Oct 20, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Political Science (POL)

220 David M. French Hall

Social Sciences and Humanities Department Chair:  Christopher Douglas
Political Science Professional Advisor:  Megan Presland

Professor Dauda Abubakar, Jason Kosnoski; Associate Professor Jeremiah Wade-Olson; Assistant Professor Kim Saks; Collegiate Lecturer IV Derwin S. Munroe  
Professors Emeriti Peter Gluck, Peggy Kahn, Ellis Perlman, Albert C. Price, John Schroeder

Political Science includes the study of political institutions and power relations in society, focusing particularly but not exclusively on states (governments) and broad publics.  It studies political life through a number of different approaches:  institutional, legal, historical, behavioral, philosophical, sociological, and political-economic.  It employs a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods.  Its scope is broad, including not only the United States but also other countries and global institutions and processes. 

Political Science programs prepare students to work in government and politics, public policy, non-profits, and private industry.  They offer curriculum relevant to work at local, state, national and global levels.  They prepare students for graduate study in a variety of fields, including law, public administration, public policy, education, public health, and academic social sciences.  The Political Science program supports lifelong community and civic engagement and active citizenship.

The Political Science program’s mission is to help students develop skills of critical thinking and analysis that will enable them to understand political institutions and processes locally, nationally and globally.  The program also aims to empower students to engage in informed, thoughtful, and effective ways in public life.

Academic Internship in Public Agencies and Community Organizations
220 David M. French Hall
Coordinator: Jeremiah Wade-Olson (Political Science)

The internship in Public and Community Affairs is a for-credit course with substantial field experience, an on-campus seminar, and a faculty-guided short paper related to the placement.  It provides internships in a wide variety of public sector and community-based organizations and projects.  It offers experience in a practical work setting where students are able to use and further develop their general reading, writing, communicating, and thinking skills and substantive knowledge.

In addition to the following, a Integrated Social Sciences (BA)  with an emphasis in political science is available.   



Political Science Program (BA)


International Relations Minor

Political Science Minor

Public Policy Minor     

