Oct 06, 2024  
2011-2012 Catalog 
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Management (SOM)



3180 William S. White Building
Phone: (810) 762-3160
Fax: (810) 237-6685


Acting Dean: Vahid Lotfi
Associate Dean: Yener Kandogan
Executive Secretary to the Dean: Debra Buechel
Business Administrator: Dennis Fattaleh
BBA/MBA Programs Director: D. Nicol Taylor-Vargo
Student Services Coordinator: Doritta McDaniel
Senior Academic Advisor: Brenda Harrison
Academic Advisor: Jean Corey
Marketing Communications Specialist: Jennifer Robishaw
Business Program Recruiter: Craig Gomolka
Computer Specialist: Dominic Fusero
Faculty Secretary: Sharon Seames
Administrative Assistant: Anna Swartz

Mission of the School


As part of the internationally recognized University of Michigan system, our mission is to provide high-quality management education to prepare our students for intellectual growth, productive careers, and professional development. We deliver our programs to a diverse group of graduate and undergraduate students primarily in Michigan and the surrounding region using a variety of learning/teaching approaches that focus on skills, abilities, technology and knowledge vital to organizations. We will also expand these programs to reach out to the national and international community in order to link our students and faculty to the global marketplace. We are committed to excellence in teaching, learning, and primarily discipline-based intellectual contributions. We use our professional skills to provide service to the university, professional organizations, alumni and the community as we engage them to enrich our intellectual pursuits and instructional activities.

The School of Management is an AACSB-accredited professional school offering programs leading to the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)  degree and the Master of Business Administration (MBA)  degree. (The address of this accrediting body is: AACSB INTERNATIONAL, The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, 777 Harbour Island Blvd., Suite 750, Tampa, Florida, 33602-5730, http://www.AACSB.edu.) Established as a separate school in 1975, the School of Management has faculty members with extensive experience in working with business and government and in teaching management programs.

Preparation for management careers requires a broadly based, balanced liberal education. University of Michigan-Flint programs emphasize an understanding of economic, social, political and cultural environments, coupled with the acquisition of requisite problem solving, decision making, and leadership skills. Management curricula strive for balance among knowledge, skills, and abilities applicable in the short term and those required for long-term personal and professional growth.

Our Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program prepares students for careers in management, accounting, finance, international business, marketing, human resource management, and operations management, and for graduate studies in management, accounting, economics, finance, marketing, law, or related fields. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is designed for individuals who show high promise as managers. Structured to offer valuable support for its students’ next ten years in management, the MBA program provides a solid background for higher levels of responsibility and offers specializations in accounting, computer information systems, finance, health care management, international business, lean manufacturing, marketing, and organizational leadership. For further information on the MBA program, see the Graduate Study section of this Catalog.

Requirements for Admission


Students may declare a business major and be admitted to the School of Management upon admission to the University. Requirements to complete the BBA program are those in effect at the time of admission to the School of Management.

Admission to the MBA Program

Admission to the MBA program is based on a review of the applicant’s job experience, as indicated by a resume; a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university as indicated by transcripts; scores on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE); personal statement; and letters of recommendation. A complete description of the MBA program, including admission requirements, is presented under the Master of Business Administration Program in this Catalog. Contact the School of Management for additional information.

Academic Advising

The advising system is based on the premise that students are responsible for maintaining and recording their own progress. However, working closely with our advising staff keeps students on track with regard to prerequisites for later classes, the proper sequence in which to take classes, and which elective courses are most advantageous for your career goals.

The School of Management Office is generally open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Students are encouraged to contact the office for information or appointments.. The School also offers walk-in advising, online advising and Saturday advising.

Part-Time Study


The School of Management provides flexible class scheduling. It is possible to complete the BBA degree requirements on either a full- or part-time basis, with classes scheduled during day and evening hours and through on-line access. School of Management courses also serve students with no imminent degree objective. Most non-candidate-for-degree (NCFD), also referred to as Lifelong Learning, students hold baccalaureate degrees and pursue management courses to enhance professional skills or prepare for graduate studies.

Academic Regulations


All regulations of the University of Michigan-Flint apply to School of Management students. Students should note these regulations printed in earlier sections of this Catalog. Specific rules and regulations adopted by the faculty of the School of Management are presented in the following sections.

Grades and Scholastic Requirements


Grades are assigned by letters, some with + and - suffixes. In computing grade point averages, the following scale of grade equivalents is used by the School of Management undergraduate program:

Letter Grade Honor Points
A+ 4.0
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
E 0.0

Grades of P (Pass) and F (Fail) do not affect any grade point average. Of these, only the grade of P earns credit toward graduation.

The grade Y indicates “Work in Progress” and is therefore used only for courses designated to extend beyond a single semester. After completion of the work, the Y grade will be removed and replaced by an appropriate grade, or it may also be replaced by an (I) Incomplete.

A grade once reported (with the exception of I or Y) may be changed only to correct a demonstrable error.  It is the policy of the University of Michigan-Flint that grades may be changed up to one calendar year after the end of the semester in which the grade was originally submitted.

Cumulative grade point averages are computed by dividing the total number of honor points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted. Three cumulative grade point averages are important to business students. The first average includes all courses taken at the University of Michigan-Flint. The second average includes all courses offered by the School of Management (those courses listed with a BUS prefix). The third average applies to all University of Michigan-Flint courses included in a student’s concentration area. Each of these averages must be maintained at 2.0 or higher for the student to be in good academic standing or to receive a degree.

Any student whose grade point average in any of the three areas falls below 2.0 is referred to the Academic Review Committee of the School of Management or its staff. The student is given a warning (placed on academic probation) for the next major semester and an advising hold is placed on the student’s account. If the student’s deficient GPA should reach 2.0 or better at the end of this probationary term, the student is said to be in good academic standing with all academic holds removed. However, if the deficient GPA should be the same or lower at the end of the probationary term, the student would be placed on the second level of probation (Up or Out), and allowed to register for courses only with advisor approval. The student will also be required to adhere to an Advising Contract. If at the end of the second consecutive probationary term, the student fails to improve the grade point average to the minimum 2.0, but has made significant progress, the student is placed on Continued Up or Out status for an additional semester. However, if the grade point average is the same or lower at the end of the second probationary term, the student may be academically dismissed from the University for one year. Students who are dismissed from the University may petition the School of Management Academic Review Committee for readmission. If the Committee grants the petition, they are readmitted on warning status.

Incomplete Work


A student whose work is incomplete in a minor way at the end of a term, or who is unavoidably absent from the final examination for a reason considered excusable by the instructor, may receive an I (Incomplete). Work must be completed and submitted, or the final examination taken, within the six-week period which begins on the last day of examinations for the term in which the Incomplete is given.

If a student fails to complete the required work, or if the instructor does not grant the privilege, then the final grade is an E, unless the quantity and quality of all work completed merits a passing grade, as determined by the instructor. In extenuating circumstances, the Academic Review Committee may grant an extension of time. A student’s petition must be endorsed by the instructor and received by the Committee before the expiration of the specified six-week period.

Pass/Fail Option (Credit without Grade)


This provision is used by the School of Management only for BUS 394, the undergraduate Business Internship Experience course. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory are the only possible grades for the graduate Business Internship Experience course, MGT 595. Students may elect a limited number of pass/fail courses as non-business electives without concern for the effect on the cumulative grade point average.

Appeals on Academic Matters


Students who believe they have been unfairly affected by a policy or practice of the School of Management may request review of the matter in question.

Many problems can be resolved by consultation with members of the faculty. This must be the initial step in all problems involving a faculty member. Any problem which is not resolved in this way may be appealed in writing to the Office of the Dean. Student appeals are reviewed by the appropriate area coordinator. If, after review, the issue remains unresolved, it may be appealed to the Dean and the Executive Committee. At this stage of the appeal, two students from the School of Management may be present in the discussion and resolution of the grievance, one designated by the appealing student and one designated by the Executive Committee. The students present do not vote. The decision of the Executive Committee shall be final.

In problem situations involving discrimination or sexual harassment charges, the student should consult with the Affirmative Action Coordinator or the Dean. Formal complaints must be filed with the Affirmative Action Coordinator. In those cases where discrimination or sexual harassment is alleged, findings of the Affirmative Action Coordinator are reported to the Dean and included as evidence to the Executive Committee in its review and rendering of a decision.

The initial step for an undergraduate student who seeks a review of a policy or practice not directly involving a faculty member is to ask (petition) for such a review by the Academic Review Committee; a graduate student should request a review by the Graduate Program Committee. If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved by the appropriate committee, the student may submit the issue to the Executive Committee by filing a written petition. Appeal to this committee is the final step in the appeal process for a student who requests a waiver of any school rule or policy.

The student’s petition should clearly indicate the request or grievance and provide supporting evidence relevant to the case; a prompt hearing and timely decision will follow. Details and petition forms are available from the School of Management Main Office.

SOM Academic Honor Code


School of Management students and other students enrolled in School of Management courses are bound by the University’s Code of Academic Conduct that can be found under the “Student Rights and Responsibilities” section of the Catalog and the School of Management’s specific policies outlined below, along with the procedures and sanctions in cases of alleged academic misconduct. University-wide polices apply in non-academic or professional misconduct cases, which should be referred to Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs for further consideration. Please refer to the “Student Rights and Responsibilities” section of the Catalog for details of the proscribed conducts. 

Any violation of the Code of Academic Conduct observed by a fellow student, faculty member or staff member is required to be reported promptly to the Associate Dean. The report should be in writing unless the urgency of the matter warrants an immediate oral report, such as when someone’s safety is endangered. An initial oral report should be followed as soon as possible by a written report. Only if all suspected violations are reported can there be equity in application of the code across the entire student body.

A student who is accused of academic misconduct has the right to notice of the allegations of misconduct, a fair hearing of the charges and the evidence, the right to question witnesses, to invite witnesses on his/her behalf, and to introduce whatever other evidence may be relevant to the charge.

An investigation will be conducted by the Associate Dean. The accused student will promptly be informed in writing of this investigation, at which time the student may submit a written response to the charge. The accused student and the person reporting the alleged violation will be given 5 business days to submit evidence before the hearing to the Associate Dean, who will provide copies to the all involved persons before the hearing.

The hearing will be carried out by Academic Review Committee for cases involving an undergraduate student or by the Graduate Committee for cases involving a graduate student. The Associate Dean will chair the committee with no voting rights. The hearing will also include a student from the same program as the accused student. The Committee will hold a formal confidential hearing which will be recorded. At the hearing, the accused student, the person reporting the alleged violation, and other witnesses will be given the opportunity to present their point of view. The accused student may bring an advisor to serve in an advisory capacity. Advisors are not permitted to participate in the hearing process but are there only to observe and to provide advice to the student, as needed.

At the close of the hearing, the Committee will meet privately for confidential discussion. If the Committee determines that the student is responsible for the alleged violation, it is clear and convincing that a violation occurred based on the evidence presented at the hearing. The Associate Dean will prepare a report with the Committee’s decision as to the student’s responsibility, including the basis of the conclusions, and the Committee’s decision on the appropriate sanctions. The report will be issued by the Associate Dean within five to seven business days after the hearing. The outcome will be communicated to the student by email and the postal service. All email communications will be sent to the student’s University email account. All communications via the U.S. Postal Service will be sent to the student’s permanent and local addresses on record with the University Registrar. This will complete the process unless the student appeals the decision.

If the violation involves a course, the course instructor can impose an initial sanction including a grade change, pending consideration of the case by the appropriate committee. The following is a list of possible sanctions. A record of the sanctions imposed will be kept in the student’s files. Sanctions in the case of a violation may be one or a combination of the following:

  • Educational project: Completion of a class, workshop of project to help the student understand why his or her behavior was inappropriate and/or how to avoid a future violation.
  • Warning: Informing the student in writing that he/she has violated the code and that future violations will be dealt with severely. No copy of the warning shall be put on the student’s academic transcript.
  • Grade change: A lowering of the student’s grade by giving 0 for the assignment.
  • Failing the course.
  • Transcript notation: To indicate that the student has violated the code for a second time and any future violations will be dealt with more severely. A copy of the reprimand shall be put on the student’s academic transcript.
  • Disciplinary probation: Designation of a period of time during which the student will not be in good standing with the school. A record of the probationary period shall be put on the student’s academic transcript.
  • Withholding a degree: Withholding of the student’s degree until stated sanction requirements have been met. There may be a deadline set for meeting the requirements which if not met, will result in the student’s loss of eligibility to receive the degree at any time in the future.
  • Suspension: Temporary removal of the student from the program for a specific period effective by a date set by the hearing committee, which will be noted on the student’s academic transcript. There can be stipulated conditions for re-admission to the program as well as a time limit for meeting those stipulations.
  • Expulsion: Permanent dismissal from the program, which will be noted on the student’s academic transcript, including the reason for expulsion.
  • Rescinding a degree: Annulment of a degree previously awarded by the School of Management.

Within five business days of receiving the written notification of the Committee’s decision, the accused student or the person reporting the alleged violation may submit a written appeal of the decision and/or sanction to the Associate Dean. Appeals must be based on at least one of the following assertions:

  • There were violations of procedure that seriously compromised the process.
  • The evidence clearly does not support the findings.
  • The sanctions are excessive relative to the violation.
  • There is new evidence not available at the time of hearing that may result in a change in the decision.

In considering the appeal, if the Associate Dean determines that the student has submitted a valid appeal, the case will be referred to the Executive Committee for consideration. The Executive Committee will decide the appeal within 21 days. The decisions of the Executive Committee are final and no more appeals are possible.

Recognition of Superior Scholarship


Graduating seniors with cumulative grade point averages of at least 3.5 but less than 3.75 are recommended for the degree “with honors” and those with cumulative grade point averages of at least 3.75 are recommended for the degree “with high honors.” In computing averages, only courses taken at the University of Michigan-Flint are included, and only completed terms are counted.

Each year the faculty chooses outstanding students for special awards and academic honors provided by several professional organizations, corporate, and individual sponsors.

The School supports two honorary societies: Beta Alpha Psi and Beta Gamma Sigma. Beta Alpha Psi is a national scholastic and professional fraternity for Financial Information students and professionals. The primary objective of the fraternity is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the business information field. This includes promoting the study and practice of accounting, finance and information systems; providing opportunities for self-development, service and association among members and practicing professionals, and encouraging a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibility. Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB International.

BBA Online


UM-Flint is proud to offer online business courses that are designed to fit students’ lives. Online courses fit into any schedule and make it easy to earn a degree. The BBA Online at UM-Flint offers a unique combination of rigor, convenience and flexibility. Faculty inspire interactive learning through a virtual classroom. The convenience of online course offerings enables students to reach their educational goals while balancing professional and personal lives.

The BBA Online courses follow the traditional academic calendar. Students are required to participate in discussions and activities in online classrooms on a regular basis throughout each semester. Students seeking a BBA degree can complete business core courses and general business electives online.  Students must also complete required general education credits which may or may not be available online. These credits can be completed at UM-Flint or transferred from another university. Students are encouraged to work with a School of Management advisor to find the best options for them and to ensure credits will properly transfer.

Business Internship Program


The Business Internship Program (BIP) provides essential cooperative linkages between the business and education communities. The internship placements under this program are primarily arranged in direct consultations between School of Management faculty and staff and the employing organization. The internship activities are directly supervised by SOM faculty and staff in order to earn appropriate academic credit. The Business Internship Program offers participants many advantages, including:

  • Professional business experience before graduation
  • College credit based on academically-relevant work experience
  • Potential for resume building
  • Opportunity to test out a career choice
  • Job training in a business setting
  • Professional contacts in the field of business

In order to enroll in the program, students must consult with the School of Management Student Services Coordinator and meet the following criteria:

  1. Admission into the BBA or MBA Program
  2. Good academic standing (not on academic probation)
  3. Minimum 2.50 grade point average in the BBA Program 
  4. Submission of contract and enrollment in BUS 394 or MGT 595, Business Internship Experience, upon placement

Student Organizations


Students in the School of Management are represented by student-run organizations which serve the specialized needs of persons interested in business and management: The Business Club, Beta Alpha Psi, Beta Gamma Sigma, Entrepreneur’s Society, International Business Student Organization. Further information is available from officers of the organizations or from the School of Management main office.

Student Representation on School of Management Committees


Juniors and seniors currently registered for at least nine credits of course work and in good academic standing in the School of Management are eligible for service as student members on the Academic Review, Undergraduate Program, and Spring and Summer Interim Committees. Graduate students currently registered for at least six credits of course work and in good academic standing in the School of Management are eligible for service as student members on the Graduate Program Committee. Further information is available from the School of Management.