of European ideas with Islamic traditions; rise of pan-national movements; the Arab-Israeli conflict; the rise of OPEC; struggle for the Persian Gulf. Western perceptions of Muslims; international dimensions of the recent Islamicist revival; Islam as a global cultural system. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 387 - Islam and Political Change

    At least junior standing or consent of instructor. (3)

    Role of religion in political life of the Muslim world since the nineteenth century. Political, intellectual, social and cultural transformations of Islamic traditions and values, both orthodox and popular. Evolution and transformation of the modernist pattern of thought; challenges to the authority of religious scholars from secular, modernist and Islamist movements; growth of non-political, popular Islamic movements. Special attention to comparative case studies of Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and the Arab Gulf states. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 388 - Gods of the City: Religion and the Urban Landscape

    At least sophomore standing. (3).

    Exploration of the interplay between religion and urbanization in America. Students learn about diverse religious experiences in cities and how the variety of beliefs and practices interacted with urban places. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 391 - Directed Reading in History

    At least junior standing and consent of instructor. (1-3)

    oltip]]%prefix% %code%[[/permalink]] , combined, may apply to the requirements for the General Program or Minor or Teacher’s Certificate Program in History. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • HIS 393 - Special Topics in History

    At least sophomore standing. (3)

    Each semester and/or section, a different topic to be announced in advance of registration. May be reelected when topics vary. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 394 - Medieval Europe

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Social, cultural, political and economic history of Europe during the Middle Ages. Topics include the Christianization of Europe, feudal society, Europeans’ encounters and exchanges with the non-European world, and the emergence of cities and centralized states. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 395 - Directed Research

    HIS 301  or 15 credits in history and consent of Department Chair and instructor. (1-3).

    Independent research experience under the direction of a member of the Department of History.  *No more than a total of three credits from HIS 391  and 395, combined, may apply to the requirements for the General Program or Minor or Teacher’s Certificate Program in History. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • HIS 396 - Public History Internship

    Concentration in history, consent of instructor; submission of personal statement required. (3).

    Students combine academic learning with practical experience through study and work with a historical organization under the direction of a faculty supervisor.  Students will log 150 hours at their internship site, complete regular self evaluations, and meet regularly with their faculty supervisor. May include a related research project. May be reelected to a total of 6 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • HIS 399 - France and the World from 1789 to 2000

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    France’s interaction with the world since the French revolution.  Topics include the global spread of French revolutionary ideals, the French overseas empire, colonial wars in Vietnam and Algeria, immigration into France, and France’s relationship with the United States after World War II. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 400 - Postwar: Europe since 1945

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    The social, cultural, and political history of Europe since 1945.  Topics include reconstruction after World War II, the Cold War, Europe’s relations with the developing world, popular and youth culture, and the memory of World War II and the Holocaust. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 401 - Migration in Modern European History

    Sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (3) GS

    Exploration of the causes of mass migration in modern European history and its impact on European culture, society and politics. Topics include forced migrations and deportations caused by war; labor and postcolonial migrations; European attitudes toward stigmatized immigrant groups such as Jews and Muslims; and immigrants in European culture, particularly film. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 403 - Cemetery Interpretation and Preservation

    ENG 112  or EHS 120 . (3).

    Offers a range of classroom and filed experiences for students to learn the methods for documenting and conserving cemeteries as a cultural and built landscape combined with the methods to interpret their historical and architectural significance. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 409 - Colonial America

    HIS 220  or consent of instructor. (3).

    History of Colonial America from early settlement to the eve of the American Revolution. Examination of the American Colonies from an Atlantic perspective, focusing on European motivation for settlement, origins and development of slavery, religious and economic change, creation of early American culture. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 410 - Era of the American Revolution

    HIS 220  or consent of instructor. (3).

    Examination of the decades surrounding the American Revolution and America’s transformation from British colony to independent republic. Political and social origins of the Revolution; formation of the republican state; changing notions of citizenship and equality; the role of political leaders in society; social and cultural consequences of the Revolution. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 411 - Conflict, Reform and Expansion: America before the Civil War

    HIS 220  or consent of instructor. (3).

    Exploration of the major social, economic and political developments in the United States in the decades leading up to the Civil War. The market revolution; religion and reform; westward expansion; slavery and abolition; the origins and development of the second-party system; the politics of slavery. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 412 - The Atlantic World in Transition: 1400-1850

    HIS 220  or consent of instructor. (3) GS

    History of the interaction of Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans between approximately 1400 and 1800. European exploration and colonization in the New World, Caribbean, and Africa; the origins and development of the Atlantic Slave Trade; the complex cultural connections that tied these regions together; movements for colonial independence. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 413 - Sin, Salvation and Celebrity in Early America

    HIS 220  or consent of instructor. (3) H

    Examination of the tremendous changes that took place in American culture between the American Revolution and the Civil War. Topics include Crime and disorder; moral reform; religious revival; immigration; prostitution; the development of commercial entertainment. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 415 - The Early American Republic

    HIS 220 . (3).

    American history from the ratification of the United States Constitution to roughly 1820.  The challenge of creating a republican government, early American foreign policy, political and social consequences wrought by the American Revolution, growing pains the young nation experienced during this time of rapid economic growth and cultural change. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 419 - History of Sport in the United States

    Junior standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Sports as a reflection of national society. Recreational patterns; also such issues as racism, sexism, urbanism, legal and labor history, progressivism, immigration, and nativism. Impact of professional and amateur sports on the cultural development of the nation; how both participatory and spectator sports mirror the values, aspirations and needs of people in any given time period. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 428 - Emergence of the United States as a World Power Since 1914

    A course in US history, at least junior standing; or consent of instructor. (3) GS

    Origins and consequences of American entry into two world wars, the Cold War, and American relationships with underdeveloped regions; changing views of isolationism and intervention. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 430 - American Indian History

    At least junior standing, a course in US history. (3).

    White images, government policies, and philanthropy in regard to Indians. Dynamics of the history of Native Americans from before white contact to the present day. Anglo-American Indian relations within the boundaries of what is now the United States. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 431 - American Urban History

    At least junior standing, a course in US history or urban studies. (3).

    Rise of the city in America from colonial times to the present, tracing the spread of urban settlement; the evolution of an organized system of cities; the development of life, institutions, and landscape in the city; and the diverse consequences of urbanization. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 435 - Black America since the Civil War

    At least junior standing. (3).

    Examination of movements, organizations, personalities, and leadership trends among Black Americans since the Civil War. Also listed as AFA 435. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 477 - Japan: Age of Samurai

    Course in world history or consent of instructor. (3).

    Examination of the rise of the samurai and their tradition in Japanese history. Exploration of the origin of samurai, the changing nature of samurai, and the ideology of samurai. Lectures, feature-length films and books on samurai. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 479 - Pacific World in Transition since 19th Century

    A course in world history, or consent of instructor. (3) GS

    Examination of diplomacy in the Pacific world, focusing on relationships between China, Japan, the United States and United Kingdom. Discussion of British and American imperialism including the Opium War in China, Perry in Japan, the “unequal treaties,” and Chinese and Japanese immigration to the US. Post-WWII to focus on US-Japan-China relationship and the coming/ending of Cold War Asia. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 495 - Honors Thesis I

    HIS 395  and permission of Honors Council and Department. (4).

    Credit and grade for HIS 495 is not given until successful completion of HIS 496 . Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • HIS 496 - Honors Thesis II

    Permission of Honors Council and Department. (4).

    No student with a grade of B or less in HON 496  or HIS 496 will graduate with Honors in History. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • HIS 501 - Migration in Modern European History

    Graduate standing. (3).

    Exploration of the causes of mass migration in modern European history and its impact on European culture, society, and politics. Topics include forced migrations and deportations caused by war, labor and postcolonial migrations, European attitudes toward stigmatized immigrant groups such as Jews and Muslims, and immigrants in European culture, particularly film.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 401 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 503 - Cemetery Interpretation and preservation

    Graduate standing. (3).

    Offers a range of classroom and field for students to learn the methods for documenting and conserving cemeteries as a cultural and built landscape combined with the methods to interpret their historical and architectural significance.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 403 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 509 - Colonial America

    Graduate standing. (3).

    History of Colonial America from early settlement to the eve of the American Revolution. Examination of the American Colonies from an Atlantic perspective, focusing on European motivation for settlement, origins and development of slavery, religious and economic change, creation of early American culture.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 409 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 510 - Era of the American Revolution

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See HIS 410  for description.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 410 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 511 - Conflict, Reform and Expansion: America before the Civil War

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See HIS 411  for description.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 411 . Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 512 - The Atlantic World in Transition: 1400-1850

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See HIS 412  for description.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 412 . Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 515 - The Early American Republic

    Graduate standing, HIS 220 . (3).

    See HIS 415  for description.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 415 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 519 - History of Sport in the United States

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See HIS 419  for description.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 419 . Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 521 - History of the United States Constitution, 1789 to Present

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See HIS 321  for description.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 321 . Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • HIS 528 - Emergence of the United States as a World Power since 1914

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See HIS 428  for description.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 428 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • HIS 530 - American Indian History

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See   for description.  Not open to students with credit for HIS 430 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]

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