Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Catalog 
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Listings

Click the following links for more information:

  • POL 430 - The Administration of Justice

    At least junior standing, a course in American government. (3).

    Criminal justice as public administration. Policy outputs of the major actors of criminal justice including police, prosecutors, judges, defense attorneys, parole boards, and the legislature. Topics in public administration such as organization theory, bureaucratic decision-making, political environment, and budgetary constraints. Also listed as PUB 430. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • POL 437 - US Foreign Policy

    POL 190  or POL 230  /INT 230  or consent of instructor. (3).

    Major phases and turning points in US foreign policy since 1945.  Examination of the main factors shaping nature of foreign policy: decision-making, leadership, Congress, executive agencies, public opinion, economic and other interest groups.  Particular focus on contemporary problems and challenges facing US foreign policy. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 494 - Honors Research and Proposal Development

    Acceptance into Honor Program in political science; consent of Honors Council or its designate; consent of Department chair. (3).

    Designed for honors students to read discipline-based literature in the area in which they are pursuing their honors project and to design their honors project. Students work closely with one or more faculty members. Also listed as HON 393. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 495 - Honors Thesis I (Off-Campus Study)

    POL 494 ; acceptance into Honor Program in political science; consent of Honors Council or its designate; consent of Department chair. (4).

    Course used to grant credit towards off-campus work on the honors project and thesis. Credit and grade not given until completion of POL 496  and submission of the honors thesis. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • POL 496 - Honors Thesis II

    Prior or concurrent election of POL 495  and consent of Department Chair.  Open only to Honors Program students in political science. (4).

    Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • POL 501 - U.S. Political Thought

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 401  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 401 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 511 - U.S. Political Institutions

    Graduate standing. 3.

    Exploration of the three core institutions of U.S. government (Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court), including examination of theories and historical perspectives on each. Special emphasis on the nature and sources of power in the institutions, how they shape political outcomes, and how citizens interact with government through interest groups and political parties. Recommended for entering MPA students without recent or previous undergraduate coursework in the U.S. political system. Not open for students with credit for POL 310. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 520 - Law and Administrative Processes

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 420  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 420 /PUB 420 . Also listed as PUB 519. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 522 - Environmental Law and Public Policy

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 422  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 422 /PUB 422 . Also listed as PUB 522. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 527 - The American Presidency

    Graduate standing. (3).

    Policy-making process in the federal executive.  Various roles of the President, especially in relations with Congress and executive agencies. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • POL 528 - Criminal Justice and the Constitution

    Graduate standing. (3).

    Constitutional question involving the process of law and the procedural rights of the accused. Court decisions related to searches and seizures, wire-tapping and electronic eavesdropping, the law of arrest, police interrogations and confessions, right to counsel, double jeopardy. Students deliver oral arguments and prepare briefs of pending and simulated court cases. Also listed as PUB 528. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 529 - Civil Liberties and the Constitution

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 329  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 329 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 530 - The Administration of Justice

    Graduate standing; a course in American government. (3).

    See POL 430  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 430 /PUB 430 . Also listed as PUB 530. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 531 - Women and Work

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 331   for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 331 /SOC 362 /WGS 331 . Also listed as SOC 563 and WGS 531. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 533 - International Law and Organizations

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 333  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 333 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 534 - Human Rights in Africa

    Graduate standing. (3).

    Examination of core international human rights instruments such as the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relevant institutions.  Exploration of specific instances of human rights violations, particularly in Africa, including genocide, human trafficking war crimes, gender oppression, rape, the phenomena of child soldiers and transitional justice.  Role African Human Rights Commission, UN and the international community in combating human rights violations.  Not open to students with credit for AFA 333 /POL 334 . Also listed as AFA 533. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 537 - US Foreign Policy

    Graduate standing; a course in political science or consent of instructor. (3).

    See POL 437  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 437 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 540 - Political Economy of Development

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See  POL 330  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 330 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 541 - The Welfare State in Comparative Perspective

    Graduate standing; POL 190  and one HIS, POL or SOC course numbered 200 or higher; or consent of instructor. (3).

    See POL 342  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 342 /PUB 342 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 544 - Latin American Politics

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 344  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 344 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 545 - European Politics

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 345  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 345 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 546 - Political Economy

    Graduate standing, (3).

    Where power lies in advanced capitalist economies such as the U.S. General relationship between economic and political power in capitalist liberal democracies, or the relationship between capitalism and liberal democracy. Aspects of the process of de-industrialization and economic restructuring. Gendered nature of jobs, occupations, and the work process. Alternative political-economic models.  Not open to students with credit for POL 346 . Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • POL 549 - Politics of the European Union

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 349  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 349 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 551 - Political and Legal Anthropology

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 351  for description.  Not open to students with credit for ANT 351 /POL 351 . Also listed as ANT 551. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 559 - Comparative Revolutions

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See   for description.  Not open to students with credit for  /INT 359 . Also listed as INT 559. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • POL 565 - Marxist Political Thought

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 365  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 365 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 575 - Politics and American Labor

    Graduate standing. (3).

    See POL 375  for description.  Not open to students with credit for POL 375 . Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • POL 596 - Intergovernmental Relations

    Graduate standing. (3).

    Current developments and trends in intergovernmental relations. Legal and political opportunities and constraints affecting administration in state and local governments. Impact of intergovernmental relations on public policy and delivery of services. Also listed as PUB 596. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 100 - Principles of Psychology

    Open to all students. (3) S

    Introduction to scientific study of behavior and mental processes; major concepts, theoretical perspectives, and research.  Overview of the research process; how psychological questions are generated and studied; research and theory in subfields such as neuroscience, human development, learning, memory, thinking, motivation and individual differences. Open to all students. Graded ABCC-N. [“”]
  • PSY 102 - Introduction to Mindfulness Theory and Practice


    Study and practice of mindfulness and stress reduction. Students review and discuss foundational literature in the area, and engage in an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction protocol within the context of the course. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 103 - Introduction to Sports and Exercise Psychology


    Clinical, educational and scientific foundations of exercise and sport psychology, and applied and scientific aspects of the field. Counseling of athletes, assessing talent, exercise adherence and well-being, promoting best practices in mental training techniques, and motivating to persist and achieve. Psychological considerations in sport injury and rehabilitation; ethical considerations in sport psychology service. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 104 - Intergroup Relations: Cognitive Processes and Dialogue


    Exploration of the cognitive processes involved in understanding others, with particular attention to stereotype formation and use. Training in dialogue techniques in order to learn about, and understand, others in the real world. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology Laboratory


    Laboratory experiments, activities, discussions, and demonstrations about basic concepts in psychological science. Graded ABCDD-N. [“”]
  • PSY 180 - Psychology of Sex

    (3) HW

    Survey of scientific study of sexual behavior. Contemporary perspectives on topics such as relationship initiation and maintenance, formation of short- and long-term intimate relationships, intercourse, atypical sexual behavior, and other issues related to human sexuality. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 200 - General Experimental Psychology

    PSY 100 . (4) N, NL

    Laboratory course for psychology minors and non-majors. Students learn to apply the scientific method to address research questions specific to several sub-disciplines of psychology.  Basic overview of experimental designs commonly used in psychology and discussion of ethical considerations in research. Laboratory experience with data measurement, analysis, interpretation, and scientific reporting. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 219 - Psychology of the Black Experience

    PSY 100 . (3).

    Experience of Blacks examined from the psychological point of view. Focus on the psychological consequences of being black in the United States; however, world-wide perspective included. Empirical and theoretical views. Also listed as AFA 219. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • PSY 244 - Psychology of Death

    PSY 100 . (3) HW

    Psychological factors, processes and adjustments associated with death and dying, grief and bereavement, suicide, aging, and life-threatening illness. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 300 - Preparing for Careers in Psychology

    PSY 100  with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. (3).

    Overview of expectations and career options for the psychology major, designed to assist in the transition from college student to psychology graduate. Emphasis on acquisition of competitive skills for jobs and/or graduate study and ways to “market” the psychology degree for both traditional and non-traditional careers. Graded Pass/Fail. [“”]
  • PSY 309 - Abnormal Psychology

    PSY 100 . (3) HW

    Theory and research in selected areas of abnormal psychology, such as assessment, classification, development and treatment of disorders of thought, mood, behavior and personality. Analysis, integration and application of theoretical models of development and treatment of psychological disorders. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 313 - Developmental Psychology

    PSY 100 . (3) S

    Theory and research in selected areas of developmental psychology covering social-emotional, cognitive and physical aspects of development across the lifespan. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 315 - Survey of Social Psychology

    PSY 100 . (3) S

    Theory and research in selected areas of social psychology, such as the self, stereotypes, attitudes, conformity, group processes, attraction, aggression, and helping behavior. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 316 - Biological Psychology

    PSY 100 . (3) S

    Theory and research on selected areas of biological psychology such as stress, sexual behaviors, emotion, hunger and sleep. Emphasis on understanding how the brain and nervous system shape the behavior of an organism. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 317 - Cognitive Psychology

    PSY 100 . (3) S

    Theory and research on selected areas of cognitive psychology such as neural basis of cognition, perception, mental imagery, attention, memory, judgement and decision making, inductive and deductive reasoning, skill acquisition, problem solving, intelligence, language comprehension and production, and cognitive development/aging. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 319 - Principles of Research Design

    PSY 100 ENG 112  or EHS 120  with a grade of C (2.0) or better. (4) S

    Basic research methods used in the behavioral sciences and research ethics.  How researchers generate testable hypotheses, measure variables, choose appropriate research design, conduct studies, analyze data, and report findings.  Lecture/application format. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 322 - Basic Statistics and Probability

    Recent completion of MTH 111  with a grade of C (2.0) or better, or equivalent competency determined by Mathematics Department placement test. (4) FQ

    Descriptive and inferential statistics.  Appropriate use and interpretation of statistics in the behavioral sciences, including measures of central tendency and variability, standard scores, t-tests, correlational techniques, ANOVA, chi-square and other nonparametric tests.  Laboratory focus on use of computer software, such as SPSS, to answer research/statistical questions. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 333 - Psychology of Language

    PSY 100 , a 300-level psychology course; or consent of instructor. (3) S

    Examination of the role of cognitive processes in comprehension and production of language. Topics may include the role of prior knowledge, word recognition, syntactic analysis, the structure of language, inference, brain and language, language acquisition, language disorders, and computer models of language. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • PSY 335 - Introduction to Cognitive Science

    PSY 100 . (3) S

    Interdisciplinary study of what it means to be an intelligent being, examining psychological, neuroscientific, computational, philosophical and linguistic approaches to the mind. Discussion of why the computer has become a rallying point for many researchers studying the mind. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • PSY 336 - Psychology of Personality

    PSY 100 . (3) S

    Theory and research in selected areas of personality psychology, including evolutionary, genetic, neurological and environmental influences on personality development as well as psychodynamic, humanistic, trait and cognitive/behavioral approaches to understanding personality. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 341 - Psychology of Gender

    PSY 100 . (3).

    Examination of social learning, psychoanalytic, evolutionary and other psychological perspectives on gender, with focus on contemporary U.S. culture.  May include lesbian couples raising boys, media influences on gender identity, and sexism in the workplace. Also listed as WGS 341. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 343 - Neuropsychology

    PSY 100 . (3).

    Introduction to psychological theories of brain and behavior relationships. Emphasis on structures and functions, clinical syndromes and disorders. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 346 - Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology

    PSY 100 , PSY 319 ; consent of instructor. Open to PSY 313  students with consent of instructor. (1-3).

    Developmental theory and research on topics chosen by professor and/or students. (Past topics include father’s role in child development, child abuse prevention, socialization of empathy and prosocial behavior.) Students review current scholarly articles and interview at least two individuals at different developmental levels. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 347 - Psychology of Aging

    PSY 100 ; PSY 309  or PSY 313 ; or consent of instructor. (3).

    Examination of social, emotional and cognitive changes that are part of human aging.  Topics include interpersonal relationships, health issues, and successful adaptation to the environment. Also listed as AGE 347. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 350 - Child Psychopathology

    PSY 100 , PSY 309 PSY 313 . (3).

    Examination of theoretical and empirical aspects of assessment, diagnosis and treatment of disorders prevalent in childhood and adolescence, within their developmental and environmental contexts. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 351 - Techniques of Behavior Change

    PSY 100  with a grade of C (2.0) or better. (4).

    Principles of behavior change based upon learning theories and additional, current perspectives. Associative learning techniques and their applications in clinical, educational, and other field settings. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 352 - Introduction to Clinical Psychology

    PSY 309 . (3).

    Theory and practice of principles of clinical psychology including the clinical interview, use of diagnostic tests, and techniques of clinical intervention. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 353 - Introduction to Community Psychology

    PSY 309  or PSY 336 . (3).

    Community psychology concerns the reduction of social problems, enhancement of quality of life, and promotion of social justice through value-driven research and action among individuals, communities, and societies.  Topics may include prevention and promotion, program development and evaluation, psychological conceptualizations of environment and community, community organization, empowerment, and social action. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 357 - Internship in Community Psychology

    PSY 309 ; PSY 352  or PSY 353 ; PSY GPA of B (3.0) or better; consent of instructor (completed instructor approval form specifying agency, supervisor, and instructor, student/supervisor agreement on internship tasks, schedule and responsibilities). (1-3).

    Internship in selected community human services agencies. Interns may assist with assessment, evaluation, consultation, prevention and /or program development activities under the supervision of agency personnel and university faculty. May be reelected to a total of 6 credits. Graded Pass/Fail. [“”]
  • PSY 358 - Psychological Assessment

    PSY 322 , PSY 336 . (3).

    Introduction to the theory and practice of psychological assessment. Emphasis on intelligence, personality and neuropsychological testing. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 360 - Internship in Clinical Psychology

    PSY 309 ; PSY 352  or PSY 353 ; PSY GPA of B (3.0) or better; consent of instructor (completed instructor approval form specifying agency, supervisor, and instructor, student/supervisor agreement on internship tasks, schedule and responsibilities). (1-3).

    Internship in selected agencies oriented toward human services designed to provide students with practical experience in the field of clinical psychology.  Interns may observe individual or group psychotherapy, engage in case review, or assist with intake evaluation or other assessment, under the supervision of agency personnel and university faculty. May be reelected to a total of 6 credits. Graded Pass/Fail. [“”]
  • PSY 365 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    PSY 100  and a course in research design. (3).

    Introduction to concepts and application of psychology in the workplace as it relates to organizational effectiveness.  Industrial psychology focus on human resource functions such as appraising, selecting and placing workers.  Organizational psychology focus on psychological processes such as employee attitudes, behaviors, emotions, health, motivation and well-being. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 375 - Health Psychology

    PSY 309  or PSY 336  or consent of instructor. (3).

    Psychological influence on health, physical disease and disability, the medical environment, diagnosis and treatment, research problems and findings. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 377 - Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction

    PSY 100 . (3).

    Investigation of historical and contemporary research in nonverbal communication, with special attention to findings applicable to students’ everyday lives and success in future occupations. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 383 - Laboratory in Social Psychology

    PSY 315 PSY 322 ; PSY 319  with a grade of C (2.0) or better. (4).

    Examination of theories, methodologies, and research findings pertaining to implicit social cognition and nonconscious behavioral processes.  Topics include the “self perceiving”, people and groups, attitudes, conformity, attraction, helping and aggression. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • PSY 386 - Sensation and Perception Lab

    PSY 319  with a grade of C (2.0) or better, PSY 322 . (4).

    Effect of physical stimulation on experience and behavior; sensation and perception from psychological and neurological perspectives.  May include receptor physiology, sensory and perceptual characteristics of the visual system, object recognition, face perception, spatial perception, attention and awareness. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • PSY 391 - Directed Reading in Psychology

    Consent of instructor. (1-3).

    Readings, discussion and written reports on topics pre-selected by instructor and student. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • PSY 392 - Psychology Seminar

    At least junior standing and consent of instructor. (3).

    Reading, discussions, oral and written reports on selected topics from current literature in psychology. Topics announced in the course schedule. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 394 - Individual Research

    Consent of instructor. (1-5).

    Research study by qualified students under the supervision of the instructor. Problems may involve search of original literature, experimentation, and analysis of results. At least junior standing recommended. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • PSY 400 - Capstone Experience for Psychology

    (Formerly PSY 323). Grades of C (2.0) or better in PSY 319  and one from: PSY 309 , PSY 313 , PSY 315 , PSY 316 , PSY 317 , PSY 333 , PSY 336 , PSY 341 , PSY 343 , PSY 365 , PSY 377 , or consent of instructor. (4) CAP

    Capstone experience for psychology majors. Review of current and classic research literature. Topics vary. May be reelected to a total of 8 credits. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 401 - Advanced Research Topics

    (Formerly PSY 329). Grades of C (2.0) or better in PSY 319 PSY 322 , and at least one core course from: PSY 309 , PSY 313 , PSY 315 , PSY 316 , PSY 317 , PSY 333 , PSY 336 , PSY 341 , PSY 343 , PSY 365 , PSY 377 , or consent of instructor. (4) CAP

    Review of current and classic research literature. Possible research design, execution and analysis. Topics vary. May be reelected to a total of 8 credits. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 427 - Personnel Selection and Evaluation

    PSY 100 ; PSY 322  or a course in statistics.  (3).

    Prediction and evaluation of job performance (with emphasis on reliability and validity), job analysis and criteria development, varieties of selection procedures, including aptitude and achievement measures, personality and motivation measures, interviews and application forms. Effects of government regulation and societal values on selection and evaluation. Lecture/seminar. Also listed as HCR 427/PUB 427. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PSY 494 - Off Campus Study Preparation

    PSY 319 , PSY 322 , HON 155  or HON 355 ; consent of Honors Director and departmental advisor. (1-3).

    Independent study designed for the development of the Honors Program off-campus study proposal carried out in close consultation with both the Department Advisor and the Honors Director. Involves development of the project and/or necessary skills to undertake the off-campus study experience. Grade assigned by the department advisor when the off-campus study proposal is completed to the satisfaction of the department advisor and the Honors Director. May be reelected for a total of 3 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • PSY 495 - Honors Thesis I

    Consent of Department Chair. Open only to Honors Program students in psychology. (4).

    Credit and grade for PSY 495 is not given until successful completion of PSY 496 . Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • PSY 496 - Honors Thesis II

    Prior or concurrent election of PSY 495 , consent of Department Chair. Open only to Honors Program students in psychology. (4).

    Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • PSY 500 - Growth and Development of Young Children

    Graduate standing. (3).

    Overview of theory and research in developmental psychology, especially as it applies to the education of young children. Focus on children’s cognitive and social-emotional development, and areas of overlap that are particularly relevant to the school setting (achievement motivation, cooperation and competition). Family relationships and home-school relations included. Graded ABCDE. [“Infrequently”]
  • PSY 527 - Personnel Selection and Evaluation

    Graduate standing; a course in statistics. (3).

    See   for description.  Not open to students with credit for HCR 427 /PSY 427 /PUB 427  . Also listed as HCR 527/PUB 527. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 201 - Introduction to Physical Therapy


    Designed to give students interested in physical therapy as a career an overview of physical therapy and its relationship to other health professions and to aid them in making appropriate career choices.  Taught as a service course to the University community; not a component of the professional preparation program in physical therapy. Graded Pass/Fail. [“”]
  • PTP 413 - Physiology of Exercise

    BIO 111 , BIO 113 BIO 167 , BIO 168 , PHY 143 PHY 145 , CHM 150 CHM 151 CHM 252 , CHM 253 , all with grades of C (2.0) or better (C- (1.7) or better if taken at UM-Flint). (4).

    Physiological basis of physical activity and exercise training effects on the various body systems. Emphasis on practical applications of theoretical concepts with particular attention to the role of physical activity and exercise training in health and fitness. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 602 - Independent Research

    (Formerly PTP 502). Admission to the professional program in physical therapy. (1-10).

    Individually negotiated experiences related to the development of new knowledge in the field of physical therapy. By arrangement. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 603 - Post-Professional Independent Study for Physical Therapy Students

    (Formerly PTP 503). Admission to post-professional program in physical therapy. (1-5).

    Individually negotiated learning experiences appropriate to the interests and background of graduate level physical therapy students. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • PTP 611 - Kinesiology & Applied Anatomy

    (Formerly 511). Admission to the professional program in physical therapy. (4).

    Application of gross anatomy and biomechanics to achieve a clinically based understanding of human movement. Emphasis on familiarization with the living human body. Basic principles of normal human movement, and analysis of underlying determinants of the character of that movement. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 612 - Clinical Neuroscience

    (Formerly PTP 512). Admission to the professional program in physical therapy. (3).

    Builds on previous neuroanatomy and adds specific neurophysiology to examine how the nervous system controls movement. Examination of motor control and motor learning principles, theory and application to clinical practice. Format: lecture, lab/recitation. Graded ABCDE/Y. [“”]
  • PTP 622 - Musculoskeletal Plan of Care in Practice

    Admission to DPT program or consent of instructor. (4).

    Application of physical therapy interventions for individuals with or at risk for adult musculoskeletal diseases, disorders and conditions. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 623 - Introduction to Musculoskeletal Imaging

    DPT degree or admission to the post-professional program in physical therapy or consent of instructor. (1).

    Introduction to current musculoskeletal imaging with emphasis on radiology.  Demonstration of a system to view radiographs, development of basic terminology utilized by radiologists to assist in communication, utilization of radiographs and other musculoskeletal imaging studies as an adjunct to physical therapy practice. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 624 - Systems Review and Screening in Clinical Decision Making

    Admission to post-professional program in physical therapy or consent of instructor. (3).

    Applied systems review, examination and identification of clinical problems requiring referral and/or collaboration with other practitioners, particularly physicians.  Emphasis on case-based decision making using evidence-based practice and the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice for safe practice in primary care, open referral and direct access settings.  Lecture, laboratory and discussion. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 625 - Advanced Medical Imaging for Diverse Populations

    DPT degree or admission to the post-professional program in physical therapy or consent of instructor. (1).

    Medical imaging across practice patterns (neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary) with focus on specific populations, to assist with physical therapy clinical decision making and practice. Online. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 627 - Introduction to Musculoskeletal Practice Pattern

    Admission to the professional program in physical therapy. (3).

    Focus on the most common diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system; embryology, histology and pathology of these diseases and disorders; screening and examination. Students learn to screen, examine and evaluate a patient with a common muscle, ligament, bone or nerve dysfunction. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 629 - Integrated Clinical Experience I

    (Formerly PTP 564). Admission to professional program in physical therapy. (2).

    Orientation to the physical therapy profession and clinical practice with topics focused on patient confidentiality, verbal and non-verbal communication, observation skills, professionalism and introduction to core APTA documents. Includes 3 one-hour observations at an assigned clinical site working facilitated by clinical and/or academic faculty. Format: L/FLD Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 630 - Integrated Clinical Experience II

    Admission to the professional program in physical therapy. (2).

    Introduction to the clinical setting and application of fundamental examination techniques. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 640 - Medical/Surgical Conditions in Practice

    Admission to the DPT program. (1).

    Medical and surgical acute conditions commonly seen by physical therapists in the acute care setting. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 644 - Metabolic, Endocrine & Integumentary Diseases and Disorders

    Admission to the DPT program. (1).

    Metabolic, endocrine and integument diseases and disorders commonly seen in physical therapy practice, including pertinent histology, embryology, pathology, etiology, comorbidities, aging effects, risk factors, prevention, signs and symptoms, clinical course, and pharmacology. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 648 - Pharmacology in Practice

    (Formerly PTP 546). Admission to professional program in physical therapy. (3).

    Basic principles of pharmacology; drug interventions that impact the musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular, and integumentary systems; pediatric and geriatric concerns. Mechanisms of action, indications for use, side effects, and common examples which have an impact on physical therapy. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 651 - Neurologic Diseases & Disorders

    Admission to professional program in physical therapy. (3).

    Adult-onset neuromuscular medical conditions commonly seen in physical therapy practice with pertinent prevalence, etiology, histology, risk factors, prevention, pathology/pathophysiology, signs & symptoms, clinical course, prognosis, surgical/medical/pharmacological management and overview of physical therapy interventions. Sensory, motor, autonomic, cognitive, and functional considerations are emphasized. Lecture, recitation/lab, mixed-mode format. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 655 - Therapeutic Relationships and Cultural Competency I

    (Formerly PTP 585). Admission to the DPT program. (1).

    Principles of the therapeutic relationship in terms of somatopsychology; reaction to physical challenges and cultural issues by therapists, patients, family and society. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 661 - Literature Analysis in Evidence-Based Practice

    Admission to the professional or post-professional program in physical therapy. (2).

    Information literacy, critical examination of professional literature to facilitate evidence-based practice, and application of principles of scientific writing through development of in-depth systematic literature review. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 662 - Critical Inquiry I

    Admission to professional program in physical therapy. (3).

    Introduction to principles and concepts of clinical research methodologies; measurement principles; clinical research designs; critical analysis of primary literature utilizing various clinical research designs such as experimental, single-subject, observational, survey, descriptive research, systematic reviews and meta-analytic designs; introductory concepts in data/statistical analysis using appropriate statistical software. Format: L/L Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 663 - Critical Inquiry II

    (Formerly PTP 660). Admission to professional program in physical therapy. (3).

    Theory and application of descriptive and inferential statistics including data/statistical analyses used in experimental, single-subject, observational, survey, descriptive research, systematic reviews and meta-analytic designs. Use of statistical packages and data sets to perform data analytical procedures. Critical analysis of data/statistical analyses utilized in clinical research studies in the published literature. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 664 - Fundamentals of Patient Management

    Admission to the professional program in physical therapy. (3).

    Introduction to integral patient management skills for assurance of patient safety, comfort and maximal independence in the recovery process, a basis for patient management activities in all practice pattern courses. Students learn to safely and effectively work with the patient during all interactions, including functional mobility and therapeutic intervention. Format: L/L. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 665 - Fundamentals of Tests and Measures

    (Formerly PTP 565). Admission to professional program in physical therapy. (3).

    Theoretical basis for measurement, sources of error, and clinical interpretation of tests and measures will be applied to examination techniques common to all areas of physical therapy practice. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 670 - Fundamentals of Procedural Interventions

    Admission to professional program in physical therapy. (3).

    Theoretical basis for clinical decision making, applying evidence-based practice specific to procedural intervention techniques common to all areas of physical therapy practice. Emphasis on psychomotor skills in these common interventions. Graded ABCDE. [“”]
  • PTP 671 - Cardiopulmonary Diseases and Disorders

    Admission to professional program in physical therapy. (2).

    Cardiopulmonary medical conditions commonly encountered in physical therapy practice with pertinent histology, embryology, pathophysiology, etiology, risk factors and co-morbidities, clinical course and signs and symptoms, prognosis, prevention, medical/pharmacological and surgical management. Graded ABCDE. [“”]

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