Sep 01, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Elementary Education General Program (BS)


A. A minimum of 124 credits, including all General Education requirements and University of Michigan-Flint graduation requirements to earn one grade band certification.

B. A minimum of 600 hours in selected grade band classrooms is a requirement for certification. Certification in a second grade band can be earned with an additional 50 hours of field work in the additional band.

C. GPA of 2.7 or better at UM-Flint overall is required for progression through and completion of the program.

D. Approved application for the start of Year 3 field work.

E. Approved background checks at multiple points throughout the program.

F. Approved application for Student Teaching Internship, and for certification, requirements in the section Information for Teacher Certification .

G. Assessment of professional dispositions with a dispositions interview a minimum of four times during the program. Those who do not meet dispositional expectations may be required to fulfill a professional development plan and/or may be removed from the program.

H. Courses in First Aid and in Adult/Child CPR taken from a state-approved vendor: (for certification).


A student who earns an unsatisfactory grade (i.e., a grade less than what is necessary for program credit) twice in the same required Education course, except for a course in student teaching, will be dismissed from the education program.

A student who withdraws or earns a failing grade in student teaching twice will not be recommended for teacher certification. The student may still be eligible to receive a degree without certification if all other degree requirements are met.

Years 1 & 2

Recommended Courses

Prior to beginning Year 3 of the program, students must complete the following courses, typically in the first two years. Grades of B- (2.7) or better are required in all education core courses. 

Year 3

An approved application for field work is required prior to beginning Year 3. The semesters in Year 3 can be taken in either order. Grades of B- (2.7) or better are required in all Year 3 courses except field courses, for which passing grades are required.

Year 4

The semesters in Year 4 must be taken in the order given; the second semester is the one in which students complete student teaching. Grades of B-(2.7) or better are required in all Year 4 courses except student teaching, for which passing grades are required. An approved application is required prior to beginning student teaching.

Non-Certification Track

Additional coursework to complete a total of 124 credits, to include: