Jan 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

College of Innovation and Technology (CIT)

5th Floor West, William R. Murchie Science Building
(810) 766-6807

CIT Faculty and Staff List

The College of Innovation & Technology (CIT) offers curriculum which integrates practical hands-on learning with deep theoretical understanding. By capitalizing on UM-Flint’s robust liberal arts foundation, CIT undergraduate programs are meticulously designed to prepare students for diverse careers in fields related to Engineering and Technology, Computing, and Science. CIT graduates are fully equipped with the skills and knowledge needed for rewarding careers aligned with the evolving demands of Industry 4.0.


The College of Innovation & Technology will be recognized nationally and internationally for excellence in technology education, research, and innovation. 


The College of Innovation & Technology is distinct among MI institutions as it evolves to become a transformative leader in the polytechnic experience focusing on workforce development through experiential learning environments while embracing authentic industry partnerships.

The College of Innovation & Technology will drive economic development in Flint, the Genesee County region, and the State of Michigan by engaging with champions of industry to create a sustainable next-generation community through innovation and partnerships in research and education.

The College of Innovation & Technology will recruit and retain a more diverse community of students, staff, and faculty, while developing the next generation workforce.

Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures

All students within the College of Innovation and Technology (CIT), regardless of their enrollment status (full-time, part-time, non-degree, or guest), must comply with CIT policies.

Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement

Undergraduate students are required to achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 for all coursework taken at UM-Flint. Furthermore, a cumulative GPA of 2.00 is mandatory for all courses within the chosen major. It’s important to note that certain majors may require a higher GPA. Falling below the stated minimum GPA in the major could lead to the student’s dismissal from that specific major. 

Graduate students are required to achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 for each master-level course taken at UM-Flint. Furthermore, a grade of B (3.0) or higher is mandatory for all undergraduate-level courses specified within a student’s CIT Admissions Letter.

Class Attendance

CIT faculty may establish their own attendance policy, including penalties for nonattendance. Regular course attendance is expected. If a student stops attending a course without officially dropping or withdrawing, the grade of E, F or N will be recorded and could impact a student’s financial aid. Additional information regarding UM-Flint’s attendance policy can be viewed via the University’s Class Attendance statement  found within the Academic Policies section of the catalog. 

Graduation Application

Students are required to submit their Graduation Application online via the Student Information System (SIS). Detailed information about the deadline and a step-by-step guide can be accessed on the Registrar’s Intranet Page. A final graduation audit review is conducted at the end of the semester, and degrees are typically conferred within 1-2 months after the semester concludes. 

Transfer Credit

Coursework completed at other colleges and universities may apply toward the fulfillment of graduation requirements. It is important to note that the University of Michigan-Flint requires that an undergraduate student’s last 30 credits be completed at UM-Flint. Please consult the Undergraduate Admissions  section of the catalog. 

Transfer Credit for Continuing Students

CIT students planning to pursue coursework for credit at another institution are highly encouraged to seek advance approval from their assigned academic advisor and, if applicable, the relevant department to ensure the transferability of the coursework. Utilizing the UM-Flint Transfer Equivalency Guide is also recommended when exploring potential undergraduate level courses. 
Note: Undergraduate CIT students must maintain compliance with UM-Flint’s Enrollment Residency Requirement found within the Academic Policies & Regulations  section of the catalog. 

Undergraduate Unsatisfactory Academic Standing Rules 

An undergraduate student who maintains an institutional grade point average of at least 2.0 for courses elected while enrolled at the University is considered to be in good academic standing in the University. According to policy set by the University of Michigan - Flint, students who fail to maintain a C (2.0) average are considered to have fallen out of good academic standing. 

There are three levels of unsatisfactory academic standing: 1) Warning on Transcript, 2) Up or Out, and 3) Dismissal. To learn more about the three levels of unsatisfactory academic standing consult the Academic Standings section of the catalog. A student’s Unsatisfactory academic standing cannot be removed by coursework from other colleges or universities, including programs of the Ann Arbor and Dearborn campuses.

In an effort to ensure progress-to-degree, the College of Innovation and Technology may prohibit continued enrollment in areas or courses where the student consistently fails to meet minimum academic standards. The college will notify the student of these limitations in the form of an Academic Progress Agreement which will be enforced through the use of an academic progress hold. Additionally, the college may require the creation of a success plan to promote continued enrollment and positive progress-to-degree.

Academic Progress Agreement

When a CIT student is experiencing academic difficulty they may be required to enter into an Academic Progress Agreement. The agreement, developed in collaboration between the student and their academic advisor, will be tailored to address specific areas identified, by the student, as barriers to their academic success. If a student fails to meet the conditions of their Academic Progress Agreement, the college may academically dismiss them from their declared CIT major.

Dismissal Rules

Under certain circumstances where a student experiences continuous academic struggle, the College of Innovation and Technology may choose to academically dismiss a student either from their declared major or from the University of Michigan-Flint. The decision to academically dismiss a student is made after careful consideration of the student’s potential for academic recovery.

In any semester, an undergraduate student may be dismissed from their CIT major for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Failure to earn any credit for two consecutive enrolled semesters. 

  2. Failure to earn at least a 2.00 GPA for two or more consecutive semesters.

  3. Failure to meet the conditions of an Academic Progress Agreement.

  4. Failure to make progress toward completion of a CIT degree. 

Students who have been dismissed from their CIT major will have their academic program administratively changed to Undecided.

Appeal of a Dismissal Decision

Academically dismissed students seeking readmission to UM-Flint must adhere to the standards and processes detailed in the Readmission section of the catalog.  

Students seeking immediate reinstatement into either the University or a CIT major must complete the Petition to Drop or Withdraw after Deadline form and submit it directly to the University Appeals Committee. Only after the University Appeals Committee approves a retroactive withdrawal will CIT students be eligible to seek immediate reinstatement to the major. Students can begin the process for major reinstatement by sending a completed CIT Academic Standards Petition to CITAcademicStandards@umich.edu.. 

Registration Matters

Academic Load and Credit Hour Overload

A student’s enrollment status depends on the number of credits they are currently registered for (refer to the Enrollment Status Definitions  section of the catalog for more details). 

While individual circumstances may vary, and it’s essential to find a course load that balances a student’s academic, personal, and professional commitments, students are encouraged to aim for 12-16 credits per semester, an average of 30 credits per academic year whenever possible to ensure adequate progress to degree.

Students wanting to take 19 credit hours or more within a single semester must submit a credit hour overload petition to the College of Innovation and Technologies Academic Standards Committee at CITAcademicStandards@umich.edu

Credit hour overloads are considered on a case-by-case basis and may be denied. Considerations used in the granting of a credit overload include a student’s academic history which is comprised of GPA, number of semesters completed at UM-Flint, major, number of credit hours taken and the rigor of the current registration. Credit hour overloads will only be considered for students in good academic standing

CIT and Course Waitlists

A course is considered closed or full when the enrollment maximum set for that course has been reached. Students are strongly encouraged to add themselves to the Waitlist for a CIT course that is already full. CIT closely monitors these Waitlists to determine the need for additional course sections. The academic department should be consulted when a lack of availability prevents progress to degree.

Students are encouraged to take note of their registration time ticket, the date and time they are eligible to register. Students with advanced standing are permitted to register ahead of students who have earned fewer hours. 

Course Prerequisites

At UM-Flint, continuing students participate in Early Registration to enroll in courses for the upcoming semester. During this period, students can sign up for courses with prerequisites, as long as they have either fulfilled or are in the process of completing those specific prerequisites. Within 48 business hours of grades being posted at the conclusion of a semester, a review will take place, and students who have not met prerequisites required for a course in the next semester will be dropped from that course. 

It’s important to note that for certain CIT courses where “Instructor’s Consent” is a prerequisite option, this consent must be obtained by the end of the semester.

Course prerequisites are listed in both the Course Listings section of the catalog and the Browse Classes FAQ document housed within the Registrar’s Office Intranet. 

Repeat Limitation Policy

A CIT student may take a course required for their major/minor up to two times. If unsuccessful after the second attempt, the student will be required to petition the CIT’s Academic Standards Committee (ASC) to obtain approval to retake the course a third time. If the minimum grade required for the course is not achieved after the third retake attempt, the college may elect to academically dismiss the student from their declared CIT major and/or minor. 

Academic Standards Petitions

Students may petition the CIT Academic Standards Committee in situations that include but are not limited to: 

  • Adding course after the deadline 
  • Credit hour overload
  • Taking more than one course in a semester as a guest student
  • Waiving the last 30 hour rule
  • Requesting to take a course for a third 
  • Applying for readmission after dismissal from a CIT major
  • Waiving less than 1 credit of a degree requirement due to transfer coursework from a quarter system. 

The student must initiate the petition process in consultation with their assigned CIT academic advisor. It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation in support of a petition. Submission of a petition does not imply approval. 

CIT Student Grievance Procedure

Students within the College of Innovation and Technology who believe they have been unfairly affected by a policy or wish to grieve a grade (assignment, test, final, etc.) may request a review of the matter in question by taking the following steps - 

Step 1 - Communicate with Instructor

A student must initiate the grievance process by engaging in direct communication with the instructor to resolve the dispute. This step aims to encourage open dialogue and prompt resolution. 

Step 2 - Division Director Review

If the dispute remains unresolved after Step 1, the student may escalate the matter by requesting a review by the CIT Director of the division to which the instructor belongs. The student should submit a written (email or letter) request to the Division Director, along with supporting documentation within 14 calendar days of the occurrence of the issue or, if occurring at the end of a semester, within the first 14 calendar days of the start of the next academic semester. 

Within this stage the Division Director will meet with both the student and instructor, gathering input, data, and information. The Division Director will provide the student with a written explanation of their conclusion, supported by documentation and evidence within 14 calendar days of receiving the grievance. 

Step 3 - CIT Academic Standards Committee

If the grievance is not resolved in Step 2, the student may, within 14 calendar days following the Division Director’s decision, submit an appeal to the Division Director’s decision to the CIT Academic Standards Committee at CITAcademicStandards@umich.edu

Upon receiving the appeal, the CIT Academic Standards Committee will form a review committee comprising CIT faculty/staff, including faculty members from the instructor’s department. The instructor will have the opportunity to submit a written response to the student’s complaint. The committee may request additional details from the instructor, such as the semester syllabus, Canvas shell access, assignment details, etc. 

Within 30 days of receiving the grievance, the CIT Academic Standards Committee will provide the student with a written decision, which will be considered final. 

Important Note: This procedure specifically addresses grade and policy grievances housed within CIT. If you are a CIT student grieving a course taught outside of CIT, please refer to that specific college’s Grievance process. For discrimination-related grievances, please refer to the discrimination section under the Student Rights Policy in this Catalog.

Recognition of Superior Scholarship

University Honors

Graduating seniors with cumulative grade point averages of at least 3.5 but less than 3.75 are recommended for the degree “with honors” and those with cumulative grade point averages of at least 3.75 are recommended for the degree “with high honors.” In computing averages, only courses taken at the University of Michigan-Flint are included, and only completed terms are counted.

CIT Honors

Each year CIT faculty select outstanding students for special awards and academic honors.

Actuarial Excellence Award

This award recognizes the student selected by the faculty of the Department of Mathematics who best exemplifies the program’s goal of preparing students for a career as an actuary.

Biology Department Research Scholar Award

This award recognizes graduating seniors who worked collaboratively with biology faculty in the advancement of science through presentations at scientific research conferences and/or co-authorship of publications in scientific research journals.

Outstanding Graduating Senior in Biochemistry 

This award recognizes the department’s most exceptional senior receiving a degree in our Biochemistry program. In addition to GPA, research projects and service to the department, university, Flint community, and the biochemistry community are considerations for this award. 

Outstanding Graduating Senior in Chemistry

This award recognizes the department’s most exceptional senior receiving a degree in our Chemistry or Green Chemistry programs. In addition to GPA, research projects and service to the department, university, Flint community, and the chemistry community are considerations for this award. 

Sigma Pi Sigma, the National Honor Society in Physics

This award recognizes outstanding scholarship in physics and promotes an attitude of service among its members. Members must display strong ability through all introductory and modern physics coursework, maintaining a 3.5 GPA. 

Upsilon Pi Epsilon Honor Society in Computer Science and Computer Information Systems

This award recognizes academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The UPE promotes the computing and information disciplines and encourages their contribution to the enhancement of knowledge and is the first and only existing international honor society in the Computing and Information disciplines.

The William V. Caldwell Prize for Excellence in Mathematics

This award is named in honor of long-time Professor of Mathematics and Department Chair William V. Caldwell, serves to recognize the student selected by the faculty of the Department of Mathematics as outstanding Mathematics student of the year.