Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Resources

Alumni Relations Intercultural Center
Center for Educator Preparation K-12 Partnerships
Center for Gender and Sexuality Marian E. Wright Writing Center
Center for Global Engagement National Student Exchange Program
Department of Public Safety Office for Institutional Equity 
Educational Opportunity Initiatives (EOI) Office of Research and Economic Development
Event and Building Services Printing Services
Experiential Education Student Success Center
Francis Willson Thompson Library Student Veterans Resource Center 
Information Technology Services  


Alumni Relations


Executive Director for Alumni Relations: Mary Jo Sekelsky, Ed.D.
Alumni Relations and Annual Giving Coordinator: Vacant

432 N. Saginaw St.
Northbank Center
Suite 1001
(810) 424-5450
Fax: (810) 424-5459
E-mail: UMFAlumni@umich.edu

University of Michigan-Flint alumni are part of the University of Michigan alumni body. With more than 600,000 alums, UM has one of the largest alumni networks in the world. 

We’re here to help you stay connected to everything you love about the University of Michigan-Flint. Our programs and events are designed to engage, inform, and foster connections among the 48,000 graduates of UM-Flint’s campus. In collaboration with the University of Michigan Alumni Association, we are your tie to Leaders and Best!

Center for Educator Preparation


410 French Hall
(810) 762-3257

E-mail: umflintteach@umich.edu

Director: Dr. Thomn Bell
Quality Assurance Coordinator: Sadé Wilson
Certification Officer:  Debbie Seyerle
Faculty Field Coordinator: Dr. Suzanne Knight
Elementary Faculty Program Coordinator: Dr. Elizabeth Cunningham
Secondary Faculty Program Coordinator:  Dr. Laura McLeman 

The CEP supports the educational and field experiences of our educator preparation candidates, fosters community partnerships, enhances continuous improvement efforts of all education programs, and celebrates the profession of education through a framework of equity, inclusion, and social justice.

As the administrative core of the Education Unit, we are committed to supporting students, faculty, and staff while developing and utilizing a robust quality assurance system to:

  • enhance analysis of performance data to improve the learning experiences
  • ensure quality of educators through a dynamic certification system
  • enhance and develop support for our educator preparation candidates
  • facilitate opportunities for a comprehensive understanding of our preparation programs for continuous improvement
  • enhance mentor/mentee relationships,
  • support faculty in analysis of and improving program curriculum
  • develop professional development opportunities to serve our future educators

The CEP provides UM-Flint teacher candidates opportunities and the ability to excel above other programs’ teacher candidates by providing:

  • Career readiness and resume development
  • Special Education Boot Camp
  • Parent communication workshops
  • Community interaction
  • PRE and MTTC test preparation
  • University Supervisor workshops
  • Student teacher orientation
  • Mentor teacher support meetings
  • Access to the Hero Round Table and Hero Construction Company resources
  • Access to professional development opportunities within the Genesee Intermediate School District as well as the state of Michigan
  • Access to all University resources

The CEP is part of a unique partnership with the Student Success Center, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the School of Education.  By working with partner school districts, the CEP can provide custom workshops for faculty based on district and/or school improvement plans.  The mission of the CEP is to provide better trained and prepared teachers.

Walk-ins are welcome. However, to assure the best service, students should call and arrange for an appointment for specific support.   

Center for Gender and Sexuality


213 University Center
Office: (810) 237-6648  Sexual Assault Advocate: (810) 214-4867

Email: cgs.umflint@umich.edu

Director: Samara L. Hough, LMSW 
Sexual Assault Advocate: Sarah Devitt, MPH, CA
LGBT Coordinator: vacant

The Center for Gender & Sexuality amplifies the voices of women, survivors, and the LGBTQIA+ communities and the intersecting identities within them. Through outreach, education, and advocacy, the Center for Gender & Sexuality provides skill and competency building that is grounded in activism and social justice.

The goals are:

  1. To oppose inequities and barriers imposed on women and LGBTQIA+ individuals through research, policy, and advocacy;
  2. provide educational programs (stand-alone programs like bystander intervention and inclusive sex education and academically integrated content through coursework and faculty collaboration);
  3. connect individuals with needed resources and support for those experiencing domestic/dating violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, or stalking;
  4. develop and maintain a peer education program and peer education training program to provide in-person face-to-face training on gender and sexuality;
  5. develop allies and advocates to foster a safe, inclusive campus environment for all.

Educational Programming

CGS offers a number of programs to raise awareness about gender and sexuality, including LGBT History Month, Coming Out Day, Women’s History Month, World AIDS Day, the Clothesline Project, Equal Pay Day, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Take Back the Night and Lavender Graduation.

Support and Advocacy

Individuals can seek confidential support from the Sexual Assault Advocate and get up to date information on resources for sexual violence prevention and awareness. The staff advocates on behalf of students, faculty, and staff, and works to raise awareness on a local, state, and national level about LGBTQIA+ and women’s issues on campus and in the Flint community.

Resources and Referrals

We offer several scholarships and grants including Critical Difference Grants (one-time grant of up to $500) for students that find themselves in an emergency situation that jeopardizes their ability to stay in school (see website for eligibility information and to apply). CGS also offers cap & gown loans, free safe sex supplies (condoms, dental dams, etc.) and referrals to local resources for domestic violence and sexual assault support, personal counseling, financial assistance, childcare, legal services, etc.

Peer Education Program

UM-Flint students with extensive training provide educational programs workshops for their peers, student groups, departments, and community organizations.  Topics include consent, bystander intervention, gender and sexuality, Trans 101, healthy relationships, women’s history, inclusive sexual education, leadership and healthy masculinity, and sexual violence prevention.

Community Space

CGS is open to all!  Stop by to chat, study, charge your phone, heat up your lunch, meet with friends, or de-stress with art supplies!                 


Center for Global Engagement


219 University Center
303 East Kearsley Street
Flint, Michigan 48502
Phone: (810) 762-0867
Fax: (810) 762-0006

Associate Director for Global Engagement: Sarah Pattison
Associate Director for International Admissions: Tai Kim

The Center for Global Engagement establishes a welcoming atmosphere for all students, with services extending to active applicants, admitted, and current students.  The mission is to provide services and educational opportunities that promote international perspectives and experiences for the campus and surrounding community. We are committed to building, supporting, and sustaining a culture of global inclusion through intercultural understanding. The Center for Global Engagement provides a range of support services and guidance for new and current international students from the time of application through graduation. 

Education Abroad Office

219 University Center
Coordinator of Education Abroad: Che Moya

Website: https://www.umflint.edu/international/educationabroad/education-abroad-office

The Education Abroad Office (EAO) operates under the auspices of the Center for Global Engagement.  The purpose of the EAO is to provide quality service and support to students who seek international opportunities through education abroad and to support the internationalization efforts of the University of Michigan-Flint. The EAO is committed to academic excellence and cultural enlightenment to equip students for active and intellectual participation in the global society.  In our increasingly interconnected world, educators and employers alike place emphasis on cultural awareness and global mindsets. The experiences gained by living and studying in a foreign country allows for the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that better prepares students for their academic and professional careers.


Department of Public Safety


(810) 762-3333
Director: Raymond Hall
Lieutenant: Phil Smith

Executive Sergeant: Heather Bromley

Business Administrator: Kathryn Howe
Administrative Assistant: Gaye Stover

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) is responsible for maintaining parking, transportation, building access (MCards) and safety on the properties of the University of Michigan-Flint. The Department’s primary goals are to prevent crime, reduce the fear of crime and to assist students, faculty, staff and visitors.  The DPS is accredited with the Michigan Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission (MLEAC).

DPS is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. DPS can be contacted at 762-3333 or 911 (emergency) on any campus phone. Emergency telephones are located throughout campus and are easily identified by a blue light on top of a pedestal or located inside a red emergency call box.

Annually, by October 1, UM-Flint DPS publishes an Annual Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure and Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistic Act.  The full text of this report (available for viewing and/or download) can be located on the DPS website at www.umflint.edu/safetyreport.  This report is available to current and prospective students and staff providing information to include (1) descriptions of policies related to campus security, and (2) statistics concerning specific types of crimes.  Each year an email notification is made to all enrolled students, faculty, and staff that provides the website address to access this report.  Copies of this report may also be obtained at the DPS administration office located in the Hubbard Building at 602 Mill Street or by calling (810)762-3333.  Additional information on DPS and our services is available at www.umflint.edu/safety.

Educational Opportunity Initiatives (EOI)        


Office (810) 762-3365
Fax: Main Office (810) 762-3190

Director: Tiese L. Roxbury, M.A., Ph.D.
Promise Scholar Program Manager: John Girdwood, Ph.D.
Promise Scholar Assistant Program Manager: Bianca S. Torbert, MPA
Committed to Excellence and Opportunity (CEO) Program Manager: Ashley D. Terry, M.A., Ph.D.
Committed to Excellence and Opportunity (CEO) Assistant Program Manager: Diamond L. Wilder, B.S.

GEAR UP Assistant Program Manager: Jerry Alexander, B.S.

Mpowering My Success Life Skills Coach: Rachel Osmer, LLMSW
Mpowering My Success Administrative Assistant: Tynesia Davis, BAS
EOI Administrative Assistant: Sonja L. Coleman, BSW

EOI Mission
The Office of Educational Opportunity Initiatives (EOI) equips students with the support, skills, and exposure necessary to succeed in college and beyond.  Through its high-quality programming and holistic approach to student success, EOI advocates for underrepresented students at UM-Flint, and the broader Flint community. 

EOI Overview
Through its pre-college and college programs, EOI engages middle, high school, and college students through learning experiences which span several topic areas such as:

  • College Preparedness
  • Academic Enrichment & Enhancement
  • Degree Mapping & Completion
  • Personal Awareness
  • Identity Development
  • Civic Engagement
  • Study Skills & Time Management
  • Career Exploration and Exposure

By combining facilitated workshops, individualized coaching, project-based learning, peer-led mentoring, curriculum-based coursework, and exposure trips, EOI provides a comprehensive approach to combat barriers to student success while instilling a growth mindset among its program participants.

EOI strategically partners with various departments and units at UM-Flint, as well as local secondary schools within the greater Flint region. This ensures EOI’s ability to offer comprehensive support for underrepresented students to access, persist, and ultimately graduate from college to pursue their career goals.


Pre-College Programs

Committed to Excellence and Opportunity (CEO)

Program Manager: Ashley Terry

  • College readiness & access program for 9th - 12th grade students in targeted Flint-area schools
  • Cohort-based experience which supports students in identifying, applying to, and gaining admittance into college
  • Academic enhancement workshops
  • SAT Prep with tutoring
  • UM-Flint scholarship eligibility for select participants
  • Monthly and annual college tours 
  • Workshop sessions for parents to connect and gain resources to support their students through graduation

Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs

Assistant Program Manager: Jerry Alexander

  • College readiness program based within Beecher Community Schools
  • Cohort model engages entire 7th grade class through high school graduation
  • Academic Year & Summer Program components


College Programs

Program Manager: John Girdwood

Promise Scholars

  • College success program for select students who demonstrate strong potential to succeed at UM-Flint with structured support and resources
  • Cohort model offers mentoring and peer support from faculty and students
  • Residential summer bridge program component allows students to earn course credit prior to fall enrollment, a housing scholarship, and a stipend


Mpowering My Success

Life Skills Coach: Rachel Osmer

  • An added layer of support for students who have experienced time in foster care
  • College preparedness resources and personalized success plans for each student 
  • Programming that focuses on education, mental health, belong, relationship-building, and life skills

Event and Building Services


(810) 762-3436

Interim Director: Gina Rose
Conference & Events Program Manager:  Justin Nuveman
Conference & Events Sales Manager:  Launa Collins

Event and Building Services (EBS) offers a wide range of facilities and services for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members. Individuals and groups come together to exchange ideas and information and to interact informally, adding another dimension to the educational experience. EBS reserves space in the Harding Mott University Center, University Pavilion, William S. White Building, Northbank Center, and Riverfront Conference Center, as well as available classrooms and spaces across campus.

Go to 172 UCEN for reservations and further details.


Experiential Education


The University of Michigan-Flint offers a number of opportunities for students to be placed in work settings outside the university and to relate these experiences to their courses of study. Such opportunities are available through the Academic Internship in Public Agencies and Community Organizations program, the School of Management https://www.umflint.edu/som/internshipcareer-resources, and the Career Center.

In addition to these, specific concentrations may offer or require off-campus experiential education, including Psychology, Social Work, and Teacher Certificate programs. See individual concentration programs for further information. Many academic departments offer a host of experiential education opportunities.  Research internships and assistantships in various academic departments are other aspects of experiential education and are open to selected upper division and graduate students.


Francis Willson Thompson Library


(810) 762-3400

Interim Director: Mickey Doyle (762-3401)
Head of Circulation:
Liz Svoboda (762-3007)
Head of Technical Services:
Matthew Wolverton (762-3415)
Colleen Marquis (762-3402)
Reference Services:
Paul Streby (762-3405)
Web Services:
Emily Newberry (424-5302)

The Thompson Library, opened in the fall of 1994, owes its existence to the generosity of area citizens, most notably Frances Willson Thompson. The library is a spacious and comfortable facility for study and research. Its collection includes approximately 217,000 books and 35,000 bound magazines and journals. The library also contains over a half-million microforms ranging from the Times of London to documents on education. The library subscribes to some 1,100 hardcopy periodicals, and provides electronic access to approximately 43,000 more.

Mirlyn, the Thompson Library’s online catalog, lists library holdings and also allows users to search the catalogs of the Ann Arbor campus library system, as well as those of Michigan State University and other Big Ten libraries.

A wide range of research aids, including indexes, abstracts, and directories, is at the student’s disposal, as are photocopiers, microform reader-printers, and Internet workstations. Online databases available through the library enable students to do effective searching of journal literature in almost all disciplines. The media collection includes music CDs, audio tapes, and other media, including CD-ROMs, DVDs, and videotapes. Playback equipment is available in the library, students may also borrow for out-of-library use most of the items in the media collection.

The Thompson Library has a regular program of research instruction to aid students in using its resources. Instruction is available to classes at all levels. The Information Technology Services department maintains a computer lab on the second floor of the library open to all UM-Flint students.

UM-Flint students, faculty, and staff may borrow from the Ann Arbor and UM-Dearborn campus libraries. The library’s participation in a national bibliographic system allows it to borrow materials from around the country for its patrons.

Students may borrow most books for three weeks (eight weeks for graduate students, one semester for faculty and staff), and may renew them once. Reference librarians are available to help both experienced scholars and newcomers with academic research, including use of the library’s Web pages, which furnish links to a wide range of effective research sites.

The library contains the Henry H. Crapo Room, a recreation of an office similar to one used by the former Michigan governor (1865-1869). Governor Crapo was the great-grandfather of Frances Willson Thompson.                        

Genesee Historical Collections

The Genesee Historical Collections Center (GHCC), a division of the Thompson Library, contains both published and unpublished material on the history of Flint and Genesee County, Michigan, as well as the archives of the University of Michigan-Flint. Among the significant manuscript collections in the GHCC are those of Flint realtor Gerald Healy, African-American activist Edgar Holt, records of the Flint Woolen Mills, Flint Junior League, and Rotary Club. The papers of U.S. Sen. Donald Riegle and U.S. Rep. Dale Kildee are amongst its political collections. The GHCC holds a microfilm copy of the papers of former Michigan Governor Henry H. Crapo, Flint lumbermen and railroad executive, as well as papers of members of his family. Finding aids are available at the archives and online.

For further information on library collections, services, or policies, please inquire at the Reference Desk, or call 762-3408–b or visit the library’s Website: http://libguides.umflint.edu/library.

Information Technology Services


905 Northbank Center
432 N. Saginaw Street
Flint, MI 48502-1950

Phone: (810) 762-3123
Fax: (810) 424-5226

Director of ITS: Scott Arnst


The Information Technology Services department (ITS), at the University of Michigan-Flint, develops and maintains all centralized campus computing systems, including data, software, hardware, and infrastructure. ITS strives to be a user-oriented provider of high-quality computing services. In doing this, ITS provides state of the art technology and technical support that will ensure all users access to programs and data.

ITS encourages the use of computers to support instruction and research for students, faculty, and staff. ITS supports and maintains staffed and unstaffed open computer labs available for student, faculty, and staff use. These labs are located in the William R. Murchie Science Building (Staffed), the David M. French Hall Building (Unstaffed), the William S. White Building (Unstaffed), the Riverfront Center (Unstaffed, 24-hour), and the open computer lab located on all three floors of the Frances Willson Thompson Library. All unstaffed labs, except the Thompson Library, will require a Mcard for entry. In addition, campus users can use their personal laptops or tablets to connect to the campus wireless network in any building on campus. Upgrades to hardware and software in the student computer labs are supplemented by student funds collected through a technology fee, paid each semester with tuition.

ITS also maintains four instructional computer labs, located in the William R. Murchie Science Building, David M. French Hall Building, and the William S. White Building that are used for hands-on instruction. These instructional labs are equipped with modern data projection equipment and other instructional aids. The Classroom Services (CS) unit within ITS is responsible for the delivery, maintenance, and training for all instructional mediated equipment in over seventy classrooms and labs on the UM-Flint campus. All general classrooms are equipped with a projector, a computer, a document camera, a DVD drive, and a video connection for a laptop.

ITS provides user support and consultation for a variety of technical questions and problems through the ITS Helpdesk, ITS staff, and quicknotes available on the web. If additional assistance is needed from ITS staff, please contact the ITS Helpdesk for more information. Please view Helpdesk and open computer lab hours at https://go.umflint.edu/hours.

Intercultural Center


115 Mott Harding University Center
(810) 762-3045

Director: David J. Luke, M.A., Ph.D.

The Intercultural Center (ICC) opened on October 21, 2014 in response to the requests from various cultural student organizations that expressed a need for a space focused on supporting the work of their organizations and educational programming related to issues of cultural competency and centering marginalized identities, especially people of color.  There was a focus on creating spaces for critical dialogues and fostering an increasingly inclusive environment at UM Flint.  In the spirit of inclusion, everyone is welcome at the ICC and at all ICC events and programs.  

The work of the ICC is built on the foundation of social justice and upheld by three pillars: belonging, advocacy, and education. Everything that comes from the ICC aligns with one or more of these pillars.

K-12 Partnerships


700 Northbank Center
(810) 762-5987

Coordinator:  Dr. Jeffrey Hall
Administrative Specialist: Shanae Dawson

Success at a university begins well before a student’s freshman year. UM-Flint is proud to partner with school districts across Southeastern Michigan to provide unique opportunities for K-12 students. K-12 Partnerships provides centralized support for UM-Flint dual enrollment and early college programs.  The Office also is the home for Super Science Friday and summer camp initiatives with the Computer Science, Engineering and Physics Department, School of Management and School of Education and Human Services.

From our innovative, groundbreaking dual enrollment programs to exciting events such as Super Science Friday and summer camp experiences, UM-Flint faculty and staff work collaboratively with teachers and administrators to offer these unique programs to youth in the state.

K-12 is currently engaged in dual enrollment partnerships with 27 Michigan high schools.  Our dual enrollment programming will enhance the educational experience for 650+ high school students.  Our partnerships include 2-4 course dual enrollment programs (DEEP) with themes such as Medical/Sciences, Pre-Engineering, Law & Criminal Justice, Business/Economics, Liberal Arts/Humanities, and extend to 3-5 year early college experiences (Genesee Early College and Grand Blanc Early College). The results of these rich partnerships and educational opportunities are students who are better prepared for the rigor and challenges of higher education.

Marian E. Wright Writing Center


308 Thompson Library
(810) 766-6602
Fax: (810) 237-6666

Director: Dr. Jacob S. Blumner
Coordinator: Vicky Dawson

Materials and individualized instruction in writing are provided for all students. Tutoring is by appointment and a drop-in basis. Students can get help with writing and speaking assignments for any course throughout the university or work on specific writing problems.

Instruction for one, two or three academic credits is offered in ENG 109, College Writing Workshop. Credit is earned by attending class and working with tutors in the Center. Computers are available for use by students working on their writing.The Center is fully staffed with trained tutors and is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; and Sunday 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.

National Student Exchange Program


138 Thompson Library
(810) 424-5354
Fax: (810) 762-3214

Coordinator: Laura L. Staudacher, MPA (laurast@umich.edu)

The National Student Exchange is a study away opportunity that allows students to take new courses, see new places, make new friends, and enroll in academic options that may not be available, at UM-Flint. By enrolling in NSE 299 for 12-18 credits, students pay UM-Flint tuition and may study away for a single term or academic year at one of nearly 200 NSE member colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Minimum requirements to apply are full-time enrollment, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and good academic, personal, and financial standing. For more information and to apply, visit: http://www.umflint.edu/nse.

Course Description:

NSE 299 - National Student Exchange
Admission to the NSE Program. (12-18).

Students pay UM-Flint tuition and may study away for a single term or academic year at one of nearly 200 NSE member colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Grades from host institution transfer to UM-Flint transcript with NSE designation and name of host institution. Maybe reelected once for credit.


Office for Institutional Equity


234 University Pavilion

(810) 237-6517

Email: FlintInstitutionalEquity@umich.edu

Interim Director and Title IX Coordinator: Kirstie Stroble, MA
Executive Secretary: Karen Riptoe, MA

Diversity is fundamental to our mission. The University of Michigan-Flint is committed to creating and maintaining a working and learning environment that embraces individual differences.  We celebrate, recognize and value diversity. The Office for Institutional Equity is committed to ensuring that all staff, faculty and students have equal access and opportunities, and receive the support needed to be successful. Additionally, we are committed to the principles of equal opportunity in all employment, educational and research programs, activities and events, as well as  to the use of affirmative actions to cultivate and maintain an environment that fosters equal opportunity.

Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment and Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Reporting

The University of Michigan-Flint is committed to an environment free of discrimination and harassment and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, disability, religion, height, weight or veteran’s status. It is also equally committed to preventing sexual and gender-based misconduct and offering support to those who have been harmed. Discrimination and all forms of sexual and gender-based misconduct have no place at the University. It’s up to each of us to create a healthy and safe campus; to support those who come forward; and to participate in prevention programs. Together we can cultivate a culture of respect and build a safe, respectful, inclusive and equitable learning and work environment. 

Report Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment or Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct to the University as follows:

- File An Online Report

- Call: (810) 237-6517

- Email: FlintInstitutionalEquity@umich.edu

Our Community Matters

The University of Michigan-Flint is committed to providing a safe learning, working, and living environment. The institution does not tolerate violence of any type, including the crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. 

For more information and resources, please access Our Community Matters


Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities in federally funded schools. Title IX protects all students, employees, and other persons from all forms of sex discrimination.


Veteran’s Protection

The University of Michigan-Flint is committed to the goal of equal opportunity in employment.  To further this goal, the University has established a non-discrimination policy, which prohibits discrimination against protected veterans.  Additionally, the University is in compliance with the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Act of 1974 (VEVRAA) as amended as well as other applicable federal and state regulations.


Our Goal

The University of Michigan-Flint offers a vast array of student and employee services and resources. The goal of UM-Flint and the Office for Institutional Equity is to provide an environment that supports the educational process and the well-being and safety of the campus community.


Office of Research and Economic Development




Executive Director: Heather Dawson


The Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) is comprised of the Office of Research and the Office of Economic Development which advance and promote research and creative activities and serve the progressive needs of UM-Flint’s community by connecting university resources and expertise of faculty and students with community, industry, and business partners.


Office of Research

4203 William S. White Building
(810) 762-3383
Fax: (810) 766-6791
Office of Research: http://www.umflint.edu/research
Institutional Review Board: https://www.umflint.edu/humansubjects/institutional-review-board-human-subjects-protection

Director: Kenneth Sylvester, Ph.D.
Senior Manager, Research Development & Technology Transfer: Mary Auge
Research Process Manager: Erin Kingsley
Research Process Coordinator: Joanne Devore
Research Program Manager: Andre Louis

The Office of Research at the University of Michigan-Flint in the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) provides research development and support services for faculty, students and staff. Our objective is to elevate the research mission of the campus with a focus on areas of faculty expertise.

The Office of Research also provides small scale internal funding for preliminary or pilot level research in all areas of scholarly research and creative activity (including artistic productions and performances).   The Office of Research also reviews all applications for external support from federal or state sponsors.  External funding is submitted via eResearch if it specifies a performance period, has a line-item budget, requires approval from UM compliance committees (eg. IRB, UCUCA, RCR, etc.) and/or requires periodic progress reports and institutionally signed financial reports. 


Office of Economic Development

1001 Northbank Center

(810) 424-5486


Director: Paula Nas
Manager of Corporate and Business Development: Sara Barton
Administrative Specialist: Kelli Catrell
Assistant Program Manager:  Nic Custer
Senior Project Manager: David Merot
Program Assistant:
Saili Pharate
GIS Center Manager: Troy Rosencrants
Relationship Manager: Angelina Wittenkeller

As a unit of the Office of Research and Economic Development, The Office of Economic Development facilitates learning and engagement through thoughtful collaboration and partnerships with campus and community in the areas of community and economic development, business engagement, innovation and entrepreneurship, and data analysis and visualization.  The Office of Economic Development provides a range of customized services to make public scholarship, service-learning, innovative entrepreneurship, and issue-based programming a success. In addition to helping faculty meet academic goals for their scholarship and service,


Printing Services                                            


(810) 762-3143

Printing Services offers a wide range of printing services for students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members.  Examples of services offered include copy and print of black/white and full color, wide format, poster, and banner printing, coil and comb booklet binding, laminating, stationary and much more.  For questions or to place your printing order, visit Printing Services located in the Harding Mott University Center lobby.


Student Success Center  


285 University Pavilion
(810) 762-3085
Fax: (810) 762-3024
E-mail: studentsuccessflint@umich.edu

Director: Dawn Markell, Ph.D
Assistant Director: Becky Armour Standel, M.A.
Academic Advisors: Margaret Golembiewski, Vickie Jaskiewicz, Chelsea Smith
Support Staff/Administrative Assistants: Monica Wielichowski   

Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction Coordinator: Michael B. Kassel, Ph.D.

The Student Success Center (SSC) provides a supportive and collaborative environment that places an emphasis on students’ holistic development to assist them in accomplishing their personal, academic, and professional goals. The professional staff of the SSC is committed to facilitate students’ transition to the University of Michigan-Flint, to provide academic advising, to help students develop academic, financial, and support plans, to recommend campus resources, and to enhance students’ university experience both academically and socially.

Promoting student success is central to the mission of the SSC. The following services are available through the SSC:

·         Orientation for new students: www.umflint.edu/studentsuccess/orientation

·         Placement testing: www.umflint.edu/studentsuccess/placement-exam

·         Academic advising: www.umflint.edu/studentsuccess/advising

·         Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction: https://www.umflint.edu/studentsuccess/academic-support-services-0

Academic Advising

Appointments with our academic advisors are recommended and can be made by phone or by email. Walk-in advising is also available from Monday to Thursday. For specific schedules for walk-in advising or to make an appointment with an advisor, see our website: https://www.umflint.edu/studentsuccess/advising .

Students who are exploring majors or are undecided about what major to choose should consult an academic advisor at the SSC.

Placement Testing

Placement testing for English (writing and reading), Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science are administered in the SSC. See our website for details on each of these exams: https://www.umflint.edu/studentsuccess/placement-exam

Academic Support Services

The Student Success Center (SSC) provides tutoring services free of charge to all UM-Flint students for a wide variety of core courses. Individual tutors provide one-on-one support, while walk-in tutors hold regular hours during which students are free to obtain tutorial assistance. Learning strategies tutors and technology tutors are also available on an individual basis; learning strategies tutors help students with study skills such as note-taking, time-management, reading comprehension, and test reviewing, while technology tutors help students with basic programs such as Microsoft Office, Blackboard, and other course-specific software.  All tutors are recommended and approved by UM-Flint faculty.

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is also provided for specific courses during each academic semester. Supplemental Instruction is an academic support program, developed at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, in which trained SI Leaders attend specific courses and hold additional weekly study sessions to help students master both course content and study skills. SI courses are identified in the course schedule at the time of early enrollment.

Students may book individual appointments, as well as view the current SI and walk-in tutoring lab schedules on our website: https://www.umflint.edu/studentsuccess/academic-support-services-0 .

Student Veterans Resource Center


Program Manager: Helen Budd, MBA, MPA
Coordinator & Primary School Certifying Official: Michelle Smith

The Student Veterans Resource Center (SVRC) is located in 131 University Pavilion. The SVRC provides services for service members and veterans, as well as their spouses and dependents. Staff are available to assist with academic, financial, and transition support services, including information regarding the use of VA Educational Benefits. We have a wide network both on and off campus for referrals to a wide variety of services and programs. In addition to our services, we also have a student veteran’s lounge. The lounge area is home to four computer stations, printer, and television, as well as space to study and socialize while on campus.

Services include:

  • Assistance with the admission application process
  • Review of military transfer credit recommendations
  • Information about using financial aid
  • Assistance using VA Educational Benefits or Tuition Assistance programs
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Support to student veterans organizations and community involvement
  • Priority registration

For additional details regarding the range of services we provide, please visit www.umflint.edu/studentveterans.            

Priority Registration

Continuing students identified as veterans may enroll on the first day that registration opens to graduates and seniors with 100+ credits, regardless of the students’ actual class standing.

In-State Tuition - Public Law 115-251

The University of Michigan-Flint will charge in-state tuition to any individual using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill® - Active Duty Program), Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation), or Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®), of Title 38, United States Code, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311 (b)(9)) while attending the University of Michigan-Flint  (regardless of his/her formal state of residence).

Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, Section 3679 of Title 38, United States Code

The Department of Veterans Affairs strictly enforces policies governing the enrollment certification and payment of veterans’ educational benefits. Students receiving VA educational benefits need to be aware of the following information that will affect receipt of benefits while enrolled at the University of Michigan-Flint.

All students utilizing any VA education benefit are required to submit a Veteran’s Intent Form in the University of Michigan-Flint’s SIS portal for each semester that they wish to use their benefits.

The Student Veterans Resource Center (SVRC) already requests each student using the Post-9/11 GI Bill® to provide the Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) (mailed by the VA to the student) or the Statement of Benefits that eligible students may obtain from the Department of Veterans Affairs website (www.va.gov or www.ebenefits.va.gov).

A Covered Individual under Section 3679 of Title 38, U.S.C. is any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits.

The University of Michigan-Flint will permit any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education from the date on which the individual provides to the University a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or Chapter 33** and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

The institution will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities on any covered individual who is unable to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to delayed disbursement of funding from the VA under Chapter 31 or 33.  The institution will not require the covered individual to borrow additional funds.

Students with Post 9/11 GI Bill® eligibility of less than 100% will be required to pay the difference between their financial obligation and the amount expected from the VA prior to the established due date, unless other arrangements are made by mutual agreement with the University (including enrollment in the University’s payment plan).  The student will be responsible for late fees assessed to their unpaid portion.

Students using Vocational Rehabilitation benefits are required to submit the Veteran’s Intent Form and provide VA form 28-1905 to the Student Veterans Resource Center prior to the submission of an enrollment certification.  The students’ Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors may prefer to provide the 28-1905 directly to the Certifying Official in the SVRC.  Students are responsible for payment of tuition and fees that are not covered by the Vocational Rehabilitation program, as well as any late fees assessed to their unpaid portion.

** The University of Michigan-Flint recognizes that, due to the VA’s processing workload, students’ Chapter 33 eligibility information may not be available by the first day of the semester. Submission of any Chapter 33 student’s enrollment verification will not be delayed pending receipt of the eligibility information. Therefore, the SVRC asks students to provide the information as soon as it is available.

Withdrawing Due To Military Deployment

Students serving in the military while attending the university may, at some point, be deployed on State or Federal orders. Students should contact the Office of the Registrar to determine best options for either completing the semester or withdrawing. Students who are unable to complete the semester may choose to withdraw. Military orders with dates of deployment should be provided by the student.  Tuition and fees will be adjusted accordingly. Students who are receiving federal funds in addition to any military benefits should contact the Office of Financial Aid and the Veterans’ Resource Center.

