Oct 06, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Study

Office of Graduate Programs
251 Frances Willson Thompson Library
(810) 762-3171
Fax: (810) 766-6789
Email: FlintGradOffice@umich.edu

Associate Provost & Dean of Graduate Programs: Stephen W. Turner, Ph.D.
Business Administrator: Mary Deibis
Associate Director of Graduate Programs: Matt Bohlen
Office Supervisor: Debbie Samida
Recruiter and Academic Advisor: Erin Strom
Recruitment Coordinator: Dayne Hopkins
Administrative Assistant Senior: Jaquetta Redwine
International Recruiter and Advisor: (vacant)
Applications Programmer: Mohammed AlJaser 

The Office of Graduate Programs manages graduate education and oversees graduate admissions at the University of Michigan-Flint. The office also works in collaboration with the colleges and schools to coordinate recruitment efforts. 


The University of Michigan-Flint offers over 40 graduate degree and certificate programs. A complete list of programs offered is available under Program Listings .

Students who have been admitted into other University of Michigan graduate programs and are in good standing may register for graduate courses at the University of Michigan-Flint but are advised to seek assistance as to procedures from their respective campuses. Information on graduate degree programs offered by the University of Michigan-Flint is available in the Office of Graduate Programs.


Students who have earned a degree from a regionally-accredited college or university in the United States, or its equivalent in another country, that meets the minimum degree requirement for a given program of study are considered for admission without regard to sex, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status, handicap, or Vietnam-era veteran status. See the appropriate section below for admission requirements specific to the various degree programs.

An applicant who holds a degree from outside the United States that is not the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree may be granted conditional admission to a degree program upon the recommendation of the director of the graduate program and the concurring opinion of the Dean of Graduate Programs. Such an admission decision will be based on a careful evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications, acceptable evidence of the institution’s competence in the student’s principal areas of preparation, and other relevant factors. If granted conditional admission, the student is required to complete a number of hours of graduate or upper-level undergraduate qualifying course work. Note: Current Rackham School of Graduate Studies policy does not allow admission of students with three-year bachelor’s degrees. Therefore, this policy does not apply to Rackham programs at UM-Flint.

Students admitted with conditions of any kind must fulfill such conditions in order to register for classes beyond the first term of admission. Extensions to this deadline may be granted in extenuating circumstances by the Office of Graduate Programs or the program’s administration. All conditions must be fulfilled before a student can graduate with the degree.

Application Deadlines

Each graduate program at UM-Flint has deadlines for applying for admission. Deadlines vary by program as well as by semester. Some programs admit students in all entry terms (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer), while others limit admission to certain terms. Please check the Graduate Programs website for application deadlines and admission terms.

International students may be required to apply earlier than the deadline posted by the program. The final deadlines for international students are May 1 for the fall semester, October 1 for the winter semester, and January 1 for the spring term. International students should apply by the earlier deadline (program deadline or the international deadline).

How to Apply

Each graduate program at the University of Michigan-Flint has its own policies and procedures for admission. To apply, you must submit an application, pay the application fee, and submit all supporting materials (transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.) required by the program you wish to apply by the application deadline. Please go to the appropriate graduate program section in this Catalog to access admission and application information for your intended program of study.

Application Forms

Application are available from the Office of Graduate Programs online at www.umflint.edu/graduateprograms. Inquiries should be addressed to:

University of Michigan-Flint
Graduate Programs, 251 Thompson Library
303 E Kearsley St
Flint, MI 48502-1950

or prospective students may telephone (810) 762-3171 or email FlintGradOffice@umich.edu 

Application Fees

Submission of an application requires payment of a $55.00 application fee. The application fee can be paid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) or by a check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank. We do not accept checks that are drawn on a bank outside of the United States. The application fee is nonrefundable and cannot be credited toward tuition or any other fees. In the rare event when a program has gone into moratorium, the fee can be transferred to another graduate program. Applications received without fees will not be evaluated. All fees are subject to change without prior notice.

English Proficiency

If English is not your native language, even if you are currently a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and regardless of how long you have resided or been educated in the U.S.*, you must demonstrate English proficiency by providing evidence through one of the following methods:

Some programs may have English proficiency requirements that exceed the minimum requirements listed here. It is recommended that international applicants check the program’s admission requirements to be sure.

*If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and wish to waive this requirement, you may make your case to the director of your program of application. The director, in turn, must make the case to the Dean of Graduate Programs. You must provide sufficient evidence that you have the requisite English proficiency. Please note that some programs or departments may prohibit exceptions to the requirements.

**The university reserves the right to require an applicant to provide other evidence of English proficiency if independent sources cannot verify that the language of instruction was exclusively English.

Financial Certification Requirements for International Students

All international students seeking an F-1 visa must submit an Affidavit of Financial Support form. This affidavit must be accompanied by one of the following: a) original, currently dated bank statement; or b) an original, currently dated letter with a bank official’s signature; or c) detailed letter of sponsorship from a government, employer, or other organization sponsoring the student indicating the exact dollar amount for expenses in U.S. funds.

The bank statement must show the required available funds as specified on the affidavit. The Affidavit of Financial Support is valid for one year. If the applicant is in the U.S., the bank statement must be dated no more than six months before the month of the term of admission; if the applicant is outside the U.S., the bank statement must be dated no more than one year prior to the month of the term of admission.


Instructors enter grades on the student’s permanent academic record. Students may elect courses without letter grades, either as a visit (audit) or for Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading. A visit (audit) does not count for credit, but a grade of S does. Courses in which grades of D or E are earned cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.

Coursework is graded with a letter system (A, B, C, D, or E) except for special courses noted below. An instructor may add ”+” or “-” to grades. Letter grades are converted into numbers, or points, as follows:

  • A+ = 4.0
  • A = 4.0
  • A- = 3.7
  • B+ = 3.3
  • B = 3.0
  • B- = 2.7
  • C+ = 2.3
  • C = 2.0
  • C- = 1.7
  • D+ = 1.3
  • D = 1.0
  • D- = 0.7

These numbers are used to calculate Michigan Honor Points (MHP) and the Grade Point Average (GPA).  Michigan Honor Points (MHP) are calculated by multiplying the number of credit hours for which the course was elected by the number of points earned on the grading scale. For example, a grade of B for a 3 credit hour course produces 3 (credit hours) x 3.0 (points for a grade of B), or 9 honor points. The grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing Michigan Honor Points earned for a term or more by the number of letter-graded semester hours (or credit hours) for the courses. A total of 45 MHP for 12 course credit hours produces a GPA of 3.75.

Other transcript notations include:

Visit (V). V appears on the transcript of students who successfully complete a course they have elected to visit (audit). These courses do not count for degree credit requirements. Students who do not complete a course to the satisfaction of the instructor and who have not dropped the course may receive a notation of “E” or “ED” (unofficial drop, equivalent to failure) on their transcript. This grade is calculated as part of the student’s GPA.

Satisfactory (S) and Unsatisfactory (U).  The graduate program designates courses for which S/U grading is used.  With permission from the advisor and the course instructor, a student may elect S/U grading in a course that would otherwise be letter-graded. This option may not be elected after the end of the first two weeks of the semester, nor changed to credit with grade after the announced deadline for dropping classes. Instructors cannot assign letter grades to students electing courses designated as S/U. A grade of “S” indicates that the instructor considers the student to have performed satisfactorily at the graduate level and is counted toward the credit hour requirements of the graduate program. A grade of “S” is considered to be a grade of “B” or better. A grade of “U” is assigned when a graduate student’s performance level is not acceptable and is not counted toward a student’s required credit hours. Grades of “S” and “U” are not converted into numbers and are not factored into the Grade Point Average or Michigan Honor Points.

Incomplete (I):  A student may receive a grade of Incomplete (“I”) only if the coursework remaining to be done by the end of the semester is small, and the instructor approves an extension for completing the unfinished work.  The instructor must agree to this arrangement and determine a deadline for finishing the assigned work before a grade is assigned.  The notation of “I” remains a permanent part of the academic record. When coursework is completed to the satisfaction of the instructor, the grade will appear on the transcript as, for example, “IB+.”  The grade point average is based only on hours of coursework completed.

Drop (W) and Unofficial Drop (ED).  A course that is officially dropped after the first two weeks of a full-term will be recorded with the notation of “W,” and will not earn credit hours toward the degree program or Michigan Honor Points. A student who registers for a course and either never attends or stops attending–but does not officially drop the course–receives a notation of “ED” (unofficial drop). A notation of “ED” is equivalent to a grade of “E” (failure).

Multi-Term Course (Y).  Graduate programs may designate a graduate course as a multi-term course. The instructor may report a “Y” grade at the end of the first term to indicate that the work is still in progress. When a final grade is reported, the grade will be posted, and the “Y” notation will be removed.

Students may graduate with a Y, I, or * grade on their transcripts if the course does not count toward their degree requirements.

Academic Standing

A student in good academic standing:

  • is making satisfactory progress toward the completion of degree requirements and is within the time limits of the degree program, including approved extensions;
  • is demonstrating an ability to succeed in the degree program; and
  • has a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better.

Certain graduate programs may have requirements above the university minimum for maintaining satisfactory academic standing.

A student whose cumulative GPA falls below a B (3.0 on a 4.0 point scale) in a given term will be placed on academic probation for the following term of enrollment. During the probationary term, the student will not be awarded a graduate degree or certificate. Upon the recommendation of the department chair or program director, a student may be given an opportunity to correct the scholastic and/or academic deficiency. Graduate programs may also require students to achieve minimum grades in the overall program of study and/or in particular courses.

A student on probation, when last enrolled in the graduate program who wishes to be reinstated or change programs or degree level, must petition the graduate program to modify the conditions of academic standing or discipline. The petition should: provide reasons for the poor academic record; explain how conditions that produced this poor performance have changed; and present specific plans for improvement. The graduate program must approve the petition before a student can be reinstated.

A student may be required to withdraw or be dismissed. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below a B (3.0 on a 4.0 point scale), who is not making satisfactory progress toward the degree, or who is failing to demonstrate an ability to succeed in his or her plan of studies, may be denied permission to register, required to withdraw, or dismissed from the program.

Students may also be dismissed for failing to meet the standards of academic and professional integrity.

A program must provide the student written notification of the grounds for dismissal.

Transfer of Credit

In order to recognize graduate credits earned in other accredited institutions of higher education and in other schools and colleges of the University of Michigan, the University of Michigan-Flint has policies that provide for the transfer of graduate credit to its master’s degree programs. Credit may be transferred in accordance with these policies only if it is to be used to meet master’s degree requirements. (This policy does not govern the transfer of credit into doctoral or certificate programs at UM-Flint; doctoral and certificate programs set their own policies.)

Course credits must be transferred in total or not at all. The transferred credit appears on the UM-Flint graduate record, but the associated grades received for this credit do not appear and are not computed in the student’s cumulative GPA (with the exception of credits earned through the Michigan Intercollegiate Graduate Studies program). Credit from all quarter-system schools will be transferred according to the standard ratio of two semester hours for three-quarter hours or two-thirds of a semester hour for each quarter-hour.

For Rackham programs, please see the Rackham School of Graduate Studies Programs  section of this Catalog for the policy.  For all other UM-Flint master’s degree programs, the policy is as follows:

UM-Flint differentiates between two types of course credit that may be transferred to its non-Rackham programs:

  1. Graduate credits completed in residence at another accredited institution (other than the University of Michigan); or 
  2. Non-UM-Flint graduate credits completed in another University of Michigan school or college, e.g., Rackham School of Graduate Studies (any campus), University of Michigan-Dearborn, Ross School of Business, etc.

Outside Institution Transfer of Credit Policy: Up to nine (9) semester hours required for a master’s degree program may be transferred from any combination of the above institutions to a student’s UM-Flint graduate record. Graduate programs may elect to allow fewer than nine semester hours or prohibit transfer credits.* Such credit may be transferred only for approved graduate-level courses and if all of the conditions below are met.  (Please note there are variations on the number of credits a program may allow for transfer; check each program’s section in this Catalog for a specific limit on transfer credit.)

University of Michigan System Transfer of Credit Policy:  Up to one-half (1/2) the minimum number of credit hours required for a master’s degree program may be transferred to a student’s UM-Flint graduate record from both category one and two sources combined. Such credit may be transferred only for approved graduate-level courses and if all of the conditions below are met.

Conditions That Must Be Met To Transfer Credit:

  • Student must be in a current master’s degree program.
  • Student must have submitted official final undergraduate transcripts/credentials.
  • Submission to the Office of Graduate Programs of the completed transfer of credit form signed by the student and the department or program graduate chair signifying approval along with a current official final transcript from the institution you wish to transfer the credit.

Courses Cannot Be Transferred for Credit If:

  • Already applied in whole or in part, in any way, toward any undergraduate degree, graduate degree, or certificate.
  • Credit(s) will be applied in whole or in part, in any way, towards any other current or future U-M degree or certificate.
  • Taken more than five years before first enrollment in the present UM-Flint master’s program.
  • A grade below “B” was earned.
  • Graduate-level work was not done.

Courses taken while enrolled as an undergraduate may be reviewed for transfer to the student’s graduate record if:

  • The courses have been approved for graduate credit by the graduate school of the institution.
  • The Registrar or Senior Auditor of the granting institution certifies that the courses were not used in whole or in part, in any way, to meet requirements for the bachelor’s degree.

Courses taken while enrolled as an undergraduate are not acceptable for graduate credit if:

  • The courses were taken at an exclusively undergraduate institution.
  • The courses were taken for undergraduate credit.

*UM-Flint-approved articulation agreements with other institutions may increase the number of credits allowed for transfer.

Criteria for Full-Time Enrollment

In general, graduate students are considered full-time for reporting, financial aid, and general enrollment certification with the following registration:

Fall or Winter - 8+ credits (4-7 credits is half-time)
Spring and/or Summer (combined) - 4 credits (2-3 credits is half-time)

Criteria for full-time enrollment for tuition/fee assessment and international students maintaining student visas differ.  See the website for more information.

Dual Degree Programs

The University of Michigan-Flint provides arrangements for students to pursue two degrees simultaneously. Dual Degree Graduate Programs  lead to two different degree citations on the transcript and two separate diplomas. The purpose of a dual degree program is to allow students to undertake complementary programs of graduate study simultaneously through streamlined curricular arrangements that allow double-counting of courses. UM-Flint offers several pre-approved dual degree programs and provides opportunities for students to initiate dual degree programs independently.

*Tuition rates for the dual degree programs are charged at the primary degree rate. Primary degree is defined as the higher degree. E.g., DPT would always be the primary degree in the dual DPT/MBA programs. If both degrees are the same level (e.g., dual MS in CSIS/MBA), the primary degree is defined as the first degree to which a student was admitted. More information is available here

Thesis and Dissertation

Students enrolled in a graduate program for which a thesis or dissertation is completed over more than two semesters are encouraged to work with their academic advisor for specific guidelines to maintain university access past the one-year activity requirement. 

Doctoral Degree Milestones

Research doctorate programs at UM-Flint that include a dissertation shall recognize milestones including examinations, advancing to candidacy, and completion of the dissertation on official university records. The following events are to be noted on the academic transcript:

  • Candidacy Examinations:  Doctoral programs define the names and types of examinations required to advance to candidacy.  Those terms include “Qualifying Examination,” “Preliminary Examination,” and “Comprehensive Examination.”  These items shall be noted on the transcript with their effective dates (defined as “pass” dates) on the transcript.  They shall be noted and appear on the transcript within 30 days of passage.
  • Advance to Candidacy:  When all coursework, examinations, and other program requirements are completed, “Advance to Candidacy” shall be noted on the transcript with its effective date.  This shall be noted within 30 days of its effective date.
  • Dissertation:  When the dissertation has been completed, approved, and defended, “Dissertation,” its title, its pass date, and the names and titles of the dissertation committee members shall be noted on the transcript.  This shall be noted at the time the degree is posted.

Financial Aid

Graduate scholarship, fellowship, grant, and research assistantship information may be viewed online. Information is also available under “Financial Aid” in the  Financial Information  section of this Catalog.

Tuition and Fees

Please refer to the Student Accounts website for tuition and fee rates.

Residency Classification

Please refer to the “University of Michigan In-State Tuition Classification Guidelines” in the Financial Information  section of this Catalog.

Time to Completion

A student enrolled in a graduate program within the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies is expected to complete all degree requirements within five years from the date of first enrollment in the master’s program. Students exceeding this limit must submit a petition to Rackham OARD requesting additional time to complete the program. More information is available here

University of Michigan-Flint graduate programs not offered through Rackham may have their own time limit policies. See that program’s catalog page for specific information on time limits (if any).

Lifelong Learning Graduate Admission


The purpose of graduate Lifelong Learning status is to permit and facilitate access to UM-Flint graduate courses to students not formally admitted to a UM-Flint graduate degree program.

General Policies

  • Students must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited institution and wish to take graduate courses without being formally admitted to a UM-Flint degree program.  Proof of degree is required.*
  • Instructor and/or program director approval is required for each course the student wishes to elect.
  • Prerequisites, grading standards, class assignments, and attendance requirements of a course apply to all students in that course.
  • Colleges, departments, schools, and programs determine rules of access to their courses and may limit enrollment of graduate Lifelong Learning students in certain courses.
  • Graduate Lifelong Learning students are not eligible for most sources of financial aid.
  • Graduate Lifelong Learning students who wish to be admitted to a UM-Flint graduate degree program in the future must apply for that program using the Graduate Application for Admission in accordance with established application deadlines. Courses taken as a graduate Lifelong Learning student do not guarantee admission to a program.
  • In general, up to six (6), graduate credit hours elected as a graduate Lifelong Learning student may apply toward a UM-Flint graduate degree. In certain circumstances, some programs may accept up to nine (9) credits. The student must receive admission to a degree program, and the program director must determine that the courses are acceptable.
  • Graduate Lifelong Learning admission is for one term only. Students who wish to enroll in a future term as a graduate Lifelong Learning student must submit another Application for Graduate Lifelong Learning or Guest Admission and receive course approvals.

*Students who are in their final semester of their undergraduate studies at UM-Flint who wish to elect a graduate course for the following semester as a graduate Lifelong Learning student must submit a memo from their academic advisor stating when all degree requirements for their baccalaureate degree will be completed as well as a signed Statement of Understanding.

How to Apply

Complete the Application for Graduate Lifelong Learning or Guest Admission (available online) and submit it together with the following supporting documents to the University of Michigan-Flint, Office of Graduate Programs, 303 E. Kearsley St., Flint, MI  48502-1950:

  • A transcript or diploma with a bachelor’s or master’s degree posted.
  • Applicants whose native language is not English (this includes U.S. citizens and permanent residents whose native language is not English) must demonstrate English proficiency.
  • Applicants who are in their final semester of their undergraduate studies who wish to elect a graduate course for the following semester as a graduate Lifelong Learning student must submit a memo from their academic advisor stating when all degree requirements for their baccalaureate degree will be completed as well as a signed Statement of Understanding.

While most departments do not have a deadline to apply to take a graduate course under Lifelong Learning status, it is highly recommended that you apply with sufficient time to get instructor permission, submit any required supporting documents, register for the course(s), and take care of any university business (ID card, parking pass, tuition payments, etc.) associated with your course(s).  Check with the department or program that offers the course regarding deadlines.

More information on Lifelong Learning Admission can be found here.

Guest Graduate Admission


Graduate students at other colleges and universities can be permitted to take UM-Flint graduate courses without being formally admitted to a graduate degree program.  There are several ways a graduate student at another institution can take graduate courses as a guest student at UM-Flint.  Please read the section that best applies to you.

Michigan Intercollegiate Graduate Study (MIGS)

The University of Michigan participates in the Michigan Intercollegiate Graduate Study (MIGS) program. The MIGS Program creates exchange possibilities for graduate students currently enrolled in Michigan universities. Students can take advantage of course and research opportunities offered at another Michigan university, provided that such opportunities are not available on the home campus. Students in master’s or specialist degree programs may enroll for six hours at a host institution, while doctoral students may enroll for up to nine credit hours at a host institution. The application is available online.

Rackham Students from UM-Ann Arbor or UM-Dearborn

Rackham students from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan-Dearborn may elect a course(s) on the Flint campus using the Rackham Graduate Guest application for UM-Flint.  Students must obtain permission from their program chair on their home campus as well as approval from the program director of the course they wish to take on the Flint campus.  Upon completion of course work at the Flint campus, the student will request an academic transcript from the Flint campus to be sent to the appropriate office at Ann Arbor or Dearborn for the credit to be evaluated.  Students must obtain, complete, and submit a UM-Flint Rackham Graduate Guest Application each semester they wish to enroll at the Flint campus.

General Guest Student Status

Students who have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited institution, are currently graduate students attending another institution and wish to take graduate courses not necessarily leading to a UM-Flint degree, and who cannot participate in the MIGS or Rackham guest programs (described above) are considered general graduate guest students.

General Policies
  • A transcript, diploma, or other proof of a bachelor’s or master’s degree earned at an accredited institution is required for admission.
  • Guest students must obtain instructor and/or program director approval for each course they wish to elect.
  • Guest students must also obtain approval from their advisor in the program in which they are currently enrolled or admitted.
  • Prerequisites, grading standards, class assignments, and attendance requirements of a course apply to all students in that course, including guest students.
  • Colleges, departments, schools, and programs determine rules of access to their courses and may limit enrollment of guest students in certain courses.
  • Graduate guest students are not eligible for most sources of financial aid from UM-Flint. 
  • Guest admission is for one term only. Students who wish to enroll in a future term as a guest student must submit another application.
How to Apply

The process for applying depends on the type of guest admission you seek. Please visit the website for detailed information.

UM-Flint Undergraduate Students Who Wish to Elect a Graduate Course

University of Michigan-Flint courses numbered 500 and above require graduate standing. Under exceptional circumstances, UM-Flint undergraduate students in good academic standing may elect a graduate-level course if they are in one of the following groups:

  • Students with bachelor’s degrees who are enrolled in the final year of their teacher certification program (TCP) may, with special permission, elect a graduate course. The course will not count toward their TCP requirements.
  • Students within nine (9) hours of completing the requirements for their bachelor’s degree, who, in addition to electing their undergraduate coursework, wish to elect a graduate course, may do so with special permission. The graduate credit earned may not count towards their undergraduate degree requirements.
  • Students who have attained senior status may, with special permission, elect a graduate course to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements. Upon successful completion of the course, a memo will need to be sent from the student’s academic department/program to the Office of the Registrar stating that the course counts towards the student’s undergraduate degree requirements. A notation will be placed on both the undergraduate and graduate transcripts indicating that the course counts towards the fulfillment of undergraduate degree requirements. The course will physically remain on the graduate transcript. Graduate courses used to meet undergraduate degree requirements may not be used to meet graduate degree requirements. (This does not apply to students enrolled in a joint undergraduate/graduate degree program.) Graduate courses taken to meet undergraduate degree requirements may not be reelected at the graduate level.

Additional details, including the process for requesting approval, are available here
