Jul 16, 2024  
2009-2010 Catalog 
2009-2010 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Studio Art General Program (BFA)

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art endeavors to prepare students for innovative roles in the contemporary world of art. The program begins with a series of foundation courses that stress the traditional development of technical and intellectual skills. The growth and development of each student are accelerated through exposure to several media and conclude with the choice of an area specialization.

Requirements. Completion of 124 credit hours distributed as follows:

  1. Completion of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) general education program .
  2. Art History (15-19 credits).
    1. Survey courses (9-12 credits).
      ARH 111  and ARH 112  (MCC) or equivalent transfer course(s); ARH 411 .
    2. Art History (ARH) courses beyond survey (9-12 credits).
  3. Studio Art (63 credits), not to include ART 100 (UM-F).
    1. Two-dimensional design (3 credits).
      ART 141  (MCC).
    2. Three-dimensional design (3 credits).
      ART 142  (MCC).
    3. Beginning drawing (6 credits).
      ART 131 , ART 132  (MCC).
    4. Life drawing (3 credits).
      ART 135  (MCC) or ART 361  (UM-F).
    5. Computer Graphics.
      ART 252  (UM-F).
    6. 24 credits in one area of specialization selected from: three-dimensional art (ceramics, sculpture), photography, painting or printmaking/drawing. Specific courses in the selected specialization should be chosen in consultation with the art advisor. 
    7. Nine credits above the 100 level in two-dimensional art chosen from areas outside the area of specialization.
    8. Nine credits of three-dimensional art chosen from areas outside the area of specialization.
    9. Additional elective courses to bring total credits in art to 63. At least 15 credits of studio art must be taken at the University of Michigan-Flint.
  4. Additional elective courses to bring total credits to 124, at least 50 of which are outside the studio art area.
  5. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 in studio art classes.
  6. ART 399  (UM-F), Senior Seminar (3 credits).
  7. Presentation of a senior exhibition. Passage or failure of this exhibition will be included in the senior seminar grade.