Feb 08, 2025
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Social Work General Program (BSW)
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Social Work Department
This curriculum is designed for students intending to graduate with a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree. The BSW program is designed to meet the needs of students who intend to prepare for professional generalist social work practice at the bachelor level, those who seek eligibility to register for the state licensure exam and/or advanced standing for graduate study in social work. The four-year 124-credit program includes 77 credits of social work and complementary courses, which are individually selected in consultation with a Social Work Academic advisor.
The program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and is subject to its accreditation standards.
Seventy-seven (77) credits as follows: A. Pre-Professional Block (23 credits)
B. Fields of Practice and Complementary Studies (21 credits)
At least 6 credits in fields of practice, from: - SWR 304 - The Urban Context (3)
- SWR 320 - Death, Dying and Bereavement (3)
- SWR 321 - Social Work Practice with Veterans (3)
- SWR 325 - Patterns of Domestic Violence (3)
- SWR 330 - Protective Services (3)
- SWR 335 - Social Services in the School (3)
- SWR 336 - Mental Illness and Social Work Practice (3)
- SWR 338 - Social Work with the Aged (3)
The remaining credits in complementary studies, selected in consultation with a social work departmental advisor, from: - AFA 359 - The Black Family (3)
or - SOC 359 - The Black Family (3)
or - WGS 359 - The Black Family (3)
- ANT 340 - Urban Anthropology (3)
- ANT 378 - Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3)
or - WGS 378 - Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (3)
- CDR 330 - Crisis Intervention (3)
- CRJ 185 - Introduction to the Criminal Justice System (3)
- HCR 362 - Cultural Competence in Health Care (3)
- PHL 167 - Race, Gender and Sexuality (3)
or - WGS 167 - Race, Gender and Sexuality (3)
- PSY 315 - Survey of Social Psychology (3)
- SAT 202 - Problems of Substance Abuse (3)
- SOC 220 - Social Psychology (3)
- SOC 270 - Race and Ethnic Relations (3)
- SOC 325 - Culture, Personality, and Beyond (3)
- SOC 354 - Sociology of Families (3)
- SOC 376 - Sex, Work and International Capital (3)
or - ANT 376 - Sex, Work, and International Capital (3)
or - INT 376 - Sex, Work and International Capital (3)
or - WGS 376 - Sex, Work and International Capital (3)
- SOC 474 - Gender and Society (3)
or - WGS 474 - Gender and Society (3)
- WGS 100 - Introduction to Women’s Studies (3)
- WGS 216 - Afro/Latino/Caribbean Women Writers (3)
or - AFA 216 - Afro/Latino/Caribbean Women Writers (3)
- WGS 318 - Women Writers of African World (3)
or - AFA 318 - Women Writers of the African World (3)
or - CPL 318 - Women Writers of the African World (3)
Students may use social work independent study and special topics courses as part of their complementary studies electives.
C. Professional Block (33 credits)
It is strongly recommended that 300-level courses in social work be taken in the junior year, and that 400-level courses in social work be taken in the senior year. Students must sequence social work course in order to begin the professional block as follows: D. Additional Requirements
- Grades of C (2.0) or better in all prerequisite, social work and complementary studies courses and overall UM-Flint and SWR GPAs of 2.4 or higher.
- All UM-Flint graduation requirements, including the School of Education and Human Services General Education requirements .
Admission and Progression in the Program
- Students must declare social work as a major to be admitted into the bachelor of social work program and be assigned a social work academic advisor, based on accumulated credits.
- Students must complete a series of orientations to the program and the profession, designed to support scholarly potential and suitability for the social work profession.
- Continued enrollment and subsequent graduation with a CSWE-accredited BSW degree is contingent on sustained success in meeting professional standards of competency. Furthermore, student violation of the NASW Code of Ethics or inability to meet or comply with explicit competencies of the program is basis for dismissal from the program.
- Grades of C (2.0) or better in all prerequisite, social work and complementary studies courses and overall UM-Flint and SWR GPAs of 2.4 or higher must be maintained to progress towards the BSW degree.
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