POL 321 - Political Parties and Elections POL 120 or consent of instructor. (3)
Examination of U.S. political parties to evaluate how these organizations support democratic ideals and effective government. Focus on the history of American elections, party realignment, cultural and intellectual challenges facing U.S. parties. Changing composition of special interest groups and their role in the U.S. party system. Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently. |
POL 329 - Civil Liberties and the Constitution POL 120 or consent of instructor. (3)
Civil liberty issues confronting American society. Rights of freedom of speech, assembly, and press; the religion clauses of the First Amendment; the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as it is concerned with rights of minorities. Students deliver oral arguments and prepare briefs of pending and simulated court cases. Graded ABCDE |
POL 330 - Political Economy of Development POL 190 or POL 230 /INT 230 or consent of instructor. (3)
An overview of the major theoretical approaches to the study of development and of the main issues debated in the literature; the political context of development and contemporary economic problems and policy choices in developing countries. Topics may include: impact of processes of industrialization and globalization on social and political life; mining and agricultural development; alternative development strategies; the role of multinational corporations, international financial and trade organizations in shaping economic performance and development. Graded ABCDE |
POL 331 - Women and Work POL 120 or SOC 100 or WGS 100 ; or consent of instructor. (3) US
Women’s paid employment and job segregation by sex: relation of women’s paid work to women’s family work, nature of women’s jobs and occupations, and a variety of state policies that influence women’s employment (e.g. Anti-discrimination law, maternity and parental leave). White women and women of color in the advanced capitalist economy of the United States. Also listed as SOC 362 and WGS 331 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 333 - International Law and Organizations POL 190 or POL 230 /INT 230 or consent of instructor. (3)
Development of international law and its relation to international organizations. Role of international law and organization in global problems of conflict and war, development and economy, and human rights and intervention. Graded ABCDE |
POL 334 - Human Rights in Africa AFA 101 or POL 190 or consent of instructor. (3) GS
Examination of core international human rights instruments such as the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relevant institutions. Exploration of specific instances of human rights violations, particularly in Africa, including genocide, human trafficking war crimes, gender oppression, rape, the phenomena of child soldiers and transitional justice. Role African Human Rights Commission, UN and the international community in combating human rights violations. Also listed as AFA 333 . Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently. |
POL 340 - African Politics POL 190 or consent of instructor. (3)
Traditional African political structures, the changes occasioned by colonial rule, and the political processes of independent African states. Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently. |
POL 347 - Middle East Politics POL 190 or consent of instructor. (3)
Examination of the politics of Middle East since the fall of the Ottoman Empire to the present. Focus on foreign intervention, state building, nationalism, military regimes, the “Arab Spring,” democratization, politics of religion/identities, and the intractable Arab-Israeli conflict. Also listed as MES 347 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 351 - Political and Legal Anthropology ANT 100 /INT 100 or POL 190 . (3)
Study of comparative political systems, forms of authority, legitimacy and power in societies at different levels of social complexity and in different ecological contexts. Political organization and process analyzed in terms of their relationships to economics, religion, kinship, and other aspects of culture and society. Also listed as ANT 351 . Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently. |
POL 355 - Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict POL 190 or consent of instructor. (3)
Examination of the politics of nationalism, ethnicity, and other identity conflicts in global comparative perspective. Specific case studies from several global regions, ranging from separatist struggles for self-determination to violent ethnic and communal conflicts undermining political order and stability. Students develop critical understanding of the historical significance of nationalism, ethnic and religious identity in different world regions and their impact on regional and global peace and security. Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently. |
POL 361 - Modern Democratic Political Thought A course in political science or consent of instructor. (3)
Review of the philosophical traditions of liberal democracy from the Enlightenment to the present. Ideas of natural law, social contract, individualism, constitutionalism, and popular rule through law. Graded ABCDE |
POL 364 - Conflicts and Humanitarian Intervention in Africa AFA 101 or POL 190 . (3) S
Investigation of major conflicts in post-colonial Africa and the efforts to resolve them by regional and global institutions such as the African Union, Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS), United Nations, European Union; and role of US, China and Russia in African conflicts. Implications of armed humanitarian intervention in Libya, Somalia, Cote d’Ivoire and Darfur-Sudan; as well as conflicts with catastrophic human rights violations including Northern Uganda, Rwanda genocide; resource conflicts in Great Lakes and terror violence in the Sahel. Also listed as AFA 364 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 365 - Marxist Political Thought A social science course or consent of instructor. (3)
Examination of Marx, and Marxisms after Marx, in historical context. Continuity and diversity in the Marxist tradition. Philosophical positions of various theorists, their views of the nature and development of capitalism, analysis of social class, discussion of the revolutionary party and process, analysis of the state in capitalism and after, and treatment of the nature and importance of culture. Graded ABCDE |
POL 375 - Politics and U.S. Labor A social science course or consent of instructor. (3)
Political environment shaping the US labor movement since the Great Depression and strategies used to meet the challenges presented by this environment. Discussion of federal laws to regulate the labor movement, tactics used to further its agenda in the institutional realm and the public at large, and methods employers invoke to thwart that agenda. Graded ABCDE |
POL 380 - The U.S. System of Law POL 120 or consent of instructor. (3)
Role of law in U.S. society. Legal reasoning, precedent, theories of law, common law, juries, and legal socialization. Political nature of law and the extent to which the U.S. system of law is reflective of basic value, moral and ethical considerations. Graded ABCDE |
POL 389 - Moot Court Consent of instructor. (1-3)
Students prepare for State, Regional and National Moot Court competitions using hypothetical case problems, actively working as teams on case briefing, preparation of oral and written arguments, and presentation of an appellate case. May be reelected to a total of 3 credits. Graded ABCDE |
POL 390 - Internship in Public Agencies and Community Organizations Consent of instructor. (3-6)
Students intern in selected public agencies and community organizations under supervision of on-site personnel and department faculty. On-site experience, meetings with campus internship coordinator, experience-related research and writing with Department faculty. May be elected for three to six credits, of which three are applicable to the political science concentration. Enrollment generally limited to juniors and seniors. Graded ABCDE |
POL 391 - Directed Reading in Political Science Junior standing, 9 credits of Political Science and consent of instructor. (1-3)
Individual course of studies arranged with a faculty member, for advanced students to explore areas beyond the regular curriculum. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE |
POL 394 - Special Topics in Political Science POL 120 or POL 190 or consent of instructor. (3)
Exploration of varying special topics in political science, topic will be announced before each offering of the course. May be reelected to a total of six credits. Graded ABCDE |
POL 401 - U.S. Political Thought At least junior standing. (3)
Impact on political institutions of the United States as “first new nation;” ideas, issues, and public law. Pluralism, federalism, constitutionalism, isolationism and interventionism. Graded ABCDE |
POL 411 - U.S. State and Local Government A course in political science or consent of instructor. (3)
States in the federal system; state policies and policy information; state-local relations; local problems, policies and politics. Graded ABCDE |
POL 420 - Law and Administrative Processes At least junior standing. (3)
Legal foundations of public administration. Development of regulatory agencies, right to a hearing, delegation of power, judicial review, rulemaking and adjudication, efforts to reform administrative regulation, zoning and land use planning. Graded ABCDE |
POL 422 - Environmental Law and Public Policy POL 120 or consent of instructor. (3)
Political and administrative aspects of environmental regulation, including major legislation, administrative regulations, and litigation involving environmental issues. Actions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) involving the internal environment of the workplace. Also listed as PUB 422. Graded ABCDE |
POL 437 - US Foreign Policy POL 190 or POL 230 /INT 230 or consent of instructor. (3)
Major phases and turning points in US foreign policy since 1945. Examination of the main factors shaping nature of foreign policy: decision-making, leadership, Congress, executive agencies, public opinion, economic and other interest groups. Particular focus on contemporary problems and challenges facing US foreign policy. Graded ABCDE |
POL 494 - Honors Research and Proposal Development Acceptance into Honor Program in political science; consent of Honors Council or its designate; consent of Department chair. (3)
Designed for honors students to read discipline-based literature in the area in which they are pursuing their honors project and to design their honors project. Students work closely with one or more faculty members. Also listed as HON 393 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 495 - Honors Thesis I (Off-Campus Study) POL 494 ; acceptance into Honor Program in political science; consent of Honors Council or its designate; consent of Department chair. (4)
Course used to grant credit towards off-campus work on the honors project and thesis. Credit and grade not given until completion of POL 496 and submission of the honors thesis. Graded ABCDE/Y |
POL 496 - Honors Thesis II Prior or concurrent election of POL 495 and consent of Department Chair. Open only to Honors Program students in political science. (4)
Graded ABCDE/Y |
POL 501 - U.S. Political Thought Graduate standing. (3)
Impact on political institutions of the United States as “first new nation;” ideas, issues, and public law. Pluralism, federalism, constitutionalism, isolationism and interventionism. Not open to students with credit for POL 401 . Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently. |
POL 511 - U.S. Political Institutions Graduate standing. (3)
Exploration of the three core institutions of U.S. government (Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court), including examination of theories and historical perspectives on each. Special emphasis on the nature and sources of power in the institutions, how they shape political outcomes, and how citizens interact with government through interest groups and political parties. Recommended for entering MPA students without recent or previous undergraduate coursework in the U.S. political system. Not open for students with credit for POL 310. Graded ABCDE |
POL 520 - Law and Administrative Processes Graduate standing. (3)
Legal foundations of public administration. Development of regulatory agencies, right to a hearing, delegation of power, judicial review, rulemaking and adjudication, efforts to reform administrative regulation, zoning, and land use planning. Not open to students with credit forPOL 420. Also listed as PUB 519 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 522 - Environmental Law and Public Policy Graduate standing. (3)
Political and administrative aspects of environmental regulation, including major legislation, administrative regulations, and litigation involving environmental issues. Actions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) involving the internal environment of the workplace. Not open to students with credit forPOL 422. Also listed as PUB 522 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 529 - Civil Liberties and the Constitution Graduate standing. (3)
Civil liberty issues confronting American society. Rights of freedom of speech, assembly, and press; the religion clauses of the First Amendment; the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as it is concerned with rights of minorities. Students deliver oral arguments and prepare briefs of pending and simulated court cases. Not open to students with credit for POL 329 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 531 - Women and Work Graduate standing. (3)
Women’s paid employment and job segregation by sex: relation of women’s paid work to women’s family work, nature of women’s jobs and occupations, and a variety of state policies that influence women’s employment (e.g. Anti-discrimination law, maternity and parental leave). White women and women of color in the advanced capitalist economy of the United States. Not open to students with credit for POL 331 /SOC 362 /WGS 331 . Also listed as SOC 563 and WGS 531 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 533 - International Law and Organizations Graduate standing. (3)
Development of international law and its relation to international organizations. Role of international law and organization in global problems of conflict and war, development and economy, and human rights and intervention. Not open to students with credit for POL 333 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 534 - Human Rights in Africa Graduate standing. (3)
Examination of core international human rights instruments such as the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relevant institutions. Exploration of specific instances of human rights violations, particularly in Africa, including genocide, human trafficking war crimes, gender oppression, rape, the phenomena of child soldiers and transitional justice. Role African Human Rights Commission, UN and the international community in combating human rights violations. Not open to students with credit forAFA 333/POL 334. Also listed as AFA 533 . Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently. |
POL 537 - US Foreign Policy Graduate standing; a course in political science or consent of instructor. (3)
Major phases and turning points in US foreign policy since 1945. Examination of the main factors shaping nature of foreign policy: decision-making, leadership, Congress, executive agencies, public opinion, economic and other interest groups. Particular focus on contemporary problems and challenges facing US foreign policy. Not open to students with credit for POL 437 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 540 - Political Economy of Development Graduate standing. (3)
An overview of the major theoretical approaches to the study of development and of the main issues debated in the literature; the political context of development and contemporary economic problems and policy choices in developing countries. Topics may include: impact of processes of industrialization and globalization on social and political life; mining and agricultural development; alternative development strategies; the role of multinational corporations, international financial and trade organizations in shaping economic performance and development. Not open to students with credit for POL 330 . Graded ABCDE |
POL 551 - Political and Legal Anthropology Graduate standing. (3)
Study of comparative political systems, forms of authority, legitimacy and power in societies at different levels of social complexity and in different ecological contexts. Political organization and process analyzed in terms of their relationships to economics, religion, kinship, and other aspects of culture and society. Not open to students with credit for ANT 351 /POL 351 . Also listed as ANT 551 . Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently. |
POL 565 - Marxist Political Thought Graduate standing. (3)
Examination of Marx, and Marxisms after Marx, in historical context. Continuity and diversity in the Marxist tradition. Philosophical positions of various theorists, their views of the nature and development of capitalism, analysis of social class, discussion of the revolutionary party and process, analysis of the state in capitalism and after, and treatment of the nature and importance of culture. Not open to students with credit for POL 365 . Graded ABCDE Offered infrequently. |
POL 575 - Politics and American Labor Graduate standing. (3)
Political environment shaping the US labor movement since the Great Depression and strategies used to meet the challenges presented by this environment. Discussion of federal laws to regulate the labor movement, tactics used to further its agenda in the institutional realm and the public at large, and methods employers invoke to thwart that agenda. Not open to students with credit for POL 375 . Graded ABCDE |
PPA 450 - PA Preparatory Independent Study Senior standing, MSPA faculty approval. (2)
Individually negotiated special project work aimed at physician assistant education or practice. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 511 - Fundamentals of Disease Process for PAs Admission to Physician Assistant MS program. (2)
Introduction to key information essential to understanding clinical medicine principles, including select areas of physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, laboratory medicine, radiology and genetics. Lecture. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 521 - Medical Foundations of PA Practice I Admission to the Physician Assistant MS program. (6)
Systems and evidence-based study of human disease to include epidemiology, physiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic testing, diagnostic problem solving, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. Principles of pharmacologic action followed by review of major therapeutic agents in each clinical area. Lecture. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 522 - Medical Foundations of PA Practice II Successful completion of PPA 521 . (10)
Systems and evidence-based study of human disease to include epidemiology, physiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic testing, diagnostic problem solving, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. Principles of pharmacologic action followed by review of major therapeutic agents in each clinical area. Includes study of diagnostic methods relating to systems. Lecture, collaborative case-based study. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 523 - Medical Foundations of PA Practice III Successful completion of PPA 522 . (10)
Continued systems and evidence-based study of human disease to include epidemiology, physiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic testing, diagnostic problem solving, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. Principles of pharmacologic action followed by review of major therapeutic agents in each clinical area. Study of diagnostic methods relating to systems. Lecture, collaborative case-based study. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 524 - Medical Foundations of PA Practice IV Successful completion of PPA 523 . (8)
Continued systems and evidence-based study of human disease to include epidemiology, physiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic testing, diagnostic problem solving, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. Principles of pharmacologic action followed by review of major therapeutic agents in each clinical area. Lecture, collaborative case-based study, case presentations. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 531 - Patient Evaluation for PA Practice I Admission to Physician Assistant MS program. (6)
Skills required to perform a complete medical evaluation of a patient. Interviewing, effective communication skills, physical examination techniques utilizing a systems anatomic approach, construction and writing of organized medical histories and physical examination. Lecture/laboratory. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 532 - Patient Evaluation for PA Practice II Successful completion of PPA 531 . (6)
Skills required to perform a complete medical evaluation of a patient. Interviewing, effective communication skills, physical examination techniques utilizing a systems anatomic approach, construction and writing of organized medical histories and physical examination. Emphasis on developing differential diagnoses, ordering appropriate laboratory and imaging studies, and completing an assessment and plan. Lecture/laboratory. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 533 - Patient Evaluation for PA Practice III Successful completion of PPA 532 . (6)
Skills required to perform a complete medical evaluation of a patient. Interviewing, effective communication skills, physical examination techniques utilizing a systems anatomic approach, construction and writing of organized medical histories and physical examination. Emphasis on refining differential diagnoses, ordering appropriate laboratory and imaging studies, and completing an assessment and plan, beginning patient-oriented physical examinations. Lecture/laboratory. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 534 - Patient Evaluation for PA Practice IV Successful completion of PPA 533 . (8)
Skills required to perform a complete medical evaluation of a patient. Interviewing, effective communication skills, physical examination techniques utilizing a systems anatomic approach, construction and writing of organized medical histories and physical examination. Emphasis on refining differential diagnoses, ordering appropriate laboratory and imaging studies, and completing an assessment and plan, performing patient-oriented physical examinations. Instruction on hands-on clinical skills with clinical implications of findings. Lecture/laboratory. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 541 - PA Professional Issues I Admission to Physician Assistant MS program. (1)
Professional issues specific to PAs, patients, and the health care profession. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 542 - PA Professional Issues II Successful completion of PPA 541 . (2)
Professional issues specific to PAs, patients, and the health care profession. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 543 - PA Professional Issues III Successful completion of PPA 542 . (2)
Professional issues specific to PAs, patients, and the health care profession. Graded ABCDE |
PPA 550 - Independent Study for Physician Assistant Students Admission to the Physician Assistant MS program, consent of instructor. (1-5)
Individually negotiated learning experience for the graduate level physician assistant didactic phase student appropriate to the academic, clinical and professional needs, as determined by the faculty and student. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 610 - Internal Medicine I Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences addressing the fundamental principles of family medicine as related to the clinical care of patients. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 620 - Internal Medicine II Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences addressing the fundamental principles of internal medicine as related to the clinical care of patients. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 621 - Surgery Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences that address preoperative evaluation and preparatory procedures, assisting at the operating table, and management of patients during the preoperative period until discharge. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 622 - Geriatrics Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences that address the fundamental principles of clinical care of older adult patients, including the changes and impairments commonly associated with aging. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 623 - Emergency Medicine Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences that address the fundamental principles of evaluation and management of the patient presenting to the emergency department. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 624 - Women’s Health Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences that address the fundamental principles of clinical care of women. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 625 - Family Medicine I Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences addressing the fundamental principles of family medicine as related to the clinical care of patients. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 626 - Pediatrics Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences that address the fundamental principles of clinical care of children, including normal growth and development, pediatric preventative medicine, and management of common childhood diseases. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 627 - Behavioral Medicine Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences that address the fundamental principles of psychiatry and chemical dependency as related to the clinical care of patients. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 628 - PA Clinical Rotation Elective Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experience that provides the PA student the opportunity to choose a disciplinary area of study as related to the clinical care of patients, or for remediation of content and clinical rotation experience as determined by Physician Assistant program faculty. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 630 - PA Professional Development Seminar Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (3)
Topics germane to the practice of medicine for the clinical phase PA student. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 631 - Interprofessional Teamwork Admission to the Physician Assistant MS program. (2)
The roles of various health care professionals and how they interact as a health care team. PA students work with students of other disciplines to provide health care and education to a select patient population. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 632 - PA Seminar and Evaluation Successful completion of all didactic courses and clinical rotations in the Physician Assistant program. (3)
Assessment of cumulative knowledge gained from both didactic and clinical aspects of the MSPA program to verify student preparation for clinical practice; includes the summative evaluation component of the MSPA program. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 635 - Family Medicine II Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
Supervised clinical practice experiences addressing the fundamental principles of family medicine as related to the clinical care of patients. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 641 - Independent Study for Physician Assistant Didactic Phase Students Admission to the Physician Assistant MS program, consent of instructor. (1-5)
Individually negotiated learning experience for the graduate-level physician assistant didactic phase student appropriate to academic, clinical and professional needs, as determined by the faculty and student. May be reelected for credit. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 650 - Independent Study for Physician Assistant Students Admission to the Physician Assistant MS program, consent of instructor. (1-5)
Individually negotiated learning experience for the graduate level physician assistant clinical phase student appropriate to the academic, clinical and professional needs, as determined by the faculty and student. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 670 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience I Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 671 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience II Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 672 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience III Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 673 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience IV Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 674 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience V Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 675 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience VI Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 676 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience VII Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 677 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience VIII Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 678 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience IX Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 679 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience X Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PPA 680 - Supervised Clinical Practice Experience XI Successful completion of didactic phase of Physician Assistant program. (2)
The Supervised Clinical Practice Experience (SCPE) is designed to extend knowledge gained during the didactic year and present circumstances that will aid the student in future practice as a medical provider. Students develop their medical knowledge and critical thinking skills while learning the art of communication with other medical providers, staff, patients and other individuals. The specific SCPE may involve interactions in family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, emergency medicine, surgery or geriatrics. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y |
PSY 100 - Principles of Psychology Open to all students. (3) S
Introduction to scientific study of behavior and mental processes; major concepts, theoretical perspectives, and research. Overview of the research process; how psychological questions are generated and studied; research and theory in subfields such as neuroscience, human development, learning, memory, thinking, motivation and individual differences. Open to all students. Graded ABCC-N |
PSY 102 - Introduction to Mindfulness Theory and Practice (1)
Study and practice of mindfulness and stress reduction. Students review and discuss foundational literature in the area, and engage in an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction protocol within the context of the course. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 103 - Introduction to Sports and Exercise Psychology (1)
Clinical, educational and scientific foundations of exercise and sport psychology, and applied and scientific aspects of the field. Counseling of athletes, assessing talent, exercise adherence and well-being, promoting best practices in mental training techniques, and motivating to persist and achieve. Psychological considerations in sport injury and rehabilitation; ethical considerations in sport psychology service. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 104 - Intergroup Relations: Cognitive Processes and Dialogue (1)
Exploration of the cognitive processes involved in understanding others, with particular attention to stereotype formation and use. Training in dialogue techniques in order to learn about, and understand, others in the real world. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 105 - Principles of Psychology Laboratory (1)
Laboratory experiments, activities, discussions, and demonstrations about basic concepts in psychological science. Graded ABCDD-N |
PSY 180 - Psychology of Sex (3) HW
Survey of scientific study of sexual behavior. Contemporary perspectives on topics such as relationship initiation and maintenance, formation of short- and long-term intimate relationships, intercourse, atypical sexual behavior, and other issues related to human sexuality. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 200 - General Experimental Psychology PSY 100 . (4) N, NL
Laboratory course for psychology minors and non-majors. Students learn to apply the scientific method to address research questions specific to several sub-disciplines of psychology. Basic overview of experimental designs commonly used in psychology and discussion of ethical considerations in research. Laboratory experience with data measurement, analysis, interpretation, and scientific reporting. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 244 - Psychology of Death PSY 100 . (3) HW
Psychological factors, processes and adjustments associated with death and dying, grief and bereavement, suicide, aging, and life-threatening illness. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 300 - Preparing for Careers in Psychology PSY 100 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. (3)
Overview of expectations and career options for the psychology major, designed to assist in the transition from college student to psychology graduate. Emphasis on acquisition of competitive skills for jobs and/or graduate study and ways to “market” the psychology degree for both traditional and non-traditional careers. Graded Pass/Fail |
PSY 309 - Abnormal Psychology PSY 100 . (3) HW
Theory and research in selected areas of abnormal psychology, such as assessment, classification, development and treatment of disorders of thought, mood, behavior and personality. Analysis, integration and application of theoretical models of development and treatment of psychological disorders. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 313 - Developmental Psychology PSY 100 . (3) S
Theory and research in selected areas of developmental psychology covering social-emotional, cognitive and physical aspects of development across the lifespan. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 315 - Survey of Social Psychology PSY 100 . (3) S
Theory and research in selected areas of social psychology, such as the self, stereotypes, attitudes, conformity, group processes, attraction, aggression, and helping behavior. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 316 - Biological Psychology PSY 100 . (3) S
Theory and research on selected areas of biological psychology such as emotion, sex, addiction, and psychological disorders. Emphasis on understanding how the brain and nervous system shape the behavior of an organism. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 317 - Cognitive Psychology PSY 100 . (3) S
Investigation of cognitive psychology, a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field focused on how mental processes (e.g., attention, memory, thought processes) affect action and behavior. Focus on both basic scientific findings and applied outcomes for disciplines including education, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and clinical care. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 319 - Principles of Research Design PSY 100 ; ENG 112 or EHS 120 with a grade of C (2.0) or better. (4) S
Basic research methods used in the behavioral sciences, including descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental and experimental designs, as well as measurement, reliability, validity and ethics. Students learn to perform a literature search, generate a testable hypothesis, measure variables, choose an appropriate research design, conduct a study, analyze data, and report findings. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 322 - Basic Statistics and Probability Completion of any MTH course above MTH 090 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better or equivalent competency as determined by Mathematics Department placement test or consent of instructor. (4) FQ
Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics, including measures of central tendency and variability, standard scores, t-tests, the Pearson r, ANOVA, chi-square tests, hypothesis testing, and the statistical and practical significance of research findings. Students learn to perform quantitative statistical procedures using statistical software packages and appropriately interpret the outcomes of these analyses. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 330 - Advanced Statistics A course in statistics. (1)
Review of appropriate use and interpretation of advanced statistics in the behavioral sciences, with an emphasis on two-way ANOVA and non-parametric tests. Intended for students who have completed a lower-level statistics course outside of psychology or at another institution and are seeking credit for PSY 322 or those seeking a statistics review. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 336 - Psychology of Personality PSY 100 . (3) S
Theory and research in selected areas of personality psychology, including evolutionary, genetic, neurological and environmental influences on personality development as well as psychodynamic, humanistic, trait and cognitive/behavioral approaches to understanding personality. Graded ABCDE |
PSY 341 - Psychology of Gender PSY 100 . (3)
Examination of social learning, psychoanalytic, evolutionary and other psychological perspectives on gender, with focus on contemporary U.S. culture. Also listed as WGS 341 . Graded ABCDE |
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