The Elementary Education Program is designed to meet the needs of future teachers in elementary education. This Bachelor of Science (BS) program leads to qualification for Michigan teacher certification or to a degree in Education without certification.
The program consists of three phases that prepare students to teach in grades PreK-3 and/or grades 3-6, or to complete the degree without certification. An Education academic advisor will assist students in the selection of courses each semester to complete their chosen concentration(s).
Phase I
This phase consists of preparatory coursework in education and academic subject areas.
Completion of the Dispositions, Attributes, and Proficiencies (DAP) Interview is required prior to application for Phase II.
Completion and acceptance of an application, which includes a felony/misdemeanor form, are required to enter Phase II. Applications are submitted the semester prior, due January 10 for Fall entry, September 10 for Winter entry.
Phase II
In this phase, teacher candidates choose a primary grade band for certification, either Grades 5-9 or Grade 7-12. Certification in a second grade band (IES 362 ) is optional but recommended.
The phase includes field placements in area schools assigned by the UM-Flint Education Department, a minimum of 180 hours for certification in a single grade band, 230 hours for two grade bands. All field placements are the full length of the semester and end during the last week of the semester.
Completion and acceptance of an application, which includes a felony/misdemeanor form, are required to enter Phase III. Applications are submitted the semester prior, due January 10 for Fall entry, September 10 for Winter entry.
Phase III
This phase includes a minimum of 420 hours in field placements in area schools, including student teaching, assigned by the UM-Flint Education Department. All field placements are the full length of the semester and end during the last week of the semester.
- A student who earns an unsatisfactory grade (i.e., a grade less than what is necessary for program credit) twice in the same required Education course, except for a course in student teaching, will be dismissed from the Education program.
- A student who withdraws or earns a failing grade in student teaching twice will not be recommended for teacher certification. The student will work with their advisor to determine other available options.