Oct 18, 2024  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies & Regulations

Click on any of the following links for information:

Campus-Wide Academic Regulations



Regulations in this portion of the Catalog apply to all students of the University of Michigan-Flint. Some variations may exist in the academic regulations for the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Education and Human Services, the College of Health Sciences, the School of Management, the School of Nursing, and the College of Innovation and Technology in the following areas: grading systems, academic and scholastic requirements, credit requirements for graduation, honors, academic grievance procedures, pass/fail options, and credit by examination. Students should acquaint themselves with the pertinent regulations, which can be found in the appropriate sections of this Catalog.

Graduate students are advised to consult the Graduate portion of this Catalog for specific information on each of the Graduate programs.

The following regulations represent University-wide rules of which all students should be aware in order to fulfill their academic responsibilities. The ultimate responsibility for fulfilling the requirements for a degree rests with the student.

Definition of a Credit Hour

The University of Michigan-Flint has adopted a credit hour standard for all classes based on the Federal definition of credit hour, which reads: “A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an
institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:
● One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit,
● Or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or (2) at least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other activities as established by an institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, study abroad, and other
academic work leading toward the award of credit hours.”

Based on the federal definition, the following sections establish the minimum amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is required of all University of Michigan-Flint undergraduate and graduate courses:

For face-to-face classes: One class hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction [defined as a 50-minute class period] in the form of discussion, lecture, recitation, or seminar and a minimum expectation of two additional hours of student work outside class each week [100
minutes] for approximately 15 weeks for one semester.

For directed readings, independent study, internships/co-ops, field-based, project-based, service learning, clinical, and practica classes: At least an equivalent amount of work as required in the preceding section for academic activities as established by the institution,

● Directed readings and independent studies: a minimum of one class hour of direct instruction and/or individual work each week for a three-credit class
● Internships/co-ops, field and practica: a minimum of 40 hours of supervised work each semester for a one-credit class

● Laboratory classes: a minimum of 1.5 hours of instruction and/or individual work each week for a one-credit class
○ For self-contained laboratory classes (all classwork occurring in a laboratory), a minimum of three hours of laboratory work each week for a one-credit class
○ For non-self-contained laboratory classes (requiring outside preparation by students), a minimum of three hours of laboratory work each week for a one-credit class

● Performing arts applied lessons, rehearsals, concerts, performances, practica and visual art exhibitions, a minimum of one class hour of instruction and/or individual work each week for a one-credit class

For distance education classes: In compliance with the above face-to-face policy, distance education courses require an equivalent amount of faculty instruction time. This is expected to be at least 50 minutes per week for each credit. The course also requires at least 100
minutes of out-of-class student work per week for each credit, as described below. Faculty must demonstrate regular and substantive contact with online students. Methods may include, but are not limited to:

● Synchronous video conferencing
● Interaction with learning modules developed by the faculty
● Discussion boards
● Live chat
● Email
● Wiki/Journal/Blog writings

Faculty must also require out-of-class student work. Methods may include, but are not limited to:

● Study and reflection
● Assignments and exams
● Reading
● Writing ( beyond discussion posts)
● Individual and group projects

For specific questions regarding policies on what constitutes high quality distance education, faculty should consult with their respective dean’s office and/or the Office of Online and Digital Education.

For classes that are offered during a condensed semester, faculty are required to provide an equivalent amount of direct instruction delivered over an abbreviated period of time. In these instances, the student continues to receive credits for the course type using the standard
definitions provided above.

Date Issued: December 1, 2019/Last Updated: December 1, 2019/Next Review Date: December 1, 2024
Applies To: All Faculty/Owner: Office of the Provost/Primary Contact: HLC ALO

Policy on Matters Related to Religious Holidays

Although the University of Michigan, as an institution, does not observe religious holidays, it has long been the university’s policy that every reasonable effort should be made to help students avoid negative academic consequences when their religious obligations conflict with academic requirements. Absence from classes or examinations for religious reasons does not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the coursework required during the period of absence. Students who expect to miss classes, examinations, or other assignments as a consequence of their religious observance shall be provided with a reasonable alternative opportunity to complete such academic responsibilities. It is the obligation of students to provide faculty with a reasonable notice of dates of religious holidays on which they will be absent. Such notice must be given by the end of the fourth week of the Fall or Winter semester or by the end of the third week of the Spring or Summer semester. Students who are absent on days of examinations or class assignments shall be offered the opportunity to make up the work, without penalty, unless it can be demonstrated that a make-up opportunity would interfere unreasonably with the delivery of the course. Should a disagreement arise over any aspect of this policy, the parties involved should contact the Department Chair, Dean of the College or School, or Ombuds. Final appeals will be resolved by the Provost.

UM-Flint Graduation Requirements

Undergraduate Students:

Each undergraduate degree is different, but all require a minimum of 120 credit hours.

Students must have registered as a degree candidate at the University of Michigan-Flint for the last 30 credits.

A transfer student must earn a minimum of 30 semester hours at the University of Michigan-Flint.  Additionally, the last 30 credit hours must be earned at the University of Michigan-Flint.

Undergraduate students must complete all Incomplete and In-Progress courses.

Undergraduate students must have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 to graduate. Some degree programs may require a higher grade point average.

Undergraduate students are required to officially apply to graduate with the Registrar’s Office.

Graduate Students:

Graduate students must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours.

Each Doctoral program is different. Students should refer to their specific program requirements for the minimum number of required credit hours.

Graduate and Doctoral students must have earned a minimum grade point average of 3.0 to graduate.

Graduate and Doctoral students are required to officially apply to graduate with the Registrar’s Office.

Undergraduate Honors



Campus-Wide Honors

University of Michigan-Flint undergraduate students are eligible for the following campus-wide awards. Notation of each award is made on the student’s official transcript.

Maize and Blue. The University of Michigan-Flint’s highest award for undergraduate students is presented at the April and December commencement ceremonies and is noted on the official transcript. Award-winning students who graduate in August are recognized in December. 

Eligibility for the award is determined the last semester before graduation. Students who have earned at least 58 credit hours at the University of Michigan-Flint (including the current semester), with an overall GPA of 3.75 or better in all completed credits earned at University of Michigan-Flint, are eligible to be nominated for the Maize and Blue Award.

Once the list of eligible students has been determined, they are notified and asked to submit application packets consisting of a resume, personal statement, and letters of support. Applications are sent to the Scholarships and Awards Committee, which makes the final decision. At most, 26 students receive the award annually. An attempt is made to allocate the awards proportionately among the various academic units.

Commencement Honor Cords.  University of Michigan-Flint undergraduate students may walk in commencement ceremonies with honor cords if they have applied to graduate and have a 3.5 GPA. Courses in progress are excluded from GPA calculations. Eligible students completing their degrees in August may choose to participate in either the April or the December ceremony. 

Honors are officially posted to the transcript and diploma based on the GPA calculation following the final audit and degree conferral. Walking with honor cords at commencement does not guarantee honors will be posted to the transcript and diploma.

Dean’s List.

A full-time student who earns a 3.5 grade point average for a semester for Fall or Winter with 12 or more graded hours is placed on the Dean’s List in his or her school or college for that semester.

A part-time student who earns a 3.8 grade point average for a Fall or Winter semester with 6 - 11 graded hours is placed on the Dean’s List in his or her school or college for that semester.

In computing averages, only courses taken at the University of Michigan-Flint are included, and only complete terms or semesters are counted. Notation of the award is made on the student’s official transcript.

System-Wide Honors

University of Michigan-Flint undergraduate students are eligible for the following system-wide awards of the University of Michigan. The term “graded” refers to courses graded “ABC.”

Branstrom Prize. This prize is presented in March to those first-time freshmen who were enrolled for at least 14 graded credit hours the previous Fall semester and finished in the top five percent of their class. The prize is a book with an inscribed nameplate on the inside cover, chosen by the student from an impressive list.  First-time freshman with prior dual enrollee credit from another institution or more than 12 UM-Flint credits are not eligible.

James B. Angell Scholar. This award is presented in March to those undergraduate students who completed consecutive semesters in the last year each of which included at least 14 credits of graded work for which the student earned no grade lower than “A-“.

University Honors (formerly Class Honors). This award is presented in March to those undergraduate students who completed a single semester in the previous year including at least 14 credit hours, at least 12 of which were graded, with a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Academic Standing

An undergraduate student who maintains a grade point average of at least 2.0 for courses elected while enrolled at the University is considered to be in good academic standing in the University. Those students who fail to maintain a C (2.0) average are considered academically deficient. This general description of standards must be augmented by the regulations of each individual unit. Students must be familiar with the academic requirements and rules of their own school or college.

To maintain satisfactory academic standing, graduate students must make satisfactory progress toward their degrees and have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of B (3.0). Certain graduate programs may have requirements above the university minimum for maintaining satisfactory academic standing. Students who fall below the GPA requirement of their graduate program or the university are placed on academic probation. Courses in which grades of D or E are earned cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.

At the end of each term, the Office of the Registrar reviews the transcripts of all students showing evidence of academic difficulty according to the policies set by the committees on academic standards. The University uses three major types of actions: Warning, Up-or-Out, and Dismissal. These actions are placed on the student’s official transcript and become a permanent part of the academic record.

Warning. Warning is issued to all students at the University whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0 for the first time, but does not drop severely enough to warrant dismissal. There is no automatic term of warning. A significant honor-point deficiency can result in dismissal from the University without a previous warning.

Up-or-Out. When a student on previous warning fails to obtain a 2.0 grade point average in the next term of enrollment or drops severely in one semester, an up-or-out warning is issued. The student is informed in writing that unless substantial improvement occurs, academic dismissal will follow at the end of that term. If the grade point average for that term is 2.0 or higher but is not sufficient to raise the cumulative grade point average to 2.0 or higher, the student is continued on up-or-out status. If the term grade point average is below 2.0, the student may be dismissed. Grades of I (incomplete), N (no credit, no grade), or F (in pass/fail) will be considered grades below C.

Students readmitted to the University after dismissal are immediately placed on up-or-out status.

Dismissal. Academic dismissal does not carry any condition for readmission. If a student wishes at a later date to seek re-entry to the University, academic readiness must be demonstrated. This is usually done by submitting transcripts from other institutions of higher learning indicating academic success. Normally, however, the only courses considered as proof of readiness will be such courses which are usually transferable to the University. These courses may or may not be entered as transfer courses on the student’s record, but will in no case alter the grade point average already on the student’s University of Michigan-Flint permanent record.

Students receiving benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA) will be governed by the same academic standards as other students.  The Veterans Administration will be informed if a student is placed on academic dismissal.

Classification of Undergraduate Students

The class standing of undergraduate students is determined by the number of credit hours they have accumulated:

Freshman: Fewer than 25 credits.
Sophomore: At least 25 but fewer than 55 credits.
Junior: At least 55 but fewer than 85 credits.
Senior: 85 credits or more.

Students who seek a second bachelor’s degree are granted credits as explained in the section “Second Bachelor’s Degree” and are placed in the appropriate undergraduate class.

NCFD (non-candidate for degree) students may or may not hold a degree; some may be seeking professional certification or fulfilling undergraduate requirements for a master’s degree.

Guest students are enrolled in another college with which they have made arrangements for transfer of credits being earned at the University of Michigan-Flint.

Dual enrollee students are high school students who have been approved to take college courses.


Most courses are graded on an ABCDE system, unless another grading system appears in the course description. The grade listed last is the lowest grade for which credit is granted.  Pass/Fail indicates that a course is only offered on a Pass/Fail basis. It is the policy of the University of Michigan-Flint that a grade once reported, with the exception of an I or Y, may be changed only to correct a demonstrable error up to one calendar year after the end of the semester in which the grade was originally given. Grade changes made and/or received after degrees have been conferred will not be processed as the records are closed.

Final grades are reported at the conclusion of each academic semester and become part of the official record of the student. Final grades are generally available on SIS within one week of the last day of the examination period.

Pass/Fail Modifier (Credit without Grade)

The provision for credit without grade (Pass/Fail) is intended to encourage students to attempt courses outside their major field of interest. Subject to the following regulations, a student may elect a limited number of courses without concern for the cumulative grade point average. The following conditions must be met unless a course is offered only on a Pass/Fail basis:

  • The student has accumulated a minimum of 55 credit hours (Junior standing).
  • The student must be in good academic standing (has achieved a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better).
  • Only one course may be elected as Pass/Fail per semester.
  • Students may only take up to four classes with the Pass/Fail election.
  • Courses elected as Pass/Fail must be outside the student’s major/concentration and may not be used to fulfill general education requirements.

Students wishing to elect a course as Pass/Fail must notify the Office of the Registrar no later than the drop/add deadline nor changed to credit with grade after the announced final drop deadline. Students choosing the Pass/Fail option are expected to complete all assigned work and exams for the course. If in the judgment of the instructor a grade of C or better is earned, the grade is reported as “Pass” (P) and the credits for the course are received. If the grade earned is less than a C, the report is “Fail”, and the course appears on the transcript with  the “Fail” (F) and without credits. Courses elected as Pass/Fail (credit without grade) are not included in the calculation of the grade point average.

I (Incomplete) Grades

The report of I (Incomplete) may be made by the instructor if the student is passing but unable to complete the coursework within the semester, the unfinished part of a student’s work is small and the extenuating circumstances have been explained. An I may be made up while a student is not enrolled and must be made up within five months of the end of the semester in which the I was given. A grade change must be submitted by the instructor to the Office of the Registrar by the stated deadline.

If for sufficient reason the student cannot complete by the deadline, the Dean may grant an extension of the time upon request from the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to ask the instructor for an extension of time. If agreeing, the instructor will submit the extension form to the Dean’s Office for approval and submit to the Office of the Registrar before the initial five month deadline. Instructors should ensure they will be available to enter a grade at the extension’s end.


Submission of the grade change request within the deadline will result in the grade being changed to IA, IB, IC, etc as applicable. To denote the course was not completed at the end of the semester, the I remains on the transcript. Failure to make up the grade within the time allotted results in the I being changed to a grade of IE, IF or IN as applicable.

Deadlines for incomplete grades and extension requests are as follows:

Fall semester  May 31

Winter semester  September 30

Spring semester  November 30

Summer semester  January 31

Graduate students are advised to consult the Graduate portion of the Catalog for specific information on Incomplete grades.


Y Grades

The Y grade designates “work in progress” and is therefore to be used only for courses approved to extend beyond a single semester. The Y grade extends the time allowed for completing the coursework for a period of up to two years. The Y grade will be designated “Work in Progress” in the explanation of the student’s transcript. If the student has not completed the work by the end of the two-year period, an extension of up to one year may be granted if the student demonstrates a clear plan for completing the work in a timely manner. The plan must be acceptable to the professor. When the professor and the student have agreed upon a time-line for completion of the work, they sign an extension form indicating the date when the work is expected to be completed. This form must be submitted to the Registrar.

After completion of the work, the Y grade will be removed and replaced with an appropriate grade for the course in question. If no grade has been assigned after the two-year period or extension thereof, the student cannot be contacted, and/or if the professor cannot be contacted, the departmental chair or head of the unit should assign the final grade. If no grade is assigned, the Registrar will assign a Y/W (Withdrawn), after notifying the professor and/or the academic department. The Y grade is not to be used in place of an Incomplete for courses designed to be completed in a single semester.


All students are expected to elect courses for credit. Occasionally an undergraduate student may wish to attend courses which have not been elected for credit. The instructor may grant official auditing at the time of registration or during the scheduled period to add courses. Students must officially declare in writing to the Registrar their intent to audit a course prior to the add deadline. A course that is audited is billed at the usual tuition.

The course will appear on the student’s transcript as “audit” with a “V” grade which is not computed in the GPA. The student must register, attend classes regularly, complete all the work of the course and pay tuition and fees.

Comprehensive Examinations (Credit by Exam)

A comprehensive exam is an evaluation that measures a students’ competency and mastery of concepts in an academic discipline. 

Each department shall have the authority, with the approval of its dean and review by appropriate administrative departments, (to include the Registrar and Financial Aid) to establish a procedure for granting credit for any course in that department through comprehensive examinations. Each department should determine those courses for which the comprehensive examination procedure applies. 

Signed agreements with third party, off -campus partners must be approved by the Provost and Procurement prior to posting credits by exam. 

All credit by examination is subject to the following requirements:

  1. All credit will be posted as University of Michigan-Flint credit with the grade posted as CBE, no honor points. Students who do not achieve a sufficient score for credit will have no entry made to the transcript.
  2. Credit by comprehensive examination may be used to meet all other university graduation requirements.
  3. Credit by comprehensive examination may be posted only for admitted students who have either previous or current enrollment.
  4. Credit by comprehensive examination will be posted as undergraduate credit.

Policy Concerning N Grades



The grade N, which signifies neither credit nor grade point value, is used in numerous courses. For these courses, the lowest grade for which credit is earned will be one of the following: C, C-, D, D-. The use of this grading system in a course is indicated in course listings and is announced at the beginning of the courses. Students should be aware that although N grades do not affect the grade point average, the accumulation of an excessive number of N’s is considered insufficient progress toward a degree. Therefore, after the first nine (9) credits for which a grade of N is received, any subsequent grade of N will be recorded as an E, regardless of whether a course in the original nine credits is retaken. Students who plan to apply to graduate schools should note that some transcript reporting agencies and graduate schools compute N grades as failing.

Reelection of Courses

Undergraduate students may reelect any course, however, only the credits earned the last time the course is taken will count. The record of all attempts and grades received will appear on the transcript. When a course is reelected, the grade received for the last attempt will be used to calculate the grade point average. Courses taken at institutions other than the University of Michigan-Flint do not affect the grade point average.

**Important Changes:  Undergraduate students receiving federal funds should refer to the Financial Aid information (www.umflint.edu/finaid/repeat.htm) regarding possible implications and impacts on financial aid for re-election of courses.

Graduate students may repeat a course with permission of the advisor and course instructor.  Credits for the course may not be earned beyond the limit set by guidelines of the department or program.  Each election and grade for a course that is repeated will remain on the transcript, and will be counted into the grade point average as separate elections.  However, only the final attempt, if passed, will count toward total hours earned.

Once a degree is posted to the student’s transcript, his/her academic file is closed and no changes can be made in it for any reason.

Class Attendance

Regular attendance at class, laboratory, and other appointments for which credit is given is expected of all students. Irregularities in attendance should be promptly explained by the student to the appropriate instructors. The attendance policy for each course is the prerogative of the individual instructor. Non-attendance does not constitute a drop or withdrawal, however, in accordance with the Department of Education, students who do not regularly attend in the first two weeks of the semester, must be dropped at the request of the instructor.

Students should not be attending and participating in courses in which they are not officially registered.

Final Examinations

Final examinations are given in accordance with the official schedule issued each term. Students must take the final examination according to that schedule. Students who wish to change the scheduled time due to hardship, conflict, or other unusual circumstances must have their requests approved by the instructor or the dean, director, or coordinator of the appropriate administrative unit. Exams may not be held on official study days.

Course Load

A normal undergraduate program consists of approximately 15 credits in Fall and Winter semesters and 6 credits in Spring and Summer terms. Students may elect a maximum of 18 credits in Fall and Winter and 9 credits in Spring and Summer. In exceptional cases, the Academic Standards Committees may permit students of superior scholarship to elect more than the maximum number of credits through the petition process. A student who is employed should limit the course load accordingly.

Enrollment Status Definitions

A student’s enrollment status is determined by the following University defined guidelines:

UNDERGRADUATE Fall or Winter Semester Spring or Summer Semester
Full time 12 or more credits 6 or more credits

3/4 time

1/2 time

9-11 credits

6-8 credits

4-5 credits

3 credits

Less than 1/2 time 1-5 credits 1-2 credits
GRADUATE Fall or Winter Semester Spring or Summer Semester
Full time 8 or more credits 4 or more credits
1/2 time 4-7 credits
  2-3 credits
Less than 1/2 time 1-3 credits
  1 credit

Changes in Individual Course Elections

Changes in course elections include dropping and adding a course. Students should check the course schedule or Registrar’s website for specific drop and add dates. https://www.umflint.edu/registrar/academic-calendars

Individual courses may not be dropped without a final grade after the add deadline. Petitions to drop after the deadline will be considered for medical grounds, never attended, or death in the family (see University Appeal Committee petitions). 

Non-attendance does not constitute an official drop, however, the University reserves the right to drop students who are not attending prior to the add deadline, in order to remain in compliance with the Department of Education. Academic departments may decide to drop students from courses in which the student has not completed the pre-requisite courses.

If a student stops attending a course without officially dropping or withdrawing, the grade of E, F or N will be recorded and could impact a student’s financial aid.

Changing courses and/or credit hours either from undergraduate to graduate credit or any change within a level, may only be processed during the semester that the coursework took place.

For further information on adding, dropping or withdrawing, students should consult with the Office of the Registrar.

Withdrawal from the Semester

Withdrawal is the term used for the process of dropping all classes in a semester. Students may withdraw from the semester until the final drop deadline; courses affected by a withdrawal after the add period will receive “W” grades. Students wishing to withdraw should contact the Office of the Registrar for specific deadline dates.

Students who withdraw or reduce their enrollment should see the section entitled “Refunds and Adjustment of Fees” to learn whether they are eligible for a refund.

**Students receiving federal funds should refer to the Financial Aid information (www.umflint.edu/finaid) regarding the possible implications and impacts on financial aid when withdrawing from a semester.

Petitions to withdraw after the stated deadline will be considered for medical grounds, death in the family, or never attended (see University Appeals Committee petitions).

Students who are absent from the University for more than one calendar year must be readmitted to the University through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or the Graduate Programs Office.  If a student has been away from the University of Michigan-Flint for one year or more, the student must satisfy degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission.

Petitions to Drop or Withdraw after deadlines (University Appeal Committee)

University of Michigan-Flint policy provides students an opportunity to drop or withdraw without petitioning during certain deadlines. Dates and deadlines may be found at http://www.umflint.edu/registrar/academic-calendars.

In the event a deadline is missed, students may submit a petition for late drop or withdrawal with the University Appeal Committee, Office of the Registrar, 266 University Pavilion. Petitions and documentation must be received by the following deadlines:

Fall semester - March 31;  Winter semester - July 31;  Spring/Summer - Sept 1

Petitions will be considered for valid and documented medical reasons, the student never attended/participated or the death of an immediate family member.  Immediate family member is defined by the University of Michigan Standard Practice Guide as spouse or other qualified adult, son, daughter, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister (or spouse of any of them), of the student. The University Appeal Committee may consider other extenuating circumstances. If circumstances cannot be documented, petitions cannot be approved. Decisions of the University Appeal Committee are final.

Members of the University Appeal Committee include representation from the Provost’s Office, Office of the Registrar, Financial Aid, Cashiers & Student Accounts, Dean of Students, Counseling and Psychological Services and the International Center. Ex-officio members from academic standards committee in the schools and colleges will be consulted as needed.

Withdrawing due to Military Deployment

Students serving in the military while attending the university may, at some point, be deployed. Students should contact the Office of the Registrar to determine best options for either completing the semester or withdrawing. Students who are unable to complete the semester may choose to withdraw. Military orders with dates of deployment should be provided by the student.  Tuition and fees will be adjusted accordingly. Students who are receiving federal funds in addition to any military benefits should contact the Office of Financial Aid and the Veterans’ Resource Center.

Change in Major

An undergraduate student contemplating a change in major should seek advice from the current advisor, the prospective advisor, or the Student Success Center, and notify the Office of the Registrar of any change. Students who select a major or minor in a catalog subsequent to their original admission at the University of Michigan-Flint must follow the catalog for all requirements in effect at the time the new major or minor is offered. Students may choose newer catalogs but not older catalogs. A student who seeks a major in programs outside their current school should contact the prospective program for information on appropriate admission requirements and applications. Students may not return after graduation and add a major; they must complete a new degree.

Graduate students should consult with the Office of Graduate Programs for information about a change in concentration.

Undeclared Major Policy 

All undergraduate degree-seeking students enrolled at the University of Michigan-Flint must officially declare a major with the Office of the Registrar by the time they complete 54 credit hours. Undeclared majors will work with a dedicated advisor at the Student Success Center on a Major Exploration Plan from the time they enter the University until they declare their major. Students will be informed about the steps to take each semester right after admission to UM-Flint. Advising holds will be placed on undeclared students’ accounts prior to every Fall and Winter registration period and will only be removed after the student discusses their Major Exploration Plan at their meeting with their advisor.

Deficiency in English

Any instructor who finds a student’s work seriously deficient in standard written English may refer the case to the Director of the Writing Center. The student may be given additional work in composition with or without credit. Instructors may refuse credit or give a reduced grade for written work which does not demonstrate accurate, effective use of standard English.

Waiver of Degree Requirements

If, because of previous academic work, a student feels they have compelling reasons to waive University-wide requirements exist, a petition for waiver must be submitted to the academic standards committee of the appropriate unit. If a waiver of degree or program requirements is sought, a petition for waiver must be submitted to the appropriate dean, director, or department chair.

Petitioning Academic Standards Committees for Exceptions to Academic Policy

Students who believe they are unreasonably affected by a policy of the University may appeal to the appropriate Academic Standards Committee/Academic Review Committee. Students should submit their petitions to the school of their major, independent of the courses they may be petitioning.

The Student as a Guest at Another Institution

A student at the University of Michigan-Flint will be permitted to elect a course for credit at another academic institution provided (1) completion of the course is necessary to satisfy requirements of the University of Michigan-Flint, and (2) the course is transferable.

After the final grade is recorded, the student must arrange to have the visited institution send an official copy of the transcript to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions of the University of Michigan-Flint. Ordinarily students will not be permitted to register for more than one course at a time at the visited institution. Students must complete the final 30 credits at UM-Flint. Therefore, UM-Flint students with 90 or more credits must petition the appropriate academic standards committee for a possible exception to this policy. Students should always consult with advisors to discuss the application of transfer credits toward any particular program of study.

Guest application forms are available in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Any student of the University of Michigan-Flint who enrolls in another academic institution, except as outlined above, must not expect to transfer the credit to the University of Michigan-Flint.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Michigan-Flint may earn a second bachelor’s degree. This requires a minimum of 30 credits beyond those required for the previous degree and requirements for the new degree and major. 90 credits counted from the previous degree will form the basis for the new degree, and will carry its grade point average. 

When the first bachelor’s degree was earned at an institution other than the University of Michigan-Flint, students must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at the University of Michigan-Flint and choose a different degree program from the first one completed. Students should consult with a major/concentration advisor. A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution, and wishes to complete a second bachelor’s will be considered as having met general education requirements.

A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree from an international institution and wishes to complete a second bachelors at the University of Michigan-Flint will need to have their transcript evaluated, to determine if it will be treated as transfer credits or a complete bachelor’s degree. The transcript needs to have a professional evaluation done by one of the following agencies and needs to have an indication that the degree completed is a “regionally accredited “equivalent.

WES World Education Services  http://www.wes.org 

ECE Education Credential Evaluators http://www.ece.org

If an international transcript or additional document does not indicate that the degree is equivalent to a regionally accredited bachelor’s degree the incoming credits will be treated as transfer credits and the general education requirements may need to be completed.

All students completing a second bachelor’s degree must complete their last 30 credit hours at the University of Michigan-Flint.

Simultaneous Bachelor’s Degrees

A student may elect to earn and be awarded two different bachelor’s degrees simultaneously. Minimal requirements for two degrees earned simultaneously include 30 additional credits beyond the credits required for one of the degrees (minimum of 150 credits) and fulfillment of all requirements for both degrees, including the foreign language requirement for any BA degree. The student must choose a primary and secondary degree. A student may elect to earn two bachelor’s degrees in any combination (e.g., two BA degrees, or a BS and a BBA degree). A student may elect to earn bachelor’s degrees in one academic unit or two different units.

Bachelor’s degrees offered are listed under “Degrees Offered” in the Planning a Program of Study section of this Catalog, and are detailed on a chart in that section.

Multiple Undergraduate Majors

A student may elect to earn a single bachelor’s degree with multiple majors. Requirements for multiple majors earned simultaneously include fulfillment of all requirements for each major and all degree requirements, including the foreign language requirement for a BA degree. The student must choose a primary and secondary major. A student may elect to earn different majors, but the majors must be only in one degree. (For example: a student could complete a Bachelor of Arts (BA) with a major in History and English; a student could not complete a BA with a major in History and Computer Science, because the Computer Science major is part of the Bachelor of Science (BS), which is a different degree.) Students should refer to the Guide to Undergraduate Degrees and Majors in this catalog for a listing of degrees and related majors.

Note: The completion of requirements for multiple majors does not constitute the fulfillment of the requirements for simultaneous bachelor’s degrees (see above).

Graduation Information

Graduation Application

Upon completing 100 credit hours, an undergraduate student must apply to graduate through SIS. Students should also meet with their academic advisor to review the student’s transcript and to verify qualifications for graduation by running a degree evaluation in MyDegreePlan. Graduate students should apply for Graduation in SIS at least one semester prior to the intended graduation date.

Degree candidates must officially apply to graduate, complete all coursework and degree requirements and provide evidence of satisfactory completion to the Registrar by the end of the semester they wish to graduate. No degree will be awarded until all grades have been submitted and all requirements completed. Candidates with incomplete requirements will be changed to an inactive status and must reapply for a subsequent degree date. The deadlines for graduation applications and completion of requirements for each semester are listed on the Registrar website.

The University of Michigan-Flint awards baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degrees three times each year - at the conclusion of the fall semester (December), at the conclusion of the winter semester (April/May) , and at the conclusion of the Spring/Summer semesters (August).

Commencement Ceremonies

Commencement is the ceremonial celebration of a student’s academic achievement. The University of Michigan-Flint holds two commencement ceremonies each year, one in April/May and the other in December. Students may choose which ceremony they wish to attend but may only participate in one. Students must apply to graduate (see Graduation Application above) and RSVP for the commencement ceremony via SIS. Failure to do so may impact your date of graduation, your eligibility for some university honors, walking in the ceremony with honor cords, and listing your name in the commencement program. 

Walking in the commencement ceremony does not guarantee a student has graduated.


Diploma covers are distributed to graduates at the Commencement ceremony. Graduates should expect to receive their actual diplomas in the mail approximately four to six weeks after your degree is posted.  There is no charge for this diploma. Diplomas are mailed to the graduate’s address on file in the Office of the Registrar unless otherwise noted on the graduation application.  Please note that tuition, fees, and all financial obligations must be paid in full before a diploma can be issued.

University of Michigan diplomas do not list majors or minors, only degree name (e.g. Bachelor of Arts).  Academic honors, Maize & Blue Award, and Honors Scholar Program are listed on the diploma under the degree name.

Sizes of Diplomas:

Undergraduate and Master’s diplomas   8 1/2 x 11
Doctoral diplomas  11 x 14
Duplicate Diplomas

Graduates may order additional copies of their diploma for a fee. Duplicate diplomas should not be ordered until the original diplomas have been received.


$5.00: eDiploma

$20.00: Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma 8.5x11

$30.00: Doctorate Diploma 11x14

The following services for your University of Michigan diploma are available online through our official diploma vendor, the Michael Sutter Company:

Order a replacement diploma- Order a replacement diploma easily online.  You can choose standard or express delivery.

Order your eDiploma - Your University of Michigan eDiploma is a Signed and Certified PDF of your original paper diploma used for easy diploma verification purposes.

Diploma Status - Search the status of your diploma order.

Once you submit a Diploma Request you will receive a Secure ID by email within 48 hours. NOTE: If you have received your diploma recently then you may already have this Secure ID in an email or with your actual diploma.

If you have any questions about diplomas, please contact the Office of the Registrar at Flint.Registrar@umich.edu or (810) 762-3344 “choose option 1”.


Incorrect Information on the Diploma

Graduates have thirty (30) days from the receipt of their diplomas to notify the Office of the Registrar of grammatical errors or other issues on your diploma. After this thirty (30) day period, a duplicate diploma order and payment is required.


A transcript is a student’s complete academic record at the University of Michigan-Flint and may include undergraduate, graduate and/or doctoral coursework. Any prior school transcript(s) that were presented for admission have become an integral part of the files of the admitting offices and cannot be released, either directly or for copying purposes. It will be necessary for you to write directly to the institutions concerned to obtain copies of those previous records. In addition, documents such as ACT/SAT scores are not available from the Office of the Registrar. University of Michigan-Flint transcripts will only be released upon written request of the student or via the official request through SIS or the National Student Clearinghouse. Payment is required when requesting official transcripts.

Final Transcripts

Upon graduation, each student will receive one complimentary official transcript with their degree posted. Once the final transcript has been prepared/mailed and the diploma sent to the student, his/her academic file is closed and no changes can be made in it for any reason.

Requests for Transcripts

Requests for official University of Michigan-Flint transcripts (which bear the signature of the Registrar and the University Seal) should be made via SIS or the National Student Clearinghouse at www.studentclearinghouse.org. Generally, transcript requests are processed and mailed within one business day. Under certain circumstances, such as the end of the term, graduation, or during the holidays,  requests may take longer to process. Requests will not be processed if a student has any financial obligations outstanding to the University of Michigan-Flint. Payment is required when requesting official transcripts.

Documentation Needed to Change Name

Students must provide legal documentation of a name change in order to change their name at the University of Michigan-Flint. Examples would be a valid driver’s license with the new name on it, passport, State ID,  social security card, etc. Name changes are processed by the Office of the Registrar.

Reverse Transfer

Reverse Transfer is a process where academic credits for course work completed at a four-year university are transferred back to your community college to satisfy associate’s degree requirements. Some students transfer into a four-year institution before completing an associate’s degree at a community college, with a percentage of this group gaining a bachelor’s degree eventually through a combination of credits from both institutions. Through Reverse Transfer, a student’s achievements are recognized with an associate’s degree after they have transferred to a four-year school and have accumulated the credits needed to fulfill the two-year degree program requirements.

The University of Michigan-Flint currently has Reverse Transfer Agreements with Mott Community College, Delta College, Kalamazoo Valley Community College and St. Clair County Community College. Under these partnership agreements, students attending the University of Michigan-Flint could be granted an earned Associate’s Degree by combining credits from UM-Flint with the credits previously earned  from these community colleges. The University of Michigan-Flint is committed to helping our students earn all available credentials as they pursue their career goals. To this end, work is ongoing to forge agreements with other area community colleges.

If you have been recently enrolled at the University of Michigan-Flint and transferred from any of the community colleges listed above the Office of the Registrar will notify you that you are eligible for review based on the criteria below for the potential awarding of your earned associate’s degree. You will be sent a link ( http://www.umflint.edu/registrar/commonly-used-forms ) to a Transcript Request form specifically for the Reverse Transfer Agreement. Using this transcript request form gives permission to UM-Flint to send your transcript, communicate with your community college regarding your coursework, and permits your community college to award your degree, if appropriate. The request must be completed and returned to the Office of the Registrar at UM-Flint. Your transcript will be sent to your community college at no charge to you. The initial criteria is:

45+ credit hours completed at your community college

24+ credit hours completed at UM-Flint

The sending of the University of Michigan-Flint transcript to your community college does not guarantee the granting of a degree. The courses you take at the University of Michigan-Flint (or any other college or university) will be evaluated by your community college. The granting of the degree remains at the discretion of and is subject to the degree and residency requirements of the community college, which is the degree granting institution. You will be contacted by your community college with the results of your review.


Questions should be referred to the Office of the Registrar, 266 University Pavilion, 810-762-3344, option1.