Sep 23, 2024  
2013-2014 Catalog 
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


  • CHM 391 - Co-op Experience.

    Acceptance into Chemistry Department’s Co-op Program; CHM 332 , CHM 333 . (0-4).

    Project-oriented workplace experience, designed by both the company and the department to further the education of the student. Written report of activities required at the end of each semester of enrollment. May be reelected to a total of 8 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CHM 394 - Clinical Chemistry.

    CHM 262  . (3).

    Introduction to analytes, pathophysiology, assay methodologies, and interpretation of clinical chemistry diagnostic data. Case study approach demonstrates correlation of diagnostic data to disease states. Also listed as MTP 394 .
  • CHM 410 - Senior Seminar in Chemistry.

    CHM 310 , senior standing, declared concentration in chemistry. (1) CAP.

    Each student makes an in-depth presentation of a topic of current activity in chemistry, presents a poster of the seminar, attends presentations made by other speakers, and takes a test covering general chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and the particular option of concentration at the end of the semester. One 90-minute presentation/discussion meeting weekly.
  • CHM 430 - Advanced Organic Chemistry.

     CHM 332  with grade of C- (1.7) or better. (3).

    Advanced topics in organic chemistry, including reactive intermediates, heterocycles, advanced stereochemistry, organometallic chemistry, and the investigation of reaction mechanisms. Structure and reactivity discussed in terms of molecular orbital theory. Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 432 - Polymers.

    CHM 330 , CHM 332  or consent of instructor. (3).

    Polymers and polymeric materials, both natural and man-made; their preparation, structure, uses, and chemical and physical properties.  Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 440 - Physical Chemistry II.

    CHM 262 , MTH 222 , PHY 245  . (3).

    Second of two-term sequence CHM 340 /440, building on CHM 260 /CHM 262 . Use of the Schrodinger Equation to solve exactly a series of important chemical problems including the hydrogen atom, the rigid rotor, and the harmonic oscillator. Valence-bond and molecular orbital theories of chemical bonding; introduction to group theory. Advanced spectroscopy, including transition probabilities, normal vibrational modes, and photoelectron spectroscopies introduced and used to deduce molecular structure; modern theories of fundamental reaction rates. Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 442 - Biophysical Chemistry.

    CHM 262 , CHM 344 PHY 145 . (3).

    Chemical kinetics, including gas and solution phases, enzyme and surface reaction kinetics. Principles of quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. Biochemical spectroscopy and physical chemistry of macromolecules. Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 443 - Introduction to Computational Chemistry.

    Prior or concurrent election of CHM 440  or CHM 442  or CHM 444 . (1).

    Introduction to use of computational chemistry software packages. Topics include the introduction to common quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics methods, elementary computational procedures, graphical methods, basic molecular modeling. No computer programming experience is required.
  • CHM 444 - Physical Chemistry II, Environmental.

     CHM 262 CHM 344 CHM 380 PHY 145 . (3).

    Chemical kinetics, including gas and solution phases, enzyme and surface reaction kinetics. Principles of quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. Environmental modeling and structure/toxicity relationships. Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 450 - Biochemistry I.

    CHM 332 , BIO 328 . (3).

    Kinetics and thermodynamics of biochemical processes. Structure and function of biomolecules. Metabolism (catabolic) of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.  Three hours lecture and discussion weekly. CHM 450 in combination with CHM 452  will meet requirements of any chemistry concentration option and veterinary, medical, dental and pharmacy school options.
  • CHM 451 - Biochemistry Laboratory I.

    CHM 333 ; prior or concurrent election of CHM 350  or CHM 450 . (2).

    Project-oriented laboratory in which students select their own procedures from standard biochemical techniques to purify an enzyme from a bacterial source and characterize its molecular weight and kinetic parameters. Eight hours recitation/laboratory weekly.
  • CHM 452 - Biochemistry II.

    CHM 450 . (3).

    Continuation of CHM 450 . Biosynthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Expression and transmission of genetic information. Three hours lecture and discussion weekly.
  • CHM 453 - Biochemistry Laboratory II.

    CHM 451 , prior or concurrent election of CHM 452 . (2) CAP.

    Project-oriented laboratory in which students attempt to do a site-directed mutagenesis of a gene that codes for an enzyme, compare the physical and kinetic parameters of the mutated and wild type enzymes, and propose and test a hypothesis about how the mutation will affect the rate of enzymatic catalysis. Eight hours recitation/laboratory weekly.
  • CHM 455 - Enzymology.

    CHM 340 , CHM 450 , CHM 452 ; enrollment in BS/MS program or consent of instructor. (3).

    In-depth study of the physical and chemical attributes of chemical and enzymatic reactions. Discussions of chemical and enzymatic kinetics, derivation of kinetic equations, how enzymes function to catalyze reactions, how enzymes are regulated (i.e inhibited). Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 458 - Proteomics-Structure/Function of Proteins.

    CHM 340 , CHM 450 , CHM 452 . (3).

    Study of proteins organisms make and how they function.  In-depth discussion of physical and chemical attributes of proteins and how they relate to function; techniques to analyze proteins. Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 460 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry.

    CHM 340 ,   with grades of C (2.0) or better. (3).

    Advanced electrochemical analysis, including pH measurements, polarography, and conductance methods. Theory of spectroscopic analyses, including NMR, electron paramagnetic resonance, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and Raman. Three hours lecture and discussion weekly.
  • CHM 461 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry Laboratory.

    CHM 367 , prior or concurrent election of CHM 460 . (1) CAP.

    Advanced methods of instrumental, spectroscopic, and chromatographic methods of analysis. One four-hour laboratory weekly per credit. May be reelected to a total of 2 credits.
  • CHM 468 - Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds.

    CHM 332 ,  . (3).

    1H NMR, 13C NMR, infrared, and mass spectra of organic compounds. Use of spectra to identify compounds; using instrumentation to identify unknown compounds. Three hours of lecture/lab weekly.
  • CHM 472 - Inorganic Chemistry.

    Prior or concurrent election of CHM 440  or CHM 442 . (3).

    Comprehensive overview of chemistry of the elements. Descriptive chemistry of the 18 chemical groups, models of chemical bonding including metallic bonding, solid state crystal structures, application of thermodynamic and electrochemical principles to inorganic systems, symmetry considerations of molecular structure and reaction.
  • CHM 473 - Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory.

    Prior or concurrent election of CHM 472 . (1) CAP.

    Modern series of chemical experiments involving syntheses and characterization of inorganic materials. Experimental procedures may include instruction in maintaining anaerobic environments and use of nonaqueous solvent systems.
  • CHM 485 - Advanced Environmental Analysis.

    Prior or concurrent election of CHM 460 . (1).

    Advanced experiments in environmental analysis which require sampling, sample preparation, and chemical analysis.
  • CHM 492 - Advanced Special Topics in Chemistry.

    One from:  CHM 430 , CHM 440 , CHM 442 , CHM 444 , CHM 452 , CHM 460 , CHM 472 . (1-3).

    Special topics in analytical, inorganic, organic or physical chemistry or biochemistry, based on recent advances in chemistry or biochemistry. Three hours lecture weekly. May be reelected to a total of 9 credits when topics vary.
  • CHM 495 - Honors Thesis I.

    Consent of Department Chair. Open only to Honors Program students in chemistry. (4).

    Credit and grade for CHM 495 is not given until successful completion of  . Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CHM 496 - Honors Thesis II.

    Prior or concurrent election of CHM 495 , consent of Department Chair. Open only to Honors Program students in chemistry. (4).

    Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CHM 499 - Chemical Research.

    Minimum GPA of 2.5 in all chemistry courses taken at UM-Flint; consent of instructor. (1-4) CAP.

    Original chemical research problems chosen and pursued in consultation with the directing faculty member. Written report required. One credit required for all CHM majors. May be reelected to a total of 4 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CHM 510 - Graduate Seminar.

    Graduate standing. (1).

    Each student prepares and gives and in-depth presentation on a topic in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, inorganic chemistry or physical chemistry, as determined in conjunction with the thesis advisor and course coordinator.  Attendance at all registered students’ presentations required.  One presentation with discussion per class meeting, one meeting per week.
  • CHM 530 - Advanced Organic Chemistry

    Graduate standing; CHM 332  with grade of C- (1.7) or higher. (3).

    Advanced topics in organic chemistry, including reactive intermediates, heterocycles, advanced stereochemistry, organometallic chemistry, and the investigation of reaction mechanisms. Structure and reactivity discussed in terms of molecular orbital theory.  Not open to students with credit for CHM 430 . Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 532 - Polymers.

    One of CHM 430 , CHM 440 , CHM 442 , CHM 444 ; enrollment in BS/MS program; graduate standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Polymers and polymeric materials, both natural and man-made; their preparation, structure, uses, and chemical and physical properties.  Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 550 - Advanced Biochemistry I.

    CHM 332 , BIO 328 , graduate standing. (3).

    Kinetics and thermodynamics of biochemical processes.  Structure and function of biomolecules.  Metabolism (catabolic) of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Three hours lecture and discussion weekly. Description of any biochemical process of the student’s choosing.
  • CHM 551 - Biochemistry for Anesthetists.

    A semester of sophomore level organic chemistry (e.g., CHM 220  ), admission to the graduate program in anesthesia. (2).

    Relationships involving basic biochemical principles and anesthetic agents used in a clinical setting. Focus on the biological effects of anesthetic agents at the molecular level. Also listed as ANE 551  .
  • CHM 552 - Advanced Biochemistry II.

    CHM 550 , graduate standing.  (3).

    Continuation of CHM 550 .  Biosynthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.  Expression and transmission of genetic information. Three hours lecture and discussion weekly. Description of any biochemical process of the student’s choosing.
  • CHM 555 - Enzymology.

    CHM 340 , CHM 450 , CHM 452 ; enrollment in BS/MS program; graduate standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    In-depth study of the physical and chemical attributes of chemical and enzymatic reactions.  Discussions of chemical and enzymatic kinetics, derivation of kinetic equations, how enzymes function to catalyze reactions, how enzymes are regulated (i.e., inhibited).  Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 558 - Proteomics-Structure/Function of Proteins.

    CHM 340 , CHM 442 , CHM 452 ; enrollment in BS/MS program; graduate standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Study of proteins organisms make and how they function.  In-depth discussion of physical and chemical attributes of proteins and how they relate to function; techniques to analyze proteins.  Three hours lecture weekly.
  • CHM 568 - Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds.

    Graduate standing; CHM 332 , CHM 333 . (3).

    1H NMR,  13C NMR, infrared, and mass spectra of organic compounds. Use of spectra to identify compounds; using instrumentation to identify unknown compounds.  Not open to students with credit for CHM 468 . Three hours of lecture/lab weekly. Additional paper due for CHM 568.
  • CHM 592 - Advanced Special Topics in Chemistry.

    One of CHM 430 , CHM 440 , CHM 442 , CHM 444 , CHM 452 , CHM 460 , CHM 472 ; admission to BS/MS program; graduate standing or consent of instructor. (3).

    Special topics in analytical, inorganic, organic or physical chemistry or biochemistry, based on recent advances in chemistry or biochemistry.  Three hours lecture weekly. May be reelected to a total of 9 credits when topics vary.
  • CHM 599 - Graduate Research.

    CHM 499  (4 credits); enrollment in BS/MS program, graduate standing; consent of instructor. (2-9).

    Original research in chemistry or biochemistry in conjunction with a faculty member from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.  Written progress report required. May be reelected to a total of 12 credits.
  • CHM 600 - Graduate Thesis.

    CHM 599  (12 credits), enrollment in BS/MS program, graduate standing, consent of instructor. (1).

    Development of written thesis on student’s research, in consultation with faculty advisor and graduate committee. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CHM 610 - Thesis Defense.

    Prior or concurrent election of CHM 600 ; consent of instructor. (1).

    Oral defense of written thesis on student’s research, in consultation with faculty advisor and graduate committee. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CHN 109 - Introduction to Basic Chinese Language and Culture.

    Not open to students with more than one year of high school Mandarin Chinese except by departmental consent. (3).

    Introductory course for beginning students of Chinese to develop basic knowledge of Chinese geography, history, language and culture. Online reading materials/media about Chinese history, geography, cultures and language. Course conducted in English; however, some basic Chinese pronunciations and characters will be taught. Does not satisfy the foreign language requirement. Graded ABCC-N
  • CHN 111 - Beginning Mandarin Chinese I.

    Not open to students with more than one year of high school Mandarin Chinese except by departmental consent. (4) FL/GS.

    Basic structures and patterns the student must know to understand written and spoken Mandarin Chinese. Active use of the language limited to oral and written exercises used to enhance knowledge of grammar as well as develop listening and reading comprehension skills. May be used to satisfy general education or BA distribution requirements, but not both. Graded ABCC-N.
  • CHN 112 - Beginning Mandarin Chinese II.

    CHN 111  or placement. (4) FL/GS.

    Continuation of CHN 111 . Introduction of more complex structures and more active use of Mandarin Chinese. Further practice in reading texts adapted from newspapers, magazines and literature. May be used to satisfy general education or BA distribution requirements, but not both. Graded ABCDD-N.
  • CHN 205 - Reading Mandarin Chinese.

    CHN 112  with a grade of B (3.0) or better, or equivalent proficiency and permission of the Foreign Language Department. (1).

    Reading of representative modern prose for general comprehension. Designed to develop skills needed to read Mandarin Chinese at sight. Does not satisfy the foreign language requirement. Graded ABCDN.
  • CHN 206 - Mandarin Chinese Conversation.

    CHN 112 , or equivalent proficiency and permission of the Foreign Languages Department. (1).

    Development of speaking skills through oral presentations and class discussions of readings and cultural materials from other media such as films, newspapers, and relevant online resources. Does not satisfy the foreign language requirement. Graded ABCDN.
  • CHN 211 - Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I.

    CHN 112  or placement. (4) FL/GS.

    Intensive practice in spoken and written Mandarin Chinese complemented by review of structures and vocabulary. Emphasis on development of skills in conversational Mandarin Chinese together with reading of texts. May be used to satisfy general education or BA distribution requirements, but not both. Graded ABCDN.
  • CHN 212 - Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II.

    CHN 211  or placement. (4) FL/GS.

    Continued review of grammar topics. Reading of texts in Mandarin Chinese for an understanding of the cultural values of the Chinese-speaking world. Discussions conducted in Mandarin Chinese to increase the student’s level of fluency. May be used to satisfy general education or BA distribution requirements, but not both. Graded ABCDN.
  • CHN 221/321 - Chinese Study Abroad.

    At least CHN 112  or placement; concentration in Mandarin Chinese. (3-8).

    Intensive study of Mandarin Chinese language, literature and/or culture through class work, conversation and travel conducted in an independent study abroad program. Credit is assigned at the 200 or 300 level, depending upon previous language experience and on-site placement. Up to eight credits of these courses may fulfill minor requirements. Does not satisfy the foreign language requirement.
  • CHN 310 - Understanding the Chinese-Speaking World.

    CHN 212 . (3) GS.

    Comprehensive look at China, the Chinese, and the Chinese-speaking world outside China. Short stories, essays, newspapers, magazines, slides and films dealing with all aspects of Chinese and Chinese-speaking societies’ culture, customs and values.
  • CIS 127 - Using a Unix Computer System.

    Familiarity with a computer system. (1).

    Introduction to the use of the Unix operating system on computing facilities at the University of Michigan-Flint. Textual and graphical user interfaces with the Unix computer operating system. Also listed as CSC 127 .
  • CIS 128 - Introduction to Computer Information Systems I.

    (3) T.

    Introduction to fundamentals of computer hardware and software, and end-user computing in the form of hands-on experience with e-mail, the Internet, networks, word processing, spreadsheets, databases and presentation graphics.
  • CIS 150 - Computer Ethics.

    (1) S.

    Topics include computer crimes, reducing risks, privacy, freedom and ethics, security and reliability. Also listed as CSC 150 .
  • CIS 151 - Spreadsheet Software.

    Familiarity with a computer system. (2).

    Introductory and advanced features of a spreadsheet package such as Lotus 1-2-3, MS-Excel, or Borland Quattro. Also listed as CSC 151 .
  • CIS 152 - Database Management Software.

    Familiarity with a computer system. (2).

    Introductory and advanced features of a microcomputer-based database management package such as dBase IV, MS Access or Borland Paradox. Also listed as CSC 152 .
  • CIS 170 - COBOL Programming.

    Prior programming experience recommended. (3) T.

    Computer solutions to business problems. Use of a high-level language such as COBOL. Understanding algorithms, program construction, documentation, file processing, input-output systems, applications. Also listed as CSC 170 .
  • CIS 173 - Visual BASIC for Windows.

    Prior programming experience recommended. (3) T.

    Introduction to Visual BASIC for the Windows environment, including communication and/or sharing data with other Windows applications. Also listed as CSC 173 .
  • CIS 175 - Problem Solving and Programming I.

    CSC 122  or CSC 170 /CIS 170  or CSC 173 /CIS 173  with a grade of C (2.0) or better; or consent of instructor. (4) T.

    Introduction to problem solving and programming principles appropriate for scientific and technical applications. Development of step-wise refinement and program decomposition methods. Programming language concepts including iteration, selection, input-output protocols, arrays, structures and subprograms. Programming language used is C++. Also listed as CSC 175 .
  • CIS 230 - Introduction to Discrete Structures.

    MTH 118  or MTH 121 , with a grade of C (2.0) or better. (3).

    Sets, integers and modular arithmetic, propositional logic, induction, recurrence relations, permutations and combinations, relations and equivalence relations, functions and order of growth, trees and graphs. Also listed as CSC 230  and MTH 230 .
  • CIS 263 - Introduction to Web Design.

    CSC 121  competency or consent of instructor. (3) T.

    Creation of web pages using HTML, including formatting text, lists, tables, frames, forms, hyperlinks, pictures and image maps. Students create simple image objects to embed in a web page and learn to log onto a UNIX account, create files, directories and publish web pages to the Internet. Also listed as CSC 263 .
  • CIS 275 - Problem Solving and Programming II.

    CSC 175 /CIS 175  with a grade of C (2.0) or better; prior or concurrent election of MTH 118  or MTH 121 . (4).

    Intermediate problem solving and programming principles for scientific and technical applications. Emphasis on data abstraction and object-oriented program design, including design and implementation of classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and inter-object communication. Use of templates and operator overloading; use of data structures such as stacks, queues, and pointers in the implementation of algorithmic techniques including recursion, divide and conquer, and dynamic storage management. Also listed as CSC 275 .
  • CIS 276 - Problem Solving and Programming II in Java.

    CSC 175 /CIS 175  with a grade of C (2.0) or better; prior or concurrent election of MTH 118  or MTH 121 . (4).

    Intermediate problem-solving and programming principles for scientific and technical applications.  Emphasis on data abstraction and object-oriented program design, including design and implementation of classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and inter-object communication.  Use of templates and operator overloading; use of data structures such as stacks, queues and pointers in the implementation of algorithmic techniques including recursion, divide and conquer, and dynamic storage management.  Taught using the JAVA programming language. Also listed as CSC 276 .
  • CIS 291 - Supervised Study in Computer Information Systems.

    Consent of instructor. (1-3).

    Laboratory work or study of the literature on designated problems chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty supervisor. May be reelected to a total of 3 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 310 - Human Computer Interaction.

    CSC 275 /CIS 275  or CSC 276 /CIS 276 . (3).

    Design of applications to be deployed on the Web or on mobile devices.  Design implementation and evaluation of effective and usable graphical computer interfaces; description and application core theories, models and methodologies from the field of HCI; implementation of graphical user interfaces using Visual Basic, Java Swing and/or C++ based GUI builder, such as GTK+ based on students’ individual interests. Also listed as CSC 310 .
  • CIS 314 - Cyberethics

    CIS 128  or CSC 151 /CIS 151  or CSC 152 /CIS 152 ; or consent of instructor. (3) H.

    Historical, theoretical and practical components of ethics, with focus on applicability to information technology.  Helps the individual to develop ability to assess origins and consequences of ethical constructs, gain deeper understanding of self, and grow academically and professionally.
  • CIS 315 - Middleware for Enterprise Architectures.

    CSC 275 /CIS 275  or CSC 276 /CIS 276 . (3)

    Advanced programming concepts in object-oriented system design focusing on object communications and middleware.  Object communications studied through standard component execution environments, including CORBA, .NET, and Java (enterprise beans and RMI).  May include other technologies for Web-based object services such as SOAP. Also listed as CSC 315 .
  • CIS 335 - Telecommunication and Computer Networks.

    CSC 275 /CIS 275  or CSC 276 /CIS 276  with a grade of C (2.0) or better. (3).

    Practical introduction to concepts necessary for understanding of computer networking. Topics include routing/switching devices, distributed vs. centralized LANs and WANs, software protocols, network topologies, common standards for hardware and software, data encoding of multimedia, and cost/benefit analysis. Topics are presented within the context of the basic installation, configuration and management of computer networking equipment. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 363 - Advanced Web Application Programming.

    CSC 263 /CIS 263 ; CSC 275 /CIS 275  or CSC 276 /CIS 276 . (3).

    Advanced Web programming and systems development.  Advanced website content development using technologies such as XHTML, client side and server side scripting, Javascript, Action Script (Flash), PHP, Java Applets, Ajax and Web Services.  Data communication using languages such as XML, SOAP messages, languages for accessing databases. Also listed as CSC 363 .
  • CIS 365 - Information Technology Hardware and Software.

    CSC 275 /CIS 275  or CSC 276 /CIS 276  with a grade of C (2.0) or better. (3).

    Review of control and interaction of computer hardware and software within the context of a computer operating system. Topics include the CPU, memory architecture and addressing, instruction sets, peripheral devices, and their interaction and control within an operating system, including operating system modules, process management, memory and file system management, and interrupt processing. Concepts reinforced through multiple examples of uniprocessor and multiprocessor architectures and operating systems, as well as installation and configuration of basic multiuser operating systems.
  • CIS 375 - Data Structures and Algorithms.

    CSC 275 /CIS 275  or CSC 276 /CIS 276  with a grade of C (2.0) or better; CSC 230 /CIS 230 /MTH 230 . (3).

    The data structure as an abstract data type, including fundamental data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and hashes. Algorithmic design techniques and their relationship to the choice of data structure. Development of mathematical analysis and proof techniques in the context of complexity analysis of algorithms. Also listed as CSC 375 .
  • CIS 384 - Database Design.

    CSC 275 /CIS 275  or CSC 276 /CIS 276  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.  (3).

    Introduction to data and database, DBMS; database system concepts and architecture. ER model for high level conceptual database design; design issues. Relational model concepts; relational constraints and violations; ER-to relational mapping. SQL*Plus environment; creation and modification of relations, DDL queries, data management and retrieval. PL/SQL overview. Functional dependencies; normal forms. ORACLE; basic structure, database structure and manipulation, storage organization. Also listed as CSC 384 .
  • CIS 391 - Independent Study.

    Consent of instructor. (1-3).

    Laboratory study or study of current literature on a special problem. May be reelected to a total of 3 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 410 - System Analysis and Design.

    BUS 381 CSC 382 CSC 384 /CIS 384 , each with a grade of C (2.0) or better. (3).

    Introduction to basic concepts of system analysis and design with emphasis on gathering of business requirements, enterprise frameworks, and organizational considerations of systems building and software projects. Topics include determination of business requirements, analysis and design constraints, and software acquisition and evaluation, and group-based large-scale project development.
  • CIS 420 - System Design and Implementation.

    CIS 410 . (3) CAP.

    Large-scale software development in the context of the system development life cycle. Topics include application design and testing, quality assurance, software engineering and reverse engineering, and post-implementation activities such as user training, system maintenance, and post-implementation review. Course topics reinforced through projects involving client-server programming in a business environment. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 425 - Wireless and Mobile Computing.

    CSC 275 /CIS 275  or CSC 276  /CIS 276   and CSC 335  or CIS 335 . (3).

    Overview of the history, evolution and compatibility of wireless, cellular and pervasive standards and protocols.  Mobility management, mobile Internet protocol, wireless local area networks, software support for mobile and wireless standards, the role of middleware, performance issues.  Emerging technologies and mobile operating systems.  Security issues of mobile computing will be an important component.  Android and/or iPhone will be used to develop basic software for smartphones. Also listed as CSC 425 .
  • CIS 479 - Web and Mobile Information Systems Design Project

    CSC 363  / CIS 363  or CSC 425  / CIS 425  ; senior standing. (3) CAP.

    Advanced studies in Web and mobile information systems development techniques, with emphasis on oral and written presentation of completed projects.  Semester-long project of high complexity with emphasis on formal specification, modeling and development of a computer game.
  • CIS 494 - Off Campus Study Preparation.

    HON 155  or HON 355 ; consent of program advisor and Honors Director. (1-3).

    Independent study designed for the development of the Honors Program off-campus study proposal carried out in close consultation with both the program advisor and the Honors Director. Involves development of the project and/or necessary skills to undertake the off-campus study experience. Grade assigned by the program advisor when the off-campus study proposal is completed to the satisfaction of the program advisor and the Honors Director. May be reelected to a total of 3 credits. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 495 - Honors Thesis I.

    Consent of the Honors Director or his/her designate.  Open only to Honors Program students in Computer Information Systems. (4).

    Credit and grade are not given until successful completion of CIS 496 . Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 496 - Honors Thesis II.

    Consent of the Honors Director or his/her designate; prior or concurrent election of CIS 495 .  Open only to Honors Program students in Computer Information Systems. (4).

    Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 510 - Information Systems.

    Admission to the MS in CSIS program. (3).

    Information systems role in transforming organizations and industries. The firm in its environment; the systems approach. Strategic planning and issues; information resource management. Case studies; AIS and MIS. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 520 - Knowledge Management in Information Systems.

    Admission to the MS in CSIS program. (3).

    Unique issues of the knowledge management system, a particular type of information system. Exploration of concepts and definitions of knowledge itself, background, analysis, design and implementation. Particular considerations of system background and use within the organization; use of the system as an agent of organizational change and a strategic  tool. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 525 - Wireless and Mobile Computing.

    Admission to the MS in CSIS program. (3).

    Overview of the history, evolution and compatibility of wireless, cellular and pervasive standards and protocols.  Mobility management, mobile Internet protocol, wireless local area networks, software support for mobile and wireless standards, the role of middleware, performance issues.  Emerging technologies and mobile operating systems.  Security issues of mobile computing will be an important component.  Android and/or iPhone will be used to develop basic software for smartphones.  Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 530 - Information Storage and Retrieval.

    Admission to the MS in CSIS program. (3).

    Concepts, principles, issues and techniques for managing data resources. Query structure and matching process. Retrieval effectiveness. Document access and output presentation. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 531 - Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence.

    Admission to the MS in CSIS program. (3).

    Examination of how data and data warehouses are used in organizations to gain competitive advantage. Students explore the concepts of data quality, metadata, multidimensional data structures, and the data warehouse life cycle. Focus on software applications and techniques utilized for data warehousing, business intelligence and data analytics needed to accomplish this. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 550 - Decision Support Systems.

    Admission to the MS in CSIS program. (3).

    Decision making and available support. Evolution of computerized decision aids. Decision making models and systems; decision support systems. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 591 - Independent Graduate Study in Information Systems.

    Consent of instructor. (3).

    Independent work with guidance by faculty advisor of choice on a research project related to an Information Systems problem. Not open to students electing Thesis Option. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 592 - Special Topics in Information Systems.

    Admission to the MS in CSIS program. (3).

    Topics of interest in computer information systems not offered on a regular basis, announced in the course schedule. Various offerings may treat different topics. May be reelected for credit; each election must emphasize a different topic. Graded ABCDE/Y.
  • CIS 595 - Master’s Thesis I.

    Consent of instructor. (3).

    Advanced topics of particular interest to the student chosen in cooperation with the thesis advisor. Directed research under supervision of advisor, thesis document preparation, preparation for oral defense. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory/Y.
  • CIS 596 - Master’s Thesis II.

    Consent of instructor. (3).

    Continuation of thesis research. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory/Y.
  • COM 126 - Introduction to Digital Photography.

    Concentration in Art Education, Fine Art Studio, Visual Communication, or consent of instructor. (3) F.

    Introduction to technical and creative use of digital cameras and computer-aided imagery. Utilization of digital cameras, computers and sophisticated imaging software as a tool for individual expression. Also listed as ART 126  .
  • COM 140 - History of Graphic Design.

    (3) H.

    Chronological survey of graphic design through slide lectures. How graphic design responded to (and affected) international, social, political and technological developments since 1450. Emphasis on printed work from 1880 to present and its relationship to other visual arts and design disciplines. Also listed as ARH 140 .
  • COM 160 - Visual Communications Theory and Process.

    (3) F.

    Introduction to contemporary graphic design. Theory, professional practices, creative workflow, career paths, digital graphics hardware and software usage, copyright, ethics. Also listed as ART 160  and THE 160 .
  • COM 170 - Introduction to Digital Culture.

    (3) T.

    How communication technology influences culture, society, and our day-to-day lives, with special emphasis on the massive shift from analog to digital technologies in a variety of media contexts. Exploration of technologies such as the internet, digital film, and social media websites, and issues such as the intersection between society and technology, theories of representation, obsolescence, surveillance and privacy, and how past communication technologies have shaped new and emerging media.
  • COM 200 - Introduction to Human Communication.

    (3) S.

    Introduction to the discipline of Human Communication, touching on all skills and objectives of the Communication Program.  Students gain tools needed to become competent communicators and to critically evaluate the communication messages of others.
  • COM 201 - Audio Production.

    (Formerly COM 341). COM 200  or COM 204 /THE 204  or COM 210 /THE 210  ; or consent of instructor. (3) T.

    Fundamental theories of audio and audio program production, including basics of digital audio, studio and remote recording; demonstration of the importance of sound in electronic media and how its use affects media productions.  Through application of audio concepts in the radio laboratory and critiques of radio projects and programs, students gain requisite skills to successfully design and execute audio strategies for media. Also listed as ART 200 .
  • COM 202 - Video Production.

    (Formerly COM 342). COM 200  or COM 204 /THE 204  or COM 210 /THE 210  ; or consent of instructor. (3) T.

    Principles and practices of planning, producing and directing video productions, including the basics of digital video and studio and remote filming.  Focus on how video production and its use influence media productions. Also listed as ART 202 .
  • COM 203 - Video Editing.

    (3) T.

    Post-production video editing, including video capture, timeline basics, transitions, trimming, audio basics, creating effects, and texts.  Students learn to use the latest industry-standard editing software as they work on the post production phase of a video/film project. Also listed as ART 203 .
  • COM 204 - Argumentation and Debate.

    (3) H.

    Basic instruction in public argumentation and debate.  Students develop research skills and learn to construct and deconstruct arguments.  Includes participation in debates. Also listed as THE 204 .
  • COM 206 - Great Speeches.


    Survey of great speeches throughout history. Students learn who the orators were and why their speeches made a difference, gaining appreciation for the power of the spoken word.
  • COM 210 - Introduction to Public Speaking.

    (3) H.

    Students prepare and deliver public speeches, developing skills of organization, research and delivery while engaging important public issues. Students develop appreciation for ethical methods to approach diverse audiences and become more comfortable speaking in public and better equipped to use speech as a tool to execute change. Also listed as THE 210 .
  • COM 213 - Oral Interpretation of Literature.

    (3) F.

    Oral communication of prose and poetry. Analysis of texts, methods of meeting problems inherent in their presentation, group and individual reading before the class, criticism, and possible public performance. Also listed as THE 213 .
  • COM 215 - Photography Survey.

    ENG 112  or EHS 120  . (3) H.

    Discussion of the history, aesthetics, and uses of photography. Introduction to black and white photographic processes. Also listed as ARH 215  .
  • COM 225 - News Writing.

    ENG 112  or EHS 120  . (3) H.

    Introduction to news gathering and writing, including news values and judgment, sourcing, interviewing, beats, use of numbers and data, and story construction. Presentation of news across multiple media platforms. Discussion of legal and ethical principles. Stress on drill and practice in writing on deadline. Also listed as JRN 225  .

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