2007-2009 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
International and Global Studies (INT)
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238 Theatre
(810) 762-3230
Website: http://www.umflint.edu/igs/
Director: Dr. Matthew Hilton-Watson
Core Faculty: John Ellis (HIS), Ernest Emenyonu (AFA), Guluma Gemeda (AFA), Matthew Hilton-Watson (FOR), Richard Hill-Rowley (ERS), Weiqi Li (SOM), Seyed Mehdian (SOM), Beverley Smith (ANT), Sapna Taggar (EDU), Maureen Tippen (SHPS) Mary Wagner (MUS)
Faculty Advisors: Students should contact the Program Director, Dr. Matthew Hilton-Watson (FOR), for a referral to the most appropriate faculty member for advising.
The International and Global Studies Program is an interdisciplinary program that aims at providing students with a framework for focusing on international relations and global trends. The Program has grown out of the conviction that International and Global Studies merits its own focus. The purpose of the Program is to enable students to gain a global perspective of human events and behavior; to appreciate the cultural diversity of the World; to discern global patterns and processes and to understand their impact on particular regions. Students can major in one of the existing fields (e.g., history, management, or nursing) with a minor in International and Global Studies.
The Program’s courses are intended to provide students with a global perspective at three levels: chronological, spatial, and thematic. The Program is enriched by study abroad courses organized by the University faculty, and by the opportunity for students to study at the Japan Center for Michigan Universities located in Hikone, Japan. Students will earn University of Michigan-Flint credits by participating in University of Michigan- Flint sponsored study abroad courses. Furthermore, the Program provides information to students who are interested in study abroad in general and issues International Student/Teacher Identity Cards. The Program is enhanced further by co-sponsoring events with the International Student Organization and by a variety of extracurricular activities, including lecture and film series.
Programs in International and Global Studies
A Minor in International and Global Studies and an Honors Minor in International and Global Studies are available.
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