Sep 19, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Listings

Click the following links for more information:

  • MUS 356 - Junior Recital

    MUS 351  or consent of department; to be taken concurrently with MUS 352 . (2)

    Preparation and recital of at least thirty minutes of music on the student’s primary instrument. Evaluation by a committee including the student’s applied music instructor. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 357 - Applied Music in Composition III

    MUS 257 . (2)

    Private instruction in music composition. Weekly one-hour lessons (14 total) in techniques in the creation of music through analysis, student projects, and listening assignments. Students must attend weekly performance class meetings, and present a jury performance to a committee of music faculty. Spring/Summer students have other requirements. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 361 - Seminar in Music History

    MUS 261 , MUS 262 ; or consent of instructor. (3) CAP

    Selected topics in music history from the early 20th-century to the present era. Each student does individual research on a selected musical style and/or composer and writes a paper and makes a presentation, each addressing political, social and economic factors surrounding the topic, as well as an analysis of the music. Requires ability to visually and aurally identify and formally analyze music. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 365 - Wind Literature

    MUS 372  or consent of instructor. (3)

    Examination of band music appropriate for groups of varying levels of ability and maturity; repertoire representing all styles and periods. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 366 - Diction for Singers

    MUS 210 /MUS 410  or MUS 151 . (3)

    Basic rules of singing diction in six languages (English, French, German, Italian, Latin and Spanish). Study of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for increased language awareness and pronunciation accuracy. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 368 - Western Art Song

    MUS 152 . (3)

    History and literature of the German Leid and French, Spanish and Italian Art Song, as well as performance practices pertaining to these songs. Emphasis on nineteenth and twentieth century composers.  Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 369 - Choral Literature

    MUS 372  or consent of instructor. (3)

    Examination of choral literature for ensembles of varying ability and maturity; repertoire representing all styles and periods of music. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 370 - Introduction to Computer Music

    MUS 170 . (3)

    Introduction to electronic musical instruments, digital audio systems, software samples, and MIDI. Study of aesthetics of electroacoustic composition and compositional considerations. Students create and critique original electronic compositions. May be repeated to a total of 6 credits. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 371 - Conducting I

    Prior or concurrent election of MUS 241  or consent of instructor. (2)

    Fundamentals of conducting, score study, beginning choral technique, baton technique, and analysis of music from the conductor’s viewpoint. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 372 - Conducting II

    MUS 371  or consent of instructor. (2)

    Rehearsal techniques for vocal and instrumental ensembles; score reading and principles of interpretation. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 375 - Technical Aural Harmony and Critical Listening

    MUS 270 . (3)

    Students aurally identify and process a variety of timbres through appropriate spectral envelopes. Focus on recording, mixing, and production techniques in context of music technology and composition.   May be repeated to a total of 6 credits. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 380 - Principles of Music Education

    Consent of department. (2)

    Preparatory class for music education methods. Topics include history and philosophy of music education, characteristics of music learning environments, music curriculum, diversity and exceptionality, and the role of music education in schools and the community, including advocacy, and professional organizations. Site observations of a variety of school and community music classrooms and programs, K-adult. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 381 - Teaching General Music, Grades K-8

    MUS 130 MUS 252  and MUS 261 . (3)

    Development of essential competencies for teaching elements of music, music literacy, movement and music, listening activities, and works appropriate for grades K-8. Discussion of current methodologies, national standards in music education and modes of assessment. Observations in various school music situations. Also listed as EDE 346 . Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 383 - Techniques for Marching and Beginning Bands

    MUS 241 , MUS 201 /MUS 401 , MUS 152 ; or consent of instructor. (2)

    Organization, methods, materials, assessment procedures, software, copyright, ethics, and safety matters for marching and beginning bands. On site observations and laboratory experiences. Students must use requisite software and be able physically to demonstrate knowledge of marching technique. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 391 - Independent Study

    Consent of instructor. (1-3)

    Special projects tailored to the student’s academic needs and interests. May not be used for Applied Music instruction. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 392 - Independent Study-Applied Music

    Consent of department after audition. (1-2)

    Private applied music instruction in instrumental or vocal music, taken outside the applied music sequence; 14 weekly one-hour lessons.  Students must be concurrently enrolled in MUS 201/MUS 401, MUS 210/MUS 410 or MUS 211/MUS 411 and attend weekly performance class. Spring/Summer students have other additional requirements. May be reelected for credit or as a substitution for a secondary instrument course (for one credit). Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 393 - Honors Independent Study

    Open only to Honors Program participants in Music, second semester of the junior year. (3)

    Graded ABCDE/Y
  • MUS 394 - Independent Study in Instrumental or Vocal Pedagogy


    Comprehensive study of topics related to teaching the student’s applied music focus to varying levels of performers. Such topics include, but are not limited to, posture, breath control, embouchure, physical strength, safety, body mapping, and sequential study of methods and materials. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 396 - Independent Study Instrument Excerpts

    Consent of instructor; MUS 356  recommended. (2)

    In-depth study of standard orchestral, wind and chamber music excerpts for the student’s specific instrument, designed to assist in preparation for graduate school auditions. May require a separate jury or hearing upon the recommendation of the instructor.  Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 397 - Independent Study Instrumental Solo Literature

    Consent of instructor. (2)

    The in-depth study of solo music of the student’s specific instrument beyond the depth and breadth of Applied Music levels studied and performed. It is recommended that this course be taken the semester prior to MUS 356, Junior Recital. The course may require a separate jury or hearing upon the recommendation of the instructor. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 401 - Wind Symphony

    Junior or senior standing. Open to non-music and music majors who play a wind or percussion instrument. (1) F

    Rehearsal and performance of works in the idiom. Historical, theoretical and stylistic information for works performed. Minimum of two concerts per semester. Individual practice time outside of rehearsal required. At least three hours rehearsal weekly. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 403 - University Orchestra

    Junior or senior standing. Open to music and non-music majors who play orchestral string instruments. Wind and percussion players selected from Wind Symphony. (1) F

    Rehearsals and performance of works in the idiom; historical, theoretical and stylistic information for works performed. Minimum of two concerts per semester; Individual practice time outside of rehearsal required. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 404 - Jazz Combo

    Junior or senior standing; concurrent enrollment in MUS 405  or consent of instructor. (1)

    Rehearsal and performance of small-group jazz; performance for department jazz concerts and for community and campus events. Other activities include transcribing selected solos, learning piano voicings, and discussion of classic small-group recordings. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 405 - Jazz Ensemble

    Junior or senior standing; open to non-music and music majors; ability to read music required. (1) F

    Rehearsal and performance of works in various jazz styles, including swing, bebop, latin, funk, fusion and others; emphasis on improvisation. Individual practice time outside of rehearsal required. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 410 - University Chorale

    Junior or senior standing only. (1) F

    Rehearsal and performance of diverse choral styles from all periods. Historical, theoretical and stylistic information about works performed. Maximum of three concerts per semester. Students must have the ability to match pitches. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 411 - Chamber Singers II

    Junior or senior standing only; concurrent enrollment in MUS 410 ; consent of instructor. (1) F

    The smaller, select choral performance group on campus, which performs in diverse styles from Renaissance madrigals and motets and through contemporary vocal jazz and folk music. Open to advanced vocal students by audition or permission of instructor. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 422 - Jazz in American Culture

    At least junior standing. (3)

    Examination of jazz in American culture. Evolution of jazz and jazz styles, minstrelsy and revues, effect on American composers and language, storyville, the “Jazz Age” and American literature, morality and jazz, effects of segregation, jazz as an American export, Black nationalism, and the avante garde.  Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently.
  • MUS 430 - Opera Workshop

    Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor.  Concurrent election of MUS 151 , MUS 152 , MUS 251 , MUS 252 , MUS 251 , MUS 351 , MUS 352  or MUS 451 . (1) F

    Study of opera through live performance of acts, scenes, or segments of standard operatic repertoire. May be reelected for credit. Also listed as THE 430 . Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 451 - Applied Music VII

    MUS 352  with a grade of B- (2.7) or better or consent of department after audition. (2)

    Advanced private instruction in instrumental or vocal music. Students receive weekly one-hour lessons (14 total) in techniques idiomatic to the instrument or voice, and in representative repertoire.  Students must be concurrently enrolled in MUS 201/MUS 401, MUS 203/MUS 403, MUS 210/MUS 410, or MUS 211/MUS 411; attend weekly performance class meetings; meet performing requirements in performance class; and present a jury performance to a committee of music faculty. Spring/Summer students have other requirements. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 452 - Senior Performance-Applied Music VIII

    MUS 451  with a grade of B- (2.7) or better, senior standing, and approval by the Department of Music of a specific project proposed by the student. (2)

    Students must be concurrently enrolled in MUS 201/MUS 401, MUS 203/MUS 403, MUS 210/MUS 410, or MUS 211/MUS 411; attend weekly performance class meetings; meet performing requirements in performance class; and present a jury performance to a committee of music faculty. BME candidates with student teaching commitments may be exempt from enrollment in a performing ensemble and/or attending weekly performance class to fulfill the obligations of student teaching. Spring/Summer students have other requirements. Attendance in performance class is required. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 455 - American Music

    At least junior standing. (3) H, US

    History and development of music in the United States from the pre-colonial era to the present, and how aesthetic expression and the influence and purpose of music have changed over time. Investigation of musical expression and traditions of native and immigrant people groups; definitions and distinctions of musical literacy. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 456 - Senior Recital

    MUS 451  or consent of department; to be taken concurrently with MUS 452 . (2)

    Preparation and recital of at least thirty minutes of music on the student’s primary instrument. Evaluation by a committee including the student’s applied music instructor. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 470 - Music Technology I

    MUS 141 . (3)

    Computer applications to music industry and music education. Use of several types of software in recording, editing, multimedia presentation and other applications. Students will create data and audio CDs and DVDs. Individual project with application to music education or music industry required. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 475 - Music Technology and Image

    MUS 270 ; MUS 142  recommended. (3)

    Investigation of the relationship among music, technology, sound design, and image. Exploration of the scope of aesthetic and technical approaches to creating music and sound for a moving image. Readings, critiques, and lab work including creation of origianal compositions. May be reelected to a total of 6 credits. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 485 - Music and the Young Child

    MUS 381 ; or prior or concurrent election of ECE 225 ECE 240 . (3)

    Introduction to children’s musical development, birth to age 8. Methods, techniques and resources for developmentally appropriate early childhood music instruction. Special emphasis on the musical lives of children and families and the relationship between music instruction and current research and theory regarding children’s intellectual, social, emotional and physical development. No prior musical experience necessary. Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently.
  • MUS 491 - Seminar in Music Education

    MUS 381 . (2)

    Detailed study of selected topics in music education. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 492 - Practicum in Music Education

    Consent of department. (1-2)

    Open to qualified students of advanced standing. Provides an opportunity for music education students to acquire practical experience in their field under professional supervision. May be reelected to a total of 2 credits. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 493 - Special Courses in Music Education

    MUS 381 . (2)

    See course schedule for title in any semester. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 498 - Honors Thesis I

    MUS 393 .  Open only to Honors Program students in music. (4)

    Graded ABCDE/Y
  • MUS 499 - Honors Thesis II

    Prior or concurrent election of MUS 498 .  Open only to Honors Program Students in music. (4)

    Graded ABCDE/Y
  • MUS 540 - Music Theatre Literature

    Graduate Standing. (3)

    The course will cover the American musical theatre tradition. Students will examine the historical development of this genre and selected musical theatre artists who have shape the tradition. The class will consist of presentations, literature research,demonstrations and, as appropriate, group performances of selected works. May be reelected to a total of 6 credits. Also listed as THE 540 . Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 555 - American Music

    Graduate standing. (3)

    History and development of music in the United States from the pre-colonial era to the present, and how aesthetic expression and the influence and purpose of music have changed over time.  Investigation of musical expression and traditions of native and immigrant people groups; definitions and distinctions of musical literacy.  Not open to students with credit for MUS 455. Graded ABCDE
  • MUS 585 - Music and the Young Child

    Graduate Standing. (3)

    Introduction to children’s musical development, birth to age 8. Methods, techniques and resources for developmentally appropriate early childhood music instruction. Special emphasis on the musical lives of children and families and the relationship between music instruction and current research and theory regarding children’s intellectual, social, emotional and physical development.  Not open to students with credit forMUS 485. No prior musical experience necessary. Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently.
  • NSC 180 - Legal and Moral Decisions in Health Care

    One from: ENG 111 , ENG 112 , EHS 120 , HON 155 , HON 156 . (3)

    Examination of components of legal and moral decision making in health care. Consideration of clinical case studies with emphasis on self-awareness, values clarification, selected legal, moral and ethical frameworks, standards of professional practice, codes of ethics, state and federal regulations, clinical decision-making, and consequences of malpractice and professional misconduct by health professionals and professional misconduct by nurses and other health professionals Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 207 - Pathophysiology

    BIO 167  , BIO 168  . (3)

    Exploration of human pathophysiology concepts related to the development of disease and corresponding implications for patient care. Systems, adaptation, and the health-illness continuum; age-specific issues, genomics, impact on functional health, and implications for patient care. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 208 - Nutrition in Health Care: Diet Therapy

    NUR 205 (available by transfer). (1)

    Nutrition therapy in diseases in hospitalized and non-hospitalized clients.  Not open to students with credit forNSC 209. Offered online only. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 209 - Basic Nutrition for Healthcare Practitioners

    Open to all University students. (3) HW

    General information in the science of nutrition, and its translation into healthy food choices in both health and disease. Basic principles of nutrition science; macronutrients and micronutrients definitions, sources, functions, deficiency states, toxicity states, and intake recommendations. Nutrition therapy in diseases in hospitalized and non-hospitalized clients, with an emphasis on treatment and prevention. Nutrition throughout the life cycle. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 210 - Pathophysiology for Registered Nurses

    Admission to RN to BSN program. (3)

    Exploration of human pathophysiology concepts related to the development of disease and corresponding implications for patient care. Systems, adaptation, and the health-illness continuum; age-specific issues, genomics, impact on functional health, and implications for patient care. Course is designed for registered nurses. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 233 - General Principles of Pharmacology

    BIO 167 , BIO 168 . (3)

    Introduction to fundamental principles of drug action and how major drugs are used therapeutically in various disease states. Identification and assessment of adverse drug responses or drug-drug interactions. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 234 - Updates in Pharmacology

    NUR 203 (available by transfer) or NSC 235 ; admission to RN to BSN program. (1)

    Designed for RN students. New drug facts including revised nursing considerations and patient/family teaching guidelines, as well as newly researched side effects, adverse reactions, precautions, interactions, contraindications and IV therapy information.  Offered online only. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 235 - General Principles of Pharmacology for Registered Nurses

    Admission to RN to BSN program. (3)

    Principles of drug action, essentials of how major drugs are used therapeutically in various disease states, identification and assessment of adverse drug responses or drug-drug interactions. Designed to build on the registered nurse’s existing knowledge. Offered online in Winter. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 363 - Exploring Nursing History

    NUR 308 or NUR 316 ; admission into Traditional BSN, Accelerated Second Degree BSN, or RN to BSN program. (2)

    The development of nursing from ancient to modern times. Historical trends, issues and advances impacting the profession of nursing with emphasis on specific U.S. events; challenges, struggles and accomplishments of historical figures in nursing. Exploration of historical research as a valid means of scholarly inquiry. Students develop understanding of how societal changes impact the nursing profession, and reflect on where nursing was, where it currently is, and what changes are needed for the future.  Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently.
  • NSC 371 - Spiritual Dimensions of Health Care

    Open to all University students. (2)

    Expanding perspectives of healthcare from a model of illness and cure to one more inclusive incorporating broader aspects of health and healing.  Spiritual dimensions of human beings and healthcare, providing spiritual care, spiritual dimensions of end of life care, spirituality and special populations.  Designed for students in nursing, health care, social science and social work, and interested others. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 373 - Technology in Health Care

    Open to all University students. (3) T

    Selection, application and monitoring of technology, software and device types appropriate to different clinical scenarios, with an examination of healthcare technology trends to improve patient outcomes.  Overview of artificial intelligence and human-computer user-centered interaction in health care. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 393 - Case Management for Healthcare Professionals

    At least junior standing. (3)

    Concepts, theories, regulations, and models for the coordination of healthcare services across the American healthcare system. Exploration of best practice scenarios through critical analysis of current research focused on evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence methods. Provides necessary theoretical foundations for the novice healthcare professional, upon graduation, to practice within the emerging roles of case manager, healthcare coordinator, chronic disease manager, healthcare navigator, utilization resource manager, and/or discharge planner specialist. Graded ABCDE/Y
  • NSC 402 - Epidemiology and Disease Prevention

    Consent of instructor. (2)

    Introduction to epidemiology, the study of disease within a population and its distribution. Exploration of significant contemporary problems of global and community concern as well as current research on theories of probable cause and effect. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 409 - Health Navigation Practicum in Nursing

    Consent of instructor. (3)

    Application of assessment and intervention methods learned in the health navigator curriculum. Synthesis of theoretical health navigation knowledge with application skills in a community setting. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 411 - Telehealth for Healthcare Providers


    Introduction to the utilization and application of telehealth in the delivery of health care. Exploration of current issues regarding telehealth utilization as well as financial and regulatory constraints and issues. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 452 - Legal and Ethical Applications of Health Information


    Analysis and application of ethical practices and legal issues related to managing healthcare technology, data and information, with emphasis on interprofessional collaboration and team building. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 502 - Epidemiology and Disease Prevention

    Admission to the RN-MSN or MSN program or consent of Program Director. (2)

    Provides a basic understanding of epidemiology as the study of disease within a population and its distribution. Exploration of significant contemporary problems of global and community concern discussed; exploration of current research for theories of probable cause and effect. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 503 - Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Professionals

    Admission to the RN-MSN or MSN program or consent of Program Director. (3)

    The focus of this course is the study of the underlying processes and mechanisms associated with pathophysiological changes in the human body. The basis for this course is human anatomy and physiology. The information presented will assist you in understanding the various physiological changes you will encounter in clinical practice, providing you with a basis for your assessment and subsequent planning. Graded ABCDE
  • NSC 504 - Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Professionals

    Admission to RN-MSN or MSN program or consent of Program Director. (3)

    In-depth exploration of phases of pharmacokinetics, including chemical processes that impact drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Examination of the major drug categories, indications for use, drug selection, titration of dose, key adverse effects, safe prescribing, monitoring of therapy, evaluation of efficacy, and alternate drugs. Special concerns in prescribing for children, adolescents, and older adults will be investigated. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 110 - Introduction to Professional Nursing


    Exploration of the social context and scope of professional nursing, with emphasis on practice, critical thinking, and interpersonal relationships and communication. Students begin socialization into the nursing profession as they are introduced to tools for success in their nursing education. Not open to admitted BSN students. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 120 - Basic Nursing Concepts and Skills


    Introduction to basic nursing principles and skills required for bedside care of the hospitalized adult. For Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN students. Graded Pass/Fail
  • NUR 202 - Health Assessment

    Admission to Traditional BSN or Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN program. (3)

    Nursing assessment of the physical, psychological, sociocultural and spiritual systems of the adult individual.  Students utilize and expand their skills in assessment. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 204 - Health Assessment for Registered Nurses

    Admission to RN to BSN Program. (3)

    Nursing assessment of the physical, psychological, sociocultural and spiritual systems of the adult individual. RN Students utilize and expand their skills in assessment of patients. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 208 - Spanish for Healthcare Professionals

    A year of high school Spanish or SPN 111  or equivalent. (3)

    Spanish language study designed for those training or working in health-related areas, with an emphasis on basic functional skills for interviewing and conversing.  Introduction to medical terminology and structures used in communicating effectively with patients and family members in clinical settings; discussion of Hispanic cultural practices that could affect communication and patient care.  Also listed as SPN 208 . Graded ABCC-N
  • NUR 220 - Fundamentals of Nursing

    Admission to Traditional BSN program. (6)

    Examination and application of fundamental nursing concepts, skills and techniques to clinical experience. Focus on identification of common client problems, application of critical thinking as a foundation for clinical decision-making, therapeutic communication and teaching skills to promote health and well-being of the adult client. Introduction to legal and ethical parameters of nursing practice, cultural considerations in client care, and the changing health care delivery system. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 240 - Adult Nursing Care I

    Admission to Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN program. (10)

    Examination and application of fundamental nursing concepts, skills and techniques to clinical experience. Focus on identification of common client problems, application of critical thinking as a foundation for clinical decision-making, therapeutic communication and teaching skills to promote health and well-being of the adult client. Introduction to legal and ethical parameters of nursing practice, cultural considerations in client care, and the changing health care delivery system. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 250 - Medical Surgical Nursing I

    Grades of C+ (2.3) or better in NSC 233 , NUR 202 , NUR 220 . (6-8)

    Introduction to holistic nursing care of adults with common medical-surgical conditions. Emphasis on implementing the nursing process, critical thinking, risk reduction strategies, cultural competence, and inter-professional collaboration. Students utilize prior gained knowledge from health assessment, pathophysiology, and transcultural nursing to guide decisions in providing care and optimizing the health of hospitalized patients. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 255 - Gerontological Nursing

    Grades of C+ (2.3) or better in NSC 233 , NUR 250 , NUR 308 or NUR 316  and one from: NSC 208 NSC 209 , NUR 205 (available by transfer). (2)

    Examination of health as it is experienced and managed in later life. Focus on developing an appreciation for the diversity of experiences of age and health within the population of older adults. The influence of culture and various social factors on perceptions of health and health practices; strategies for providing high quality, developmentally appropriate care for older adults; health promotion, risk reduction, disease prevention, and management of chronic conditions;  legal and ethical issues, health care policy, and end-of-life care of the older adult within the context of shrinking health care resources. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 256 - Gerontological Nursing for Registered Nurses

    ENG 112  or EHS 120  or HON 155  or HON 156 , admission to RN to BSN program. (2)

    Examination of health as it is experienced later in life, with a focus on developing appreciation for the diversity of experiences of age and health within the population of older adults. Influence of culture and various social factors on perceptions of health and health practices; strategies for providing high quality, developmentally appropriate care for older adults; health promotion, risk reduction, disease prevention, and management of chronic conditions; legal and ethical issues, health care policy, and end-of-life care of the older adult within the context of shrinking health care resources. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 274 - Complementary and Integrative Health

    Open to all University students. (3) HW

    Broadens perspective from that of illness and cure to that of health and healing; explores culturally diverse beliefs and traditions regarding healing, knowledge of the mind-body-spirit relationship; focuses on the whole person; and is informed by evidence. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 300 - Theoretical Concepts for Professional Nursing

    One from:  ENG 111 ENG 112 EHS 120 HON 155 HON 156 (3)

    Introduces the Registered Nurse to nursing theory, research, professional issues, and the role of the professional baccalaureate nurse within healthcare. May not be accepted for transfer credit. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 307 - Integrated Case Studies in Nursing


    Students apply and expand their knowledge and skills in holistic patient assessment and complex decision-making processes.  Focus on engaging principles from pharmacology, pathophysiology, physical assessment and nutrition utilizing a case study format. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 316 - Research in Nursing

    One from: ENG 111 ENG 112 EHS 120 HON 155 HON 156 . (3)

    Introduction to knowledge and skills required for understanding and participating in nursing research. Students learn about research methods and different kinds of research evidence and use a variety of electronic resources to find, evaluate and critique relevant research. Review of connections between research findings and implementation, with emphasis on evidence-based nursing practice. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 320 - Medical Surgical Nursing II

    Grades of C+ (2.3) or better in NUR 250 , NUR 308 or NUR 316 NUR 346 . (6-8)

    Focus on holistic nursing care of adults experiencing acute and chronic illnesses, with integration of developmental stages, genetics, and family, racial-ethnic and cultural variables. Knowledge from basic and clinical sciences, evidence-based research, informatics and technological advances, and other relevant sources, including the patient and family, is applied to develop and evaluate safety and effectiveness of nursing interventions. Students learn to critically assess patients within complex contexts, implement appropriate therapies to restore, maintain or promote health, and provide care at the end of life. Clinical experiences are selected to enhance mastery of critical reasoning, prioritization, communication, and collaboration with interdisciplinary health professionals. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 329 - Nursing Clinical Immersion

    NUR 320 . (3)

    Holistic nursing care of adults experiencing acute and chronic illnesses is reinforced. Students critically assess patients within complex contexts; implement appropriate therapies to restore, maintain, or promote health; and provide care at the end of life. Contemporary practices are analyzed and challenged using evidence-based research. Principles of quality, safety and patient education are integrated through discussions in clinical conference. Clinical experiences are selected to enhance mastery of critical reasoning, prioritization, communication and collaboration with interdisciplinary health professionals. May be reelected to a total of 6 credits. Graded Pass/Fail
  • NUR 330 - Maternity Nursing

    Grades of C+ (2.3) or better in NUR 320 , NUR 346 . (5)

    Knowledge and beginning-level skills necessary for nursing care of the childbearing family. Focus on physical, psychological and social needs of women, newborns and families throughout the maternity cycle. Exploration of evidence-based practice, cultural competence, complementary therapies, and selected reproductive issues relevant to pre-conception counseling. Clinical education provides learning experiences in a variety of settings. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 331 - Maternity Nursing for Second Degree

    Admission to Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN Program. (4)

    Knowledge and beginning-level skills necessary for nursing care of the childbearing family. Focus on physical, psychological and social needs of women, newborns and families throughout the maternity cycle. Exploration of evidence-based practice, cultural competence, complementary therapies, and selected reproductive issues relevant to pre-conception counseling. Clinical education provides learning experiences in a variety of settings. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 335 - Parent/Child Nursing

    Grades of C+ (2.3) or better in NUR 320 , NUR 346 PSY 313 (6)

    Application of theory, critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and the nursing process to planning and delivery of nursing care to children and families. Examination of health care needs of children of varying ages and in various states of health within a family context. Emphasis on wellness, promotion of growth and development, acute and chronic illness, and the functioning of the family as a unit within a variety of health care settings. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 336 - Parent-Child Nursing for Second Degree

    Admission to Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN Program. (4)

    Application of theory, critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and the nursing process to planning and delivery of nursing care to children and families. Examination of health care needs of children of varying ages and in various states of health within a family context. Emphasis on wellness, promotion of growth and development, acute and chronic illness, and the functioning of the family as a unit within a variety of health care settings. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 340 - Adult Nursing Care II

    NUR 202 , NUR 240 , NUR 308 or NUR 316  with grades of C+ (2.3) or better. (10)

    Builds on holistic nursing care of adults experiencing acute and chronic illnesses learned in NUR 240 with integration of developmental stages, genetics, and family, racial-ethnic and cultural variables. Knowledge from basic and clinical sciences, evidence-based research, informatics and technological advances, and other relevant sources, including the patient and family, is used to develop and evaluate safety and effectiveness of nursing interventions. Students learn to critically assess patients within complex contexts, implement appropriate therapies to restore, maintain or promote health, and provide care at the end of life. Clinical experiences are selected to enhance mastery of critical reasoning, prioritization, communication, and collaboration with interdisciplinary health professionals. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 345 - Nursing and Healthcare Informatics


    Application of evidence-based practice to address data and healthcare technology issues related to practice, workflow, and organizational behavior.  Overview of data analysis, application and transformation. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 346 - Mental Health Nursing

    (Formerly NUR 405). Grades of C+ (2.3) or higher in NSC 233 , NUR 202 , NUR 220  or NUR 240 , NUR 308 or NUR 316 . (5)

    Introduction to concepts and theories applicable to clients, groups, and families experiencing a mental illness and/or emotional problem. Emphasis on psycho-biological theory, critical thinking, research utilization, and therapeutic communication techniques. Clinical experiences with application of knowledge and skills provided in a variety of settings. Theory/clinical. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 351 - Issues in Women’s Health

    Open to all University students. (3) HW

    Exploration of physical and emotional aspects of women during childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and menopause, as well as global, economic and social challenges. Emphasis on sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy and childbirth, health promotion, nutrition and fitness, cardiovascular disease and cancer, mental health, violence and substance abuse. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 354 - Genetics and Genomics in Health Care

    Open to all University students. (3)

    Introduction to basic concepts of human genetics. Periconceptual counseling and prenatal diagnosis, implications of presymptomatic diagnosis, cancer risk education/counseling.  Considerable emphasis on ethical, legal and social issues involved in health care. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 356 - End of Life Care

    NUR 250  with a grade of C+ (2.3) or better or admission to RN to BSN program. (2)

    Examination of multifaceted issues of dying in America and opportunities where nurses, as members of an inter-professional team, can be primary palliative care providers. Current issues surrounding end-of life care, patient and family communication, chronic illness trajectories, symptom burden and management, and legal, ethical and culturally appropriate care are explored from a nursing perspective. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 360 - Bereavement in Children

    NUR 220  or admission to RN to BSN program; consent of instructor. (1-4)

    Service learning experience providing the student the opportunity to experience a direct relationship with children ages 6-17 who have experienced the loss of a loved one.  The student spends approximately 3 days at a residential camp as part of a team focusing on children’s grief needs.  Emphasis is on the roles and responsibilities of the professional nurse in the camp setting and the grief needs of children at varying developmental stages. Graded ABCDE/Y
  • NUR 361 - Health Promotion across the Life Span

    Open to all University students. (3) HW

    Focus on health promotion throughout life. Lifestyle choices that promote health, prevent disease and improve quality of life; nutrition basics; exercise recommendations; mental, emotional and spiritual influences on health promotion; making health behaviors permanent; health promotion in special populations. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 364 - Theoretical Foundation for Behavioral Change and Health Promotion

    NUR 300  or NUR 320  or NUR 340 . (3)

    Examination of major contemporary motivational and behavioral change theories and models that support nurse-driven, client-centered health education and health promotion initiatives. Combining this theoretical knowledge with associated empirical studies, students begin to explore practical applications of these theories in promoting healthy evidence-based behaviors. Graded ABCDE/Y
  • NUR 366 - Case Management Principles and Theory

    At least junior standing. (3)

    Introduction to the case management knowledge framework, including what case managers need to know to effectively care for clients and their support systems. Exploration of case management philosophy, guiding principles, and best practices. Learners develop knowledge related to case management certification and standards of this specialty practice. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 369 - Transcultural Health Care

    Open to all University students. (3) GS

    The unique interaction of culture and cultural values with health care beliefs, values and practices, and how these impact the utilization of the healthcare system. Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality and the Sunrise Enabler used as a basis for studying the relationship between culture, health, social justice, and health disparities. Exploration of various approaches necessary to provide culturally congruent and sensitive care across the lifespan. Not approved for nursing elective credit. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 370 - Health Policy for Nursing


    Examination of nursing health policy in macro, micro and community-based environments. Student actively participate in creation of policies, both public and private, that can be used to guide health care through multiple environments and facilities. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 372 - Self-Care for Nurses


    Exploration of the impact of self-care within nursing. Students examine concepts of stress, burnout, resilience, self-care and environment and their relationships to personal health and nursing practice. Students engage in evidence-based strategies to promote self-care and wellness. Graded Pass/Fail
  • NUR 374 - Complementary and Integrative Health

    Admission to Traditional BSN or Accelerated BSN or RN to BSN program. (3)

    Broadens perspective from that of illness and cure to that of health and healing; explores culturally diverse beliefs and traditions regarding healing, knowledge of the mind-body-spirit relationship; focuses on the whole person; and is informed by evidence. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 375 - Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs

    PSY 313 , prior or concurrent election of NUR 220 . (2)

    Examination of chronic illness and disability of children and youth, using a holistic, interprofessional approach.  Focus on holistic aspects of various physical and mental health conditions and how nurses can support children and families within health care and community systems.  Emphasis on navigation of the health care system, recognizing its disparities; effective use of resources; and review of relevant health care policies and theories. An interprofessional approach will be explored. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 380 - Immersion in Nursing Leadership and Management

    At least junior standing. (3)

    Examination of nursing-specific leadership and management issues, designed to activate and promote implementation of various leadership and management theories with a hands-on approach. Graded ABCDE
  • NUR 381 - International Nursing

    Consent of instructor. (2-4)

    Provides the student with the opportunity to experience a direct relationship with health care consumers from various cultural backgrounds. Emphasis on providing direct care to the population and examination of the culture, with a focus on nursing practice based on a systems perspective. Graded Pass/Fail
  • NUR 383 - Nursing Management of the Critically Ill Adult

    NUR 250  with a grade of C+ (2.3) or better or admission to RN to BSN Program. (2)

    Focuses on the collaborative medical and nursing management of adult clients suffering from conditions commonly treated in critical care units. Covers content areas found on the CCRN certification exam from a holistic nursing perspective. Emphasis on pathophysiology of conditions, diagnostic testing, collaborative medical and nursing management, and communication with the client, family, and health care team. For RNs planning to take the CCRN exam and BSN program students who desire a more in-depth background in medical surgical nursing. Graded ABCDE

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