Mar 06, 2025
2007-2009 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Philosophy Honors
Prerequisites. A grade point average of at least 3.5 in four courses in philosophy, including PHL 101 and PHL 202 or PHL 302 .
- Twenty-four credits in philosophy beyond the prerequisites, including:
- Value Theory.
PHL 360 or PHL 361 or PHL 368 (3 credits).
- History.
PHL 340 or PHL 342 ; one additional from: PHL 312 , PHL 340 , PHL 341 , PHL 342 , PHL 343 , PHL 380 , PHL 484 (6 credits).
- Metaphysics and Epistemology: One from: PHL 321 , PHL 322 , PHL 323 , PHL 325 (3 credits).
- Seminar.
Two from PHL 385 , 438–489 (6 credits).
- Electives.
PHL 309 is highly recommended. (6 credits).
- Completion of a seminar course in philosophy from PHL 438 through 489, by the end of the first semester of the junior year, and concurrent election of PHL 491 , Research Methods. Completion of a second directed readings course, Independent Research, must be completed by the end of the second semester of the junior year. At the end of the junior year, the student’s qualifications to write an honors thesis will be determined by the department.
- Twelve credits in a related program outside philosophy to be planned with an advisor from the Philosophy Department.
- PHL 495 and PHL 496 , Honors Thesis I and II (4 credits each). May be taken as HON 495 , HON 496 to avoid violating university credit limit requirements.
- All requirements of the University Honors Scholars Program .
- All requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Bachelor of Arts degree, including general education requirements and a foreign language.
Prospective Honors Program students are urged to acquaint themselves as early as possible with the requirements above as well as with the particular procedures for acceptance to the Philosophy Department’s Honors Program. See the departmental honors advisor or the Honors Program Director for this information.