2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Aging/Gerontology Minor or Specialist in Aging Certificate
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Requirements. At least 21 credits, as follows:
- Sociology (3 credits). AGE 202 .
- Health (6 credits). AGE 350 , AGE 352 .
- Psychology (3 credits). PSY 347 /AGE 347 .
- Policy and Administration (3 credits). AGE 306 or AGE 378 .
- Social Work (3 credits). SWR 320 /AGE 320 or SWR 338 /AGE 338 .
- Practicum/Internship or Independent Research (1-3 credits, depending on experience). AGE 390 with a minimum grade of B- (2.7).
- If completing the minor along with a PHHS major, 9 additional credits beyond major requirements must be completed in order to qualify for both the major and the minor.
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