Jul 16, 2024  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Theatre Design and Technology and Honors Programs (BS)

Theatre (THE) information   

A concentration in theatre design, technology & management introduces students to all aspects of theatre arts and permits students to specialize in the areas of design, technology and management. The BS program in theatre also prepares students who are disciplined and dedicated for a career in the behind-the-scenes areas of the performing arts.  The program is designed to foster skills and knowledge commensurate with the demands of a life in the theatre. Students are also prepared for further study at the graduate or conservatory level.  Students seeking this degree in Theatre must have grades of C (2.0) or higher in all theatre courses and participate (as designer, crew, etc.) in two mainstage productions a year.  


A. Design and Technology (28 credits)

B. Theatre Production (21 credits)

Students are expected to participate in the productions produced by the department every semester and will enroll in a Theatre Production class at least 7 times.

C. Performance (3 credits)

F. Additional Requirements

Minimum Credits for the Degree: 124 credits