Sep 08, 2024  
2007-2009 Catalog 
2007-2009 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Technology in Education Concentration MA

This concentration is for individuals who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills in the use of technology as it relates to education, and prepares teachers for Educational Technology endorsement. The concentration focuses on enactment of innovative projects within learning environments, while providing opportunities for students to create individualized projects and build a network with other innovative educators. Courses in the concentration are offered in a mixed-mode format, which blends Internet-based coursework with limited on-campus meetings. Cognates are selected in consultation with an advisor, and should strengthen subject matter knowledge relevant to the student’s main area of interest and professional goals. Students are responsible for meeting any cognate course prerequisites.

The concentration is designed for teachers, instructional technologists, educational administrators, and others who seek relevant, practical grounding in tools and concepts related to the use of technology in educational settings. Teaching certification is not required. Students select the thesis option (33 credits) or non-thesis option (36 credits). Individuals who wish to pursue a research careeer, coordinative/administrative position, and/or doctoral degree in education are encouraged to select the thesis option.


A. Core education courses (6 credits) EDE 500  or EDE 601 ; EDE 670 .
B. Technology in education strand (18 credits).

  1. EDT 510 , EDT 542 , EDT 543 , EDT 660 .
  2. Two from: EDT 520 , EDT 521 , EDT 544 , EDT 580 , EDT 640 , EDT 641 , EDT 699 .

C. Cognate courses (6 credits).

Two from: AMC 501 , AMC 502 , AMC 504 , AMC 598 , AMC 599 ; ANT 515 ; ARH 509 ; ENG 512 , ENG 533 , ENG 548 , ENG 574 ; HIS 531 , HIS 557  ; LIN 520 , LIN 521 ; MUS 522 ; POL 501 ; POL 510  / PUB 510  ; PUB 501 , PUB 538 , PUB 550 , PUB 562 , PUB 566 ; PUB 582  / SWK 582 ; SOC 545 , SOC 569 ; THE 534  / ENG 534 ; THE 549 ; WGS 540 . Other courses may be accepted upon approval by the student’s faculty advisor and the Director of Graduate Programs in Education.

D. Thesis or Non-Thesis option (33-36 credits).

  1. Non-Thesis Option (6 credits). Additional courses listed under A or B2 above and/or EDE 520 .
  2. Thesis Option (3 credits). EDE 698  (prerequisite: completion of at least 24 credit hours).