Jan 24, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees*


Please refer to the Cashier/Student Accounts website for more complete information regarding tuition and fee rates.

Tuition must be received by the due dates or monthly interest charges will be assessed. Allow a minimum of 5 days of handling by the U.S. Postal Service if payment is mailed. Failure to receive an official University tuition and fee statement does not relieve any student of responsibility for payment. Emails are sent to students through their UM-Flint email account letting the student know that their most current bill is ready for viewing.  However, students can access their account information 24/7 thru the Student Account Center (SAC). 

Fees are the student’s contribution toward the cost of instruction, library services, student activities, plant operations, and mandatory payments for debt retirement for parking facilities and the Library. There are certain laboratory charges to cover unusual breakage.

A student may not register for any classes at the University nor are diplomas issued until all outstanding fees and charges due the University are paid.

*The University of Michigan - Flint reserves the right to adjust tuition rates and the credit hour range that is assessed the full-time rate.

Payment Plans

The University currently offers payment plans for the Fall, Winter, and Summer terms.  Please check the cashier/student account website site for the most current information including enrollment dates.

Refunds and Adjustment of Fees

Please refer to the Academic Calendar for important dates regarding refunds and adjustments of fees.  A semester may have multiple Part of Terms.  The academic calendar may reference POT which stands for Part of Term. Be sure to review the calendar for the Part of Term(s) that pertain to your schedule.  See semester calendar here.

If you are paid in full prior to canceling, dropping, or withdrawing from the semester, tuition and fees will be adjusted based on the date of cancellation, drop, or withdrawal. Financial aid will be adjusted if appropriate and refunds will be processed.


Students who register and THEN DECIDE NOT TO ATTEND must notify the Registrar’s Office in writing or drop all of their courses in SIS BEFORE the first day of the semester or they will be charged a portion of their tuition plus fees. The Registrar’s Office is located in Room 266, University Pavilion.


A drop is when a student drops a course(s) but stays registered for a minimum of one credit hour for the semester. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for important dates regarding drop dates and any adjustments of fees. 

A semester may have multiple Part of Terms.  The academic calendar may reference POT which stands for Part of Term. Be sure to review the calendar for the Part of Term(s) that pertain to your schedule.  See semester calendar here

If you are paid in full prior to cancelling, dropping or withdrawing from the semester, tuition and fees will be adjusted based on the date of cancellation, drop or withdrawal. Financial aid will be adjusted if appropriate and refunds will be processed.



Students may withdraw from the University (i.e., drop all courses).  Courses affected by a withdrawal will receive “W” grades. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for important dates regarding withdrawal dates and any adjustments of fees. 


A semester may have multiple Part of Terms.  The academic calendar may reference POT which stands for Part of Term. Be sure to review the calendar for the Part of Term(s) that pertain to your schedule.  See semester calendar here


If you are paid in full prior to cancelling, dropping or withdrawing from the semester, tuition and fees will be adjusted based on the date of cancellation, drop or withdrawal. Financial aid will be adjusted if appropriate and refunds will be processed.

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)

Refunds for fully online, out-of-state (distance education) students fall under the above rules except for students in states not participating in the National State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA). To determine if a state is participating in SARA, students may refer to https://www.umflint.edu/online/state-authorization/. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Cashier’s Office in writing if their refund does not fall under the agreement for SARA states.

Fees for Senior Citizens

Persons 62 years of age or older at time of registration have the privilege of enrolling in any University course or program for which they are properly qualified, on payment of a fee equal to 50 percent of the announced fee for such course or program, exclusive of laboratory fees and other special charges. It is the responsibility of the senior citizen to notify Student Accounts when they qualify for the discount. The University reserves the right to determine in each case the appropriateness of the election.

Fee Appeal

Fee appeals are used to request exceptions to the existing refund policy under extenuating circumstances. The deadline for submitting a fee appeal is 90 days after the end of the semester being appealed. Information and fee appeal forms may be obtained online from the cashier/student accounts website or in person from the Cashier/Student Accounts Office, 261 Pavilion.

University of Michigan In-State Tuition Classification Guidelines


Purpose of the In-State Tuition Guidelines

The University of Michigan enrolls students from 50 states and more than 120 countries. In-State Tuition Classification Guidelines have been developed to ensure that decisions about whether a student pays in-state or out-of-state tuition are fair and equitable and that applicants for admission or enrolled students who believe they are Michigan residents understand they may be required to complete an Application for In-State tuition and provide additional information to document their in-state tuition status.

Students wishing to apply for in-state tuition must complete an application and submit it to the Residency Office, Office of the Registrar, 500 S State St, Ann Arbor MI  48109-1382. Applications and more information may be accessed at:


Financial Aid


303 East Kearsley

277 University Pavilion
(810) 762-3444
Web address: umflint.edu/finaid

Director: Lori Vedder
Accountant Associate: Ruth Ann Kegebein
Assistant Director: Mary Horgan

Financial Aid Administrators:  Sarah Borza, Sara Cyrus, David Guest, Kelli Hoppe, Jennifer LaPratt, Amy Lavery, Gregory Little, Sandra McComb

The Office of Financial Aid administers federal, state, private and institutional financial aid programs that assist eligible and interested students to afford the quality education offered by the University of Michigan-Flint. The Office of Financial Aid is committed to meeting the financial needs of all students, and to recognizing and supporting merit and achievement.

Eligibility for Financial Aid

Review student eligibilty for financial aid on-line. 

Application Awarding and Notification of Financial Aid

All applicants must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. Financial aid offers are determined using a cost of attendance and notifications sent to students weekly once awarding begins for the year.

Sources of Financial Aid

Financial aid is generally available in four different types aid - Grants, Loans, Scholarships, Work Study.

University Specific Scholarships

Scholarships are available to recognize and support academic excellence, activities, service to the university or community, and student research. Some scholarships are open to a wide spectrum of students, while others have specialized criteria. A full listing and general descriptions may be accessed online at the Scholarship Summary.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Federal law establishes that all students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward their degree to remain eligible for financial aid.  A SAP Appeal Form is required along with supporting documentation to appeal termination of financial aid eligibility. 

Withdrawing from the University

All withdrawal steps are handled by the Office of the Registrar. If students withdraw or are asked to withdraw, they should inquire with the Office of Financial Aid about the impact withdrawing will have on their aid. 

Return of Title IV Funds

When students withdraw from all classes, the Office of Financial Aid must calculate how much aid they are entitled to keep (Return of Title IV Funds). 

Fee Appeal

Extenuating circumstances may prompt a student to file an appeal to request their charges be reduced; this is called a fee appeal.  Filing a fee appeal may impact the student’s financial aid.

Repeated Coursework Policy

Federal financial aid may be impacted by repeated coursework. This federal regulation applies whether or not the student received aid for earlier enrollments in the course.

Students Receiving All “E’s”, “I’s”, and “N’s”

If a student who began attendance and has not officially withdrawn fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course offered over an entire period, the University must assume, for financial aid purposes, that the student has unofficially withdrawn, unless the institution can document that the student completed the period. 

Study Abroad

If a student is planning to study abroad it is recommended that they schedule an appointment with a financial aid officer approximately 6 months prior to the study abroad experience. 

Financial Aid Right, Responsibilities, and Policies

Student should review important information about their rights, responsibilities, and policies surrounding financial aid.  Due to the nature of federal, state, and university funding and guidelines affecting financial aid programs, information regarding financial aid offers is subject to change.

Documentation regarding the accreditation status of the University of Michigan-Flint is available in the Office of the Provost, Room 229, University Pavilion.