Feb 10, 2025  
2007-2009 Catalog 
2007-2009 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Social Sciences MA


Completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours, distributed as follows, with an overall cumulative grade point average of 5.0 (B) or better. The program must be completed within six consecutive years.

  1. Graduate Core Curriculum (12 credits).
    SSC 501  Social Theory
    SSC 502  Political Economy
    SSC 503  Gender, Race, and Inequality
    SSC 504  World Historiography
  2. Track options (12 credits). Four courses from one of the following tracks*, with no more than three in a single area:
    1. Global Studies Track.
      Historical/Cultural Area
      ANT 515  / INT 515  Seminar on Contemporary Global Issues
      ANT 556  World Religions
      HIS 546  / INT 546  Twentieth Century World
      HIS 574  History of British Empire Since 1790
      HIS 579  Pacific World in Transition since 19th Century
      HIS 587  Islam and Political Change
      SOC 575  / ANT 575  / INT 575  Social and Cultural Change
      Political/Economic Area
      ANT 552  / INT 552  Culture and Economy in Cross-Cultural Perspective
      ANT 576  / INT 576  / SOC 576  / WGS 576  Sex, Work, and International Capital
      ECN 566  The Global Economy
      ENG 567  World Economic History
      POL 533  International Law and Organization
      POL 541  / PUB 541  Welfare State in Comparative Perspective
      POL 544  Latin America Politics
      POL 545  European Politics
      POL 559  / INT 559  Comparative Revolution
    2. U.S. History and Politics Track.
      Historical/Cultural Area
      ANT 511  Historical Archaeology
      HIS 510  The Birth of the American Republic
      HIS 511  The Age of Jefferson and Jackson
      HIS 521  History of the United States Constitution, 1789 to Present
      HIS 528  Emergence of the United States as a World Power since 1914
      HIS 534  / AFA 534  History of Ethnic and Racial Minorities in the United States
      POL 551  / ANT 551  Political and Legal Anthropology
      SOC 554  / WGS 554  Sociology of the Family
      SOC 571  Social Movements in America
      SOC 585  Sociology of Law
      Political/Economic Area
      ECN 521  American Economic History
      POL 523  The U.S. Congress
      POL 526  The U.S. Supreme Court
      POL 527  The American Presidency
      POL 529  Civil Liberties and the Constitution
      POL 537  Problems in American Foreign Policy
      SOC 566  / PUB 572  Work, Occupations and Professions
    3. Gender Studies Track.
      Historical/Cultural Area
      ANT 525  / SOC 525  / WGS 525  Culture and Personality
      ANT 578  / WGS 578  Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
      HIS 569  / WGS 569  History of American Women
      PHL 567  / WGS 567  Race and Gender
      SOC 554  / WGS 554  Sociology of the Family
      SOC 574  / WGS 574  Gender and Society
      WGS 540  / EDE 533  Girls, Culture and Education
      Political/Economic Area
      ANT 576  / INT 576  / SOC 576  / WGS 576  Sex, Work and International Capital
      POL 531  / WGS 531  / SOC 562  Women and Work
      WGS 538  Critical Race Theory
      POL 585  / WGS 585  Women and the Law
      PHL 586  / WGS 580  Gender Theory
      *Three credits of SSC 599 , Special Topics, may be applied toward a track with approval of advisor.
  3. SSC 591 , Capstone Seminar (3 credits).
    Investigation of issues in social sciences in a particular area of student interest under the direction of a MA in Social Sciences faculty member.
  4. Cognate (3 credits).
    Any graduate level course, including IGS study abroad courses, outside the track of concentration and approved by the advisor.