Jul 16, 2024  
2009-2010 Catalog 
2009-2010 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Criminal Justice (CRJ)

522 David M. French Hall
(810) 762-3340

Chair: Kathryn Schellenberg
Principal Secretary: Lynne McTiernan
Faculty Advisors: Associate Professors Roy Barnes, Larry W. Koch, Joan Mars, Diane Schaefer, Kathryn Schellenberg, Charles B. Thomas, Jr.; Assistant Professors Kenneth Litwin.

Criminal justice is an academic field which examines the actions of the formal social control mechanisms we call the criminal justice system. This system is composed of three subsystems: law enforcement agencies, criminal courts, and correctional facilities. The study of criminal justice requires an examination of the structure and functioning of each of these subsystems, as well as knowledge about the role behavior of the participants. It also
involves a critical evaluation of how the administration of justice actually operates in American society. This raises fundamental questions and provides perspectives from which solutions to problems might be drawn.

The content of criminal justice study is interdisciplinary, drawing on theory developed in sociology, law, political science, and other fields. From sociology are derived theories regarding the etiology of crime and delinquency. Law and political science provide information about the development of law and the application of sanctions within the legal process.

Program Mission and Assessment

The mission of the Criminal Justice program is three-fold: to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the structure and operation of the criminal justice system; to provide students with a comprehensive  understanding of how criminal justice relates to other social structures and institutions, and how those structures and institutions impact criminal justice; and to prepare students to employ critical thinking, social justice, and civic responsibility in their decision-making processes as they pursue their careers and encounter life situations. The program participates in the University-wide effort to assess its academic programs. Information on assessment plans, including goals, methods and outcomes is available at www.umflint.edu/assessment.

Programs in Criminal Justice

Two concentration programs, both leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree, are offered: the General Program in Criminal Justice , and the Honors Program in Criminal Justice . A Minor in Corrections  is also available. (See Social Work.)